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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 21

“Zhao Yu, I’m too lazy to think with you today, this disciple is a member of my Demon Sect, and it should be handled by my Demon Sect, you better not interfere!”

Changli frowned and drank, if it weren’t for the fact that the strange stone in Ye Jun’s hand was the same as some kind of strange thing he knew, he wouldn’t bother to chase and kill Ye Jun.

Now he met his old rival Zhao Yu again, which made him even more unhappy in his heart.

“Huh! Brother, I naturally want to give you face, but this person steals my treasures, and you should always return them to me!” “

Zhao Yu said with a smile.

“What a joke! What treasure can he steal from you?! “

Although Ye Jun’s strength was not weak, Fang Cai had been seriously injured by them, and he had to run for his life.

When you encounter a righteous path monk, it’s too late to hide, how can you still have the mind to steal his treasures?

This Zhao Yu is embarrassing him!

“Hehe, what I said is true, I don’t believe you look at his hands, that is the treasure he stole from my hands!”

Changli glanced at Ye Jun, and saw that at this moment, Ye Jun was only holding the strange stone he saw earlier!

“Zhao Yu, don’t you want to talk nonsense here, that’s the treasure of my Demon Sect!”

Changli scolded angrily, this Zhao Yu really said nonsense with his eyes open, his face was thick and iron-like!


But at this moment, Zhao Yu laughed abruptly, shaking his head and looking at Changli and the others with disdain.

Just when the people on both sides were confused, I saw him speak: “Changli, don’t you pretend to be here, don’t you still do it for this stone?” “

Zhao Yu said bluntly, his vision is also not low, this stone is very similar to a strange thing in his memory, and it is precisely because of this that he has raised his covetous heart.

“Senior Brother, is there something special about that stone?”

Next to Zhao Yu, a female disciple asked, although she was also attracted by this stone, she did not have the vision of Zhao Yu and the two, and she did not know much about this stone.

Zhao Yu frowned, then glanced at Changli again, rolled his eyes, and said with a smile: “Junior sister doesn’t know something, this thing is likely to be a strange thing I know, the spirit fetus!” “

“If you can refine it, you can refine it into an external incarnation, and have exactly the same strength as yourself, and its strength can increase as the strength of the Buddha-figure increases!”

“Even among the many Great Sect Holy Lands in the Southern Region, it is rare, and perhaps only the inheritors of the Great Sect Holy Lands can obtain it!”

Zhao Yu did not pay any attention to the ugly look of Changli, and said the purpose of this spirit fetus.

“Senior Brother, is what he said true?”

Leaving his side, a Demon Sect disciple asked.

Changli’s face turned dark, and when he gathered these Demon Sect disciples, he only said that Ye Jun had stolen his treasures, and as long as he took them back, he would give them a reward.

But now, the matter of the spirit fetus has been leaked, these disciples obviously cannot resist the temptation, and his small alliance is actually invincible because of this!

“Huh! Zhao Yu, what are you happy about, isn’t it the same on your own side?! “

Changli said viciously, although Zhao Yu let the disciples on his side raise two hearts, but he himself, it was no better, who could resist the temptation of the spirit fetus?

Zhao Yu smiled and said nothing, indeed, these junior brothers and sisters of his also coveted the spirit fetus, but this is exactly the result he wants to get, with his secret design, as long as the two sides fight, he will be the ultimate beneficiary!


At this moment, Ye Jun, who was lying on the ground, covered his head with one hand and supported his body with the other hand and sat up.

“Ahhh… What’s the noise…”

The hoarse voice reached everyone’s ears, indifferent, cold, without emotion, and even more with a trace of killing intent!

His eyes were as dark as ink at the moment, without a bit of brilliance or life.

Numb and ruthless, anyone who sees that pair of eyes will not unconsciously tremble!

“Heh, it turned out to be Senior Brother Changli, I didn’t expect you to catch up so quickly.”

Ye Jun grinned, like a fierce beast staring at its prey, his eyes glowing with blood!

“It’s really painful to say, if it weren’t for the spiritual will, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to hold on to it a long time ago…”

Ye Jun pressed the scars on his body with his hand and said with a terrifying smile.

“Ye Jun, don’t think it’s useful to pretend to be a ghost here, you can’t escape today!”

Changli frowned, Ye Jun seemed to have changed his personality, his body exuded evil aura, and his glasses were even more like a demon king, which made him a little afraid!

“Huh… Hahaha… Escape? Why should I run away? “

Ye Jun’s voice, like the head of the nine ghosts, sounded in their hearts.

“That said… Senior Brother, do you think that people can be killed in the Void God Realm? Really kill! “

Ye Jun asked without a clue, whether it was Chang Li, Chaoyu or other disciples, it was a little strange at this moment.

Can the Void God Realm kill people? Naturally, it can, but it is not a real death, but the spiritual will will be severely damaged, even if it is killed by a supreme figure like the bird master, it is not really dead.

Although according to the news heard these days, there were also magic weapons specially used in the Void God Realm in ancient times to completely destroy the spiritual will, but that was only hearsay, and no one had ever seen it!

“Hey, hey… Let me tell you, actually, there are such means! “

In Ye Jun’s eyes, a blood light flashed, evil, demonic, and full of murderous intent!

The next moment, a black qi rose up from his body, and after a long distance, he still felt cold and piercing!

Ye Jun stepped forward, and an ice mark condensed in a blink of an eye, and the yin and yang seemed to turn into a rune.

And Ye Jun’s figure also escaped in an instant at this moment!

Long Li’s back suddenly cooled, as if countless ice thorns had pierced into it.

Without the slightest hesitation, Changli immediately pulled up a Demon Sect disciple beside him, turned his body, and used him as a shield.


A faint voice came, Changli stood behind this disciple, and saw a white hand piercing his chest, and in his hand, a heart was still beating “plopping”!


Another voice came, and this disciple’s heart was actually dug out by Ye Jun and held in his hand.

“Huh! Senior Brother reacted really quickly! “


Saying that, he suddenly pinched the heart in his hand and turned into fragments in the sky, and this disciple’s body gradually dissipated and was about to disperse, and his eyes were still full of hatred for Changli and Ye Jun.

This hatred he wrote down, sooner or later he will repay it!

But at this moment, Ye Jun grabbed both hands, and those fragments that were about to dissipate in all directions actually gathered together again, turning into a black bead in Ye Jun’s hand!


I saw Ye Jun throw this bead into his mouth, click it, this bead was crushed by him, the sound of clicking and clicking was endless, and it didn’t take long for him to swallow it!

“Senior Brother Changli, guess, is he still alive?”

Ye Jun’s voice sounded again, and at this moment, Changli and the others only felt an infinite chill, as if there was a sharp knife that ripped them alive!

Even Zhao Yu and his party on the other side were chilled in their hearts!

The next moment, before they could react, Ye Jun’s figure was like a ghost, erratic, and his hands were like two divine knives, harvesting life again and again.

But those spiritual wills that were about to be broken did not completely dissipate, but all of them gathered on Ye Jun’s side, turning into a ball, pitch black as ink, ominous but full of life!

Just waiting for Ye Jun to make a casual move, this black mist-like existence turned into a much larger black bead just like before.

It was swallowed by Ye Junshengsheng!

Along with this, the aura on Ye Jun’s body skyrocketed, as if breaking through!

“Senior brother, guess they are still alive?!”

With a weird smile, Ye Jun looked at Changli, his eyes were glowing with blood that could not be rushed, and the murderous intent was pervasive!

PS: I hang out with friends these days, so there are fewer every day, and I will return to the normal update speed after going back tomorrow, try to make up for the debt in these days, please forgive me!


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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