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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 23

“Demon God!”

What appeared in front of him were two frightening names, during this time, there were many people with the word “God” in the title, each of them was not a weak person, and this dared to call the “Demon God”, presumably there must be something outstanding.

“The heart demon is incarnated, the killing is unmatched, and the number of killed creatures is the largest in the initial land!”

The next moment, a scene emerged, a blood-stained figure, strange and inexplicable, although the figure could not be seen, but it made people feel extremely evil.

The black mist was faintly shrouded, and the hands were like two sharp claws, ruthlessly depriving life.

But the strangest thing was that the cultivators who were killed by him turned their spiritual will into beads, swallowed by him, and turned into nutrients!

“What does that mean? What is the maximum number of creatures killed in the initial land? “

“Some time ago, the Prince of the Ancient Kingdom of Yunzhang fought alone against a hundred people, crushed the spiritual will of a hundred people, and did not set a record, why can this person set a record by solving thirty or forty people?!”

“Could it be that the Void God Realm can also be a fraud?!”

“It’s not fair! Let’s go find the three Primordial Earth Spirits and ask them to give an explanation! “

“Yes, we must find it out today, otherwise how can we convince the public?”

“Guys, shouldn’t we be more concerned with higher fields now? This demon god is the thirtieth person! His appearance means that the higher realm has opened! “

“Yes, but we don’t seem to know how to get there, we still have to find those three!”


Ye Jun’s record caused a lot of controversy, and there were countless people who killed people in the Void God Realm, just like some time ago, the Prince of Yunzhang Ancient Kingdom wanted to set a record and fight alone against a hundred Spirit Casting Realms, but in the end they all failed.

They didn’t understand why this demon god could set a record by killing only thirty or forty people?

“Could it be, the ‘killing’ mentioned in the record monument is different from what we understand…”

“What the record tablet refers to is real killing, whether in the Void God Realm or in the present world…”

But soon, another voice came out, and some people speculated that the killing mentioned in the record tablet was the real killing of living beings, together with the Buddha-figures!

“Impossible, the Void God Realm is a world of spiritual will, how can someone really kill living beings here?”

“Yes, that ‘Demon God’ has not used any treasures, nor does it seem to have obtained ancient treasures!”

Many people retorted, they couldn’t believe that if someone mastered the method of killing living beings in the Void God Realm, this Void God Realm would no longer be a pure land of experience, and it would be full of crises.

Who wants to face a life and death crisis than to comfortably improve their cultivation?

However, soon there was news that a group of disciples from the Demon Sect and the Battle Hall had died in this world, and when they died, they were in the Void God Realm!

There were also two disciples who recognized the cultivators who were killed by the “Demon God”, indeed the same people who died in the current world, and the “Demon God”, who was also found to be wearing the Demon Sect costume, most likely a Demon Sect disciple!

For a time, I don’t know how many forces in the Southern Region pointed the spearhead at the Demon Sect, the disciples of the Demon Sect, and the saying of “heart demon incarnation”, all pointing to the Demon Sect!

Several forces gathered their power to force the Demon Sect to hand over the method that could kill people in the Void God Realm!

For this matter, the Demon Sect has a helplessness that cannot be washed by jumping into the Yellow River, and the “Demon God” is indeed wearing their Demon Sect costumes, but this does not mean that it is the people of their Demon Sect.

Besides, if his Demon Sect was such a divine technique, how could it be passed on to ordinary disciples? Isn’t it good to keep them these powerful cultivators?

However, this black cauldron, they couldn’t shake it off if they wanted to, and the entire Southern Region decided that this was the handiwork of their Demon Sect!


The storm of the Demon God swept through the initial land in only a moment, but at this moment, a message once again spread to the entire Void God Realm:

There is a great power to find the spirit of the original earth, and it costs a lot of money to learn that the higher realm has been opened!

Moreover, it is not only the innate realm that has been opened, the five major realms of Huaxuan, Jiedan, True Self, and Huashen have all been opened, as long as they can break the shackles of space, they can go to higher realms!

And those spatial shackles are all in the passage of the Void God Realm, as long as the strength reaches a certain level, it can directly reach the higher-level channel, and thus enter the higher-level realm.

At the same time, once a creature enters a higher-level realm, the Void God Realm will not limit the number of people who enter, and the shrouded range will also expand, completely enveloping the Cangwu Realm, and anywhere in the Cangwu Realm, it can enter the Void God Realm!

“Hey, shrouding the entire Cangwu Realm, doesn’t that mean that in the future, the Void God Realm will gather the entire Cangwu Realm cultivators!”

“It is very likely that by then, this place will definitely be the place where countless Tianjiao battles have been fought, and it is expected to reproduce the glory of the ancient and reproduce the supreme figure!”

“Yes, the Void God Realm will definitely become the center of the Cangwu Realm, and in the endless years to come, countless Tianjiao will come out here!”

Countless people sighed, they are witnessing an epic, they will witness the rise of countless Tianjiao!

“Look, it’s the God Son of the War Temple, he has entered the Void God Realm Passage!”

“Young Lord of the Luo Clan, Prince Yunzhang, Demon Sect Demon, Holy Daughter of the Purple Mansion, Demon of the Ancient Clan… They have all entered the passage, can they break the shackles and go to a higher level world?! “

“Sure enough, they are all top demons in the Southern Region!”

Soon, there was news that many Tianjiao figures had entered the passage of the Void God Realm, wanting to break the shackles and enter a higher-level realm.

In addition to them, there were also high-level and powerful forces of the major forces, who also went, but compared to the older generation of powerhouses, most cultivators paid more attention to those Tianjiao.

Because compared to those strong people, these Tianjiao are the most famous existences in the initial land, representing the top combat power of the young generation in the Southern Region!

In the passage of the Void God Realm, a vast qi machine crushed it, and then, a holy and immaculate passage shining with white light emerged, showing the mysteries compared to the initial dim passage.

One by one, the figures set foot in it and go to the higher level realm!



At this moment, the initial land suddenly burst out with a mighty force, sweeping the entire initial land, and the next moment, hundreds of thousands of miles of the Void God Realm, countless passages appeared at the edge, connecting to unknown areas.

More creatures are constantly being brought in….

Innate realm!

A passage broke through the void and connected to a suspended land, which was not large, thousands of miles around, only a lonely city stood up, the city wall was ancient, and it was impossible to distinguish the age.

But it was extremely strong, and ordinary innate cultivators could not even leave a trace on it.

“The aura here is so rich, far better than the original!”

“The realm is limited to the innate level, which means that this is the innate realm?”

“Innate City? Is this a city owned by the innate realm itself? “

“This also needs to be said, it must be, it is full of runes, I am afraid that it can easily suppress the innate cultivator!”

Don’t mess with the situation, first inquire about the situation! “

The first batch to enter the innate realm are all Tianjiao, as for those powerful and strong, they are all challenging the shackles of higher level space, the innate realm has the opportunity to see, at this moment they want to know what level of field they can reach.


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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