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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 3


A sound of footsteps came again from within the passage of the Void God Realm.

“Where is this?!”

“Who is it? I am the Young Pavilion Master of the Heavenly Pavilion, and I dare to take me captive here?!” “

“It’s funny that I can unknowingly bring this seat here…”

“Hey, this passage seems to be a pile of treasure bones!”

“It’s true, with so many treasure bones, even the ancient sect holy land is difficult to have such a foundation!”

“Strange, why is my realm only at the Spirit Casting level?”

“Me too, how is this possible?!”

“The place where gods and demons train troops, what are you kidding, gods and demons use the words of the world?! Hahaha! “

“Not bad, who the hell wants to tease me and wait!”

“I think someone wants to mislead us and make us dare not move, in fact, this is an ordinary secret realm, and the other party doesn’t know how to get us in!”



In a short moment, the initial passage was full of people, and a group of twenty or thirty people gathered here.

“The place where the gods and demons train their troops, it seems that more people will arrive here.”

Yue Yihuan also looked at this scene, she was already sure in her heart, after all, this is the place where gods and demons train troops, it is impossible to only bring her here, moreover, the passage of the virtual god realm is not only this place in front of her, but other regions, I am afraid that it is indispensable!

“Looking at their costumes, they are all from the Southern Regions…”

“Little girl, this seat sees that you arrived here first, do you know something?”

Just as Yue Yihuan was thinking in his heart, a pale old man, with his hands on his back and a kind smile on his face, said to Yue Yihuan.

Yue Yihuan raised his head and looked at the old man, “Senior, I have only been here for a short time, if you say that you understand, at most, I have only seen that stone tablet more than all of you.” “

Yue Yihuan pointed to the boundary monument at the entrance of the passage.

“The stone tablet?”

The old man frowned, he also looked at the stone tablet, but he didn’t believe it at all, just as the group of people said before, how could the place where gods and demons train their troops use the words of the world?

“Senior, in fact, that stone tablet was originally an ancient script, but a ghost light fell from it, shining on me, and the text immediately became the text of the world.”

Yue Yihuan explained that it was impossible for her to explore the extraordinary of the Void God Realm alone, and furthermore, her vision was limited, it was better to say it, maybe someone would know about this place.

“Are you saying that this stone tablet deduced the civilization of the world with your power?”

The old man was shocked, if this is really a place for gods and demons to train troops, then at least it is an ancient civilization, hundreds of thousands of years from now, and after hundreds of thousands of years, there is still the power to deduce the current civilization, then the existence of this place is not really a legendary god?

“You dare to guarantee that what you said is true?!”

But at this time, a young figure frowned, white clothes like snow, sound like ancient ice!

This is a young demon!

Yue Yihuan had no doubt that just the power of the Spirit Casting level could make her feel terrified, this person would definitely not be an ordinary person!


However, Yue Yihuan did not have the slightest fear, no matter how strong you are at the beginning, you can only exert your spirit-casting level combat power, if you really want to move, even if the power of the Holy Land comes, she is not afraid at all!


The young figure nodded proudly, and then walked to the side of the clearing, concentrating on his breath, layers of cold ice spread out from under his feet, and in the blink of an eye, it spread for tens of meters.

“This is … The exercises of the Wind and Snow Temple, could it be that this son is the demon of the Wind and Snow Temple? “

Beside Yue Yihuan, the old man said with some surprise.

The Wind and Snow Temple naturally knows, especially in the world, it is said that there is a wizard of the ages, and the wind and snow have reached the realm together, and they are invincible among the younger generation!

“Is he trying to set a record?”

There are many ways to verify the truth of what Yue Yihuan said, but the simplest is to set a record!

However, Yue Yihuan couldn’t help but smile bitterly, compared with the ancient demons, they may not be able to create ah.


But at this time, a snowstorm swept out, covering the sky, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of meters were frozen, and the icy and piercing frost drifted down, as if even the air was about to freeze!


The young man in white frowned, he had used all the power that the Spirit Casting level could exert, but even so, the so-called record monument had not yet appeared!

“Are you lying to me?”

He is absolutely confident in himself, confident that his peers are unmatched in the wind and snow, how can he not set a record?

“It’s not that I lied to you, but the Void God Realm has recorded those demons who have practiced in ancient times, you know, among those demons at the beginning, I am afraid that there are many descendants of gods, how can I easily compare?”

Yue Yihuan shook her head and explained that if there were no descendants of gods and demons in the gods and demons training ground, she would not believe anything, but in this way, it would be more difficult to set a record.

“Perhaps, you can only try…”

Yue Yihuan made up his mind in his heart, and immediately walked towards the depths of the Void God Realm.

“Where are you going?”

The old man who followed Yue Yihuan asked with a smile.

“Senior, I plan to explore this place, and there will be no results if I have been guarding the passage, it is better to take the initiative to explore, anyway, this place can only exert the power of casting spirits, and there is no need to fear anything.”

Yue Yihuan patiently explained, the old man in front of him has seen all the extraordinary things, and he is a great character in the outside, whether he can offend or not.

“That’s fine, then you go.”

The old man said with a smile.

“Yes, seniors leave…”

Yue Yihuan said politely, and then quickly left, she went here to verify her own methods, and it involved her secrets, whether she could let people know, it was best not to let people know.


After running for thousands of miles, Yue Yihuan finally stopped, found a mountain col, and began to prepare her plan.

“Since ordinary methods can’t set records, let’s do it in the most special way!”

The words in her heart fell, and Yue Xian held the moon in her hands, her expression solemn, and the cold moonlight shrouded her body, like a thin layer of light gauze, wrapping her.

At this moment, she seemed to be the ancient moon god in the dust, shining brightly and surging.

“Luna Technique!”

The cold moonlight, all over the world, a snow-white, time seems to stand still, only a bright moon, hanging behind the moon, shining on the heavens and the earth.

This is the divine technique that came with her former divine bones, the space shrouded by moonlight, all matter and living beings will be condensed, unable to move, only she can do it.

Of course, how long it can be fixed, this is also related to her and the other party’s own strength, but no matter what, this is definitely a peerless divine art!

Although her divine bone was taken away, there was still some of the origin, and at that time, the Lunar God Art had already been comprehended and remembered by her, and she had been cultivating all the time for many years, although she could not exert her true power, but its power was not comparable to ordinary divine power.


At the moment when the Moon God Technique dissipated, a vast will enveloped the entire Void God Realm, and an ancient stone tablet appeared in front of everyone’s eyes!

“What is this?!!?”

“Record monument?! Who set the record?! “

“Hurry up and find it!”

In just an instant, those creatures who had just entered the Void God Realm reacted, which was obviously the same as the record monument recorded on the boundary monument, there was only one possibility, someone had set a record!

May Day reading is happy! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: April 29 to May 3)


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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