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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 34

The Immortal Pagoda and the Demon Sound collide constantly in the ring, and the Dao sound is rolling and endless.


Under the nine ghosts, the demon sound came, devouring the soul, Ye Jun’s eyes were red, and his body exuded a rich blood qi, which was fused with the demon qi, and it was even more terrifying.

“This will be a great devil…”

Tianling was surprised in his heart, Ye Jun’s qi machine had climbed to the extreme peak, enough to overlook the innate realm, and truly reached the limit of this realm!

“But that’s fine!”

Tianling’s eyes flashed, the battle intent boiled, and an illusory fairy stepped out of the air, wanting to fight in all directions.

At the same time, on Ye Jun’s body, a demon god crawled out of hell and stood between heaven and earth, fierce and powerful!

“Supreme Battle!”

The Holy Son’s eyes flashed with divine light, and a trace of battle intent overflowed, a realm supreme is rare, even in the Heavenly Death Realm, several supreme-level demons will not easily make a move, let alone a life and death decisive battle!

At this moment, although it was only a battle of innate-level supremes, it also made a trace of battle intent rise in the heart of the Holy Son!

The wind and clouds change, the yin and yang are reversed, light and darkness fill the world, the blood of the gods shines in the sky, and the power of the demon king overwhelms the world!

The two qi machines entangled with each other, tearing the firmament, stirring the wind and clouds, and thunder and fire struck overwhelmingly!

“This… What is it? Is this an innate combat power? “

“How is that possible?! Even Huaxuan may not be able to burst out with such power! “

“However, this is the innate realm of the Void God Realm, and it is impossible to use power beyond the innate!”

“Could it be… They reached that state?!! “

“What realm?”

“One realm… Supreme!! “

Ye Jun and Tianling’s strength was beyond everyone’s imagination, this was no longer the extent that innate could be reached, they speculated that Ye Jun and Tianling had both entered another level, surpassing all cultivators in the same realm, and reached the realm of the supreme realm.

“This is … Innate Supreme Battle?!! “

Countless people were shocked, the terrifying to the extreme, brilliant to the extreme, shocked their hearts, this kind of power, can it really be innate?

And those Tianjiao, one by one, their hearts are both horror and longing, they are equally eager to go to that step, the same desire to achieve the myth of invincibility!

“The Great World… turned on…”

Some old cultivators sighed lightly, in this era, there is a realm supreme, or two coexist, what is about to bring is countless demon conquests, is countless Tianjiao together!


It was at this time that a brilliant divine light erupted in the Innate City, reaching straight to the sky, and Kunpeng could be seen spreading its wings and traveling through the eight wildernesses; You can see the true phoenix across the sky, burning the sky and boiling the sea; You can see the Supreme fighting alone, striking through the ages….

Many cultivators looked at it one after another, it was as bright as a sea of stars, immeasurable divine light was overwhelming, and the laws of treasure art were scattered into dust!

“What is that?!!?”

“It’s too brilliant, even surpassing the two One Realm Supremes!”

“That was… The monument of that person! That Innate Supreme Monument! “

“What?!! How can it recover?!! “

At the end of the divine light, an ancient monument stands for eternity, star-like light erupts from it, that carved figure, carrying his hands, a round of divine rings behind him, the whole body is like a pure land, the gods are inviolable, and the demon king cannot be violated.

The power of Gaidai, invincible!!

“How could he recover?!”

The Lord of the Profound Palace was horrified, he had also heard of the horror of this existence, even if it was a peerless Tianjiao, it was killed by one of his fingers!

It is also known as “the only and congenital supreme”!

Why did he appear at this moment, obviously no one activated the power of that stone stele!

“The supreme qi machines are intertwined, lonely and eternal, how can they not fight?!”

The voice of the Holy Son was like thunder, and the fighting intent of his body was also furious, sweeping the heavens and the earth.

“Another ?!! How can there be an innate supreme level?! “

The Holy Son’s qi machine suddenly exploded in the void, and the battle intent was soaring, pointing directly at that innate supreme!

“Boom! Boom! Boom! “

The sound of footsteps stepping on the void gradually came, hitting the heart, and the figure carrying the divine ring also gradually changed, the endless light gradually dissipated, and only the cold brilliance of the divine ring shrouded his body.

He walked out of the stone stele, and he walked into the present world from eternity ago.

Bright eyes and teeth, every strand of hair has a divine light, although he looks only seven or eight years old, his body is terrifying to the extreme.

Even if it is far away, it is still like a man’s back!


His body fell violently on the ring, and the entire ring instantly dented, and spiderweb-like cracks spread all over and extended out.


At this moment, another figure appeared, shrouded in divine brilliance, slender figure, and big stars in his eyes, although he could not see his true appearance, but his power was not to be underestimated.

“Another one?”

Ye Jun frowned, the appearance of this innate supreme was already beyond their expectations, and now, another statue appeared, and he didn’t know how it would end in the end.

“You two back off for the time being, I’m going to fight him!”

The Holy Son’s voice was cold and emotionless, in his eyes, although Tianling and Ye Jun had entered the Supreme Level of the First Realm, they were only new to this realm after all, and they were far from him, although there was a threat, but it was still not a concern.

After all, their own realm perception is too big, and the gap between innate and avatar gods is beyond imagination!

But this innate supreme in front of him is different, a peerless demon before eternity, and he is even more respected as the only innate supreme of eternity by at least a god king-level powerhouse, and he also wants to see the combat power of this peerless existence!

“Huh! He appeared because of the two of us, and you said get out of the way and we’re going to get out of the way? “

Ye Jun mocked, this person is indeed extraordinary, faintly giving him a lot of oppression, you must know that he has now entered the innate supreme level, even Tianling, can no longer make him feel oppressed.

But this one in front of him made him feel this way, there is no doubt that this one has walked a long distance in the innate supreme-level realm!

But even so, as a Realm Supreme, how could he be afraid?

It’s nothing more than a war!

“Yes, I want to try the power of this legendary existence in Xiaye!”

Tianling also never regressed, before Ye Jun appeared, he was lonely in the congenital realm, looking at the sky, only he reached the supreme realm of one realm, surpassing all living beings, and walking in the forefront.

He groped forward in the realm of the supreme realm, there was no one who walked side by side, and today he finally met a few, among which there was a worldly existence, how could he not be moved, how could the fighting spirit dissipate?

The Holy Son frowned, and was about to speak again.

Suddenly, I heard a thunderous sound, and a foxy head, wrapped in endless thunder light, was overwhelming.


Foxy roar, lightning and thunder, purple-gold thunder bombardment, rubble splashing, scattered all over the sky!




Three voices, one brilliant as a god, one ethereal as a fairy, and one terrifying as a demon.

Along with it, three domineering and peerless forces bombarded the nine heavens, shattering the void, and under one blow, heaven and earth trembled.


The foxy roared, the sound and power crossed the heavens and the earth, the purple-gold thunder man touched and died, pressing down from the high cover, in the blink of an eye, the entire ring was smashed and turned into dust!

Countless cultivators were shocked, terrified by the combat power of the Supreme of the First Realm, and even more shocked by the Innate Supreme who had one enemy and three, and even had the upper hand!


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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