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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 36

Ara stood quietly in place, looking up at the firmament, without uttering a word or making further movements.

Yu Xingkong’s physical body is broken, but this is the world of spiritual will, as long as his consciousness remains, his body will not be shattered, he really did not expect that as one of the leading figures of the Heavenly Death Realm, he would be hit hard by a punch!

“That kind of law…”

Especially when he thought of the terrifying Kunpeng shadow in Arashi’s punch, his heart was even more terrified.

That is no longer like the law of humanity, and the extreme realm of humanity beyond it has reached the level of that legend.

“It’s a pity that I couldn’t fight you in full condition!”

He can only exert innate-level combat power, which means that he has many holy arts that he cannot use and cannot fight to the fullest.

But losing is losing, Yu Xingkong is not a person who can’t afford to lose, not to mention, in this battle, he also saw his flaws in the innate realm, and before ascending to the realm of gods, he is expected to make up for it!

Compared to him, Ye Jun and Tianling’s situation was even more miserable, they had not gone far in the Supreme Realm Realm, but they had encountered an invincible famine in this field.

The flesh was shattered, even the consciousness was almost collapsed, and the two supreme levels could not even take each other’s punches and palms, and they were directly hit hard.

“Where exactly has he come in this field?”

Tianling spat blood in his mouth, but he kept guessing in his heart that this level was too terrifying and invincible, how could this be the combat power that the innate level could achieve?

Suppressing the Supreme of the First Realm, this kind of thing has never been heard of in eternity!


Ye Jun silently said in his heart, this name, as if it had magical power, attracted everyone’s hearts.

“This kind of existence is really desirable.”

Yue Yihuan’s eyes showed longing, most of the identities of the barren knew that they had been taken away from the Supreme Bone when they were young, and they were more miserable than her, but they had reached this level of cultivation when they were congenital…

“I wonder who is stronger or weaker between him and the lord of the Divine Mansion?”

Gu Ning stroked the sword body, he remembered the existence mentioned by the black old cow, it was also beyond the river of time, the existence of the past and the future, in the innate time, who would be better?

Everyone has their own thoughts in their hearts, but there is all a reverence and admiration for the wasteland, which is an existence that no one can reach at the innate level!

It wasn’t until the figure of Ara turned into a streamer again and returned to the stone tablet that everyone’s hearts calmed down a little.


“So, how does this decisive battle count?”

At this time, someone came back to their senses, and what they were concerned about should not be the wilderness, but the battle for this innate realm, the decisive battle between Ye Jun and Tianling!

“What other decisive battle? Those two were suppressed, their bodies were shattered, and they couldn’t be better if they returned to this world without raising them for a while! “

“Alas, who knew that one was so terrifying? It’s not an opponent at all…”

“Who said no, don’t give a way to live at all, I feel that even if we all go together, we will still have to be suppressed by him in the end!”

“How can there be such a powerful innate being in this world? How desperate should it have been to belong to the same era as this person all eternally ago? “

“Isn’t there another heavy pupil? Why is there no news of him in the innate field? “

“Cut! Seeing the peerless combat power of the wasteland, do you think the heavy pupil can be stronger than him? Are you kidding! “

“But the person with heavy pupils can be ranked second by the Void God Realm Record Monument, how can it be bad?”

“That is, he is innately invincible, but it does not mean that he is invincible in every realm! Maybe the next realm heavy pupil is stronger than him! “

In the end, the matter of the battle can only be understood in a hurry, and the Tiange and the scattered cultivators did not say much, after all, no one can stop this kind of thing, in this innate field, they can only exert their innate strength, and they can’t even count as dishes when they go up.

Not to mention stopping the wilderness, being able to not be crushed under his punch is all powerful.

In the end, they decided to name the side selected as the reward for the decisive battle as the Supreme Blessed Land, which does not belong to any of the forces, but if they want to enter it, they must at least reach the Tianjiao level!

Although the gap between the blessed land is not large, as a decisive battle reward, it is naturally the best, and now it is known as the “Supreme Blessed Land”, which not only represents the blessed land, but also represents glory, and it is a privilege to enter it!


“It’s really terrifying, the entire Innate City was almost demolished…”

“Who said it wasn’t, fortunately, those teleportation arrays were not destroyed, then it was an ancient teleportation array, if it was destroyed, the innate realm would be directly destroyed.”

“Yes, and this innate city is the hub of the innate realm, and it has to be repaired, otherwise this tattered appearance will be bad to look at…”

After the battle, it was the repair of the innate city, and it was fine before the decisive battle, but the changes caused by the decisive battle almost demolished the innate city, and the city walls were almost destroyed!

That is a city wall that ordinary innates can’t even leave a trace, and as a result, in the hands of the wasteland, it was directly destroyed a large area!

The streets were even more miserable, ruined, none of the main streets were intact, and the ground was sunken.

Fortunately, there was no problem with the teleportation array, otherwise the cultivators of the Cangwu Realm would not know where to cry.

Of course, they still have to be responsible for the work of repairing the Innate City to the end, and as for the real culprits, they are too lazy to deal with them now.

“It seems that there is already a gap between the changes in the Cangwu Realm on the side of the Heavenly Death Realm, which is really troublesome…”

Within the Void God Realm, Jiang Ling was a little helpless to the Yuxingkong that suddenly appeared, and his appearance represented that the Heavenly Death Realm had noticed the changes in the Cangwu Realm.

The Void God Realm must not be able to conceal, if the ordinary gods, then he is not afraid, but if a strong person at the level of the True God and God King makes a move, his Void God Realm will be difficult to protect.

“Plus in the past few days, there are already more than six billion qi luck values, but if you want to ensure the safety of the Void God Realm, it will cost at least billions of dollars, is it easy for me to save some money…”

Jiang Ling looked loveless, although he was not clear about the situation in the Heavenly Death Realm, it was definitely not to be underestimated, in case he really recruited the top powerhouse in the Heavenly Death Realm, his Void God Realm would definitely not be able to keep it.

After all, although the design is the spiritual world, it still needs to rely on the main world, and those peerless powers, if they can’t find the virtual god realm hidden under the Cangwu realm, they don’t believe it.

If it becomes the private property of some old monster, even if he can still reap luck from it, how much can he get?

Therefore, the Void God Realm must be retained, after all, there is no need to do anything, and hundreds of millions of qi luck values can be collected every day, isn’t it fragrant?

“What a hassle…”

Jiang Ling sighed lightly, can’t he hide behind the scenes and save money well? I had to force him out.

“Forget it, wait for a while, if there is really an upper realm powerhouse to kill, it can only improve the strength.”

“I was going to save enough luck to be directly invincible in the Upper Realm, but now it seems that there is little hope…”

Billions of qi luck value, it seems to be a lot, but if you create treasures that improve cultivation, it is already good to reach the god king level invincibility, and the higher the level, the more fields involved, it is likely that even the god king invincible can not reach it.


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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