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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 44

The tone is sonorous, and the hand is not slow at all!

Although Jiang Ling is young, at this moment, he has the spirit of swallowing mountains and rivers, and only I am respected in heaven and earth!

His black hair was fluttering, his eyes were like lightning, and the divine thoughts hidden in the secret did not dare to look at him squarely!


The next moment, Jiang Ling brazenly struck, needless to say, raised with one hand, and a divine light rushed up, like magma erupting from a volcano, illuminating the sky, and the power shook the chaotic void.


Immediately afterwards, he raised his hand and chopped down, as if wielding a heaven-opening knife, splitting chaos, the chaotic qi was cut open, the heaven and earth sank, the avenue roared, Qiankun exploded, and the void actually emitted a terrifying sound, like the howl of an ancient ghost!

The Star Pavilion Lord roared, he didn’t expect this being to be so decisive and not leave a little mercy!

But he was not afraid, rolled up billions of stars with a wave of his hand, strangled Zhu Yu with the two qi of yin and yang, and turned into a supreme divine gun, which can pierce ten thousand worlds and break through nothingness!


The rolling thunder exploded, the endless void suddenly shook, the two worlds of the Cangwu Realm and the Void God Realm also trembled, and countless creatures looked up at the sky, where there was a brilliant and terrifying light!

Like a great sun, shine on the world!

Countless big stars fell, exploded into thousands of fragments, turned into a rain of stars, pierced the sky dome, and smashed into the two worlds.

The top existences in the Cangwu Realm shot one after another, dissolving the residual power of the fragments, and pocketing them, this is the supreme treasure of refining, and they will not waste it.


With one punch, Wang Yang-like fluctuations erupted, and the divine radiance flooded the void in an instant, which was extremely terrifying and made people tremble!

In the Cangwu Realm, hundreds of millions of living beings fell to the ground with a puff, trembling and trembling, and the supreme coercion from the nine heavens was simply going to crush them all!

The light dissipated, and Jiang Ling faced off against the two powerhouses of the Star Pavilion Lord, and the peak aura was overwhelming.

“Daoist, why bother here? There is no malice in this seat! “

The Star Pavilion Lord explained that Jiang Ling’s strength was terrifying and unfathomable, and he was faintly suppressed under the two blows, which was incredible, he was the most peak powerhouse of the Heavenly Death God King!

“Find a fight!”

Jiang Ling’s reply was simple and sharp, without a trace of emotional fluctuations, the battle intent swept the void, like an invincible fairy sword out of its sheath, pressing people’s souls, his eyes burst with brilliance, the light and rain were vast, and they were endless.

With one punch, the sky shattered, and billions of stars trembled!

Dao patterns, gods, fairy lights, all kinds of things, tearing open the void, blasting through the chaos, the golden fist pierced through the universe of time, and killed with a bang!

The Lord of the Star Pavilion changes color, this punch is very terrifying, beyond imagination, there is an invincible power, it can open the world!

With a boom, above the head of the Star Pavilion Lord, chaotic mist gushes, billions of stars appear, and the Star Pavilion Lord sits in it, faintly flashing brilliance, and the star imprint flows.

Dao patterns flow, big stars rise and fall, billions of laws are like rain, endless holy light falls, opening up the heavens and the earth!

With a bang, it was as if a realm was shattered, and the fist was endless, shattering all things.

The galaxy was torn apart, the laws were shattered, and the power surpassed the eternal years!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Star Pavilion Lord retreated one after another in the void, shocking the world with one punch, and actually suppressed him and fell downwind!

However, Jiang Ling did not hesitate at all, stood up and walked forward in the void, swallowing the world, as if watching the long river of years, wanting to win the world and compete for the world!

The divine fist was pressed down again, and thousands of laws turned into a rain of light, pressing from the boundless universe.

The Star Pavilion Lord was shocked in his heart, but countless years of conquest made him react immediately, a glazed immortal tower, breaking through the void, descending endless nebulas, holding up a piece of heaven and earth, protecting the Star Pavilion Lord in it!

“Daoist! Stop quickly, I have no malice! “


The fist collided with the tower, the sound of chaos rumbled, the chaotic qi surging, covering all the rule power!

The Star Pavilion Lord was horrified in his heart, this figure seemed to have no emotion, as long as anyone threatened the Void God Realm, he would strike directly, without mercy!

However, he also had to admit Jiang Ling’s strength, so far in the battle, only four punches forced him to use the Star Pavilion Supreme Treasure, this kind of strength was enough to look down on the sages!

“Disturbing the order of the Void God Realm, be punished!”

Since the battle, this is the longest sentence that the Star Pavilion Lord has heard, which at least shows that this existence in front of him is not a dead thing!

However, this does not mean that Jiang Ling will stop, on the contrary, it means that Jiang Ling will go all out to achieve the purpose of “punishment” in his mouth!

The endless brilliance condensed, shining in the ten thousand worlds, even the countless creatures in the Cangwu realm, at this moment, it was as if they saw a peerless divine sword condensing!

This is a heaven-opening sword, but also a heaven-opening sword, Jiang Ling seems to have completely turned into a divine sword at this moment, and there is only this sword light in the void!

“Sky Collapse!”

Jiang Ling shouted loudly, and the immeasurable sword light cut through the firmament, like Pangu opening the heavens and the earth, showing the ultimate power, vast, endless.

This sword is Jiang Ling’s latest divine power, the peerless sword path known as the ultimate supreme, although it is only a form, it has reached the sixth order of three stars!

If you get all of them, even if it is not the final state, you can definitely reach the seven-star level!

Sky Crash!

Opening the heavens and the earth, cutting off the firmament, with the power of the sky, cutting off everything, is the strongest killing move to crush head-on!

At this moment, the chaos was trembling, and the yin and yang qi were scattered, as if it was being split, and it seemed to be fleeing.

At this moment, the Star Pavilion Lord heard his immortal pagoda whispering and trembling, as if it was about to be crushed!


The void is condensed, the long river of years is faintly emerging, the entire void is distorted, and this blow surpasses the God King and reaches the point of being unknowable and unfathomable!

The Star Pavilion Lord was shocked in his heart, he only felt that the chaos around him was constantly compressing and collapsing, and the big stars of the endless void were trembling!


The Excalibur fell, a piece of chaos, a piece of nothingness, the stars exploded, dim, and the nebula sprinkled by the Immortal Pagoda was also cut open, turned into a rain of smoke, and dissipated in the void.

In the place where the Lord of the Star Pavilion was, there was not a trace or a trace of Dao, and there was a peerless existence standing there, standing at the peak of the God King Realm.

But at this moment, there was no trace, as if it had never appeared, and all traces were erased!

“Ran away?”

Jiang Ling frowned, being able to save a god king in front of his eyes, and even more so under the heavenly collapse style that made the void condense, no matter what the means, he was by no means an idle person!

But he was very strange, the other party had the means to save the Star Pavilion Lord, why didn’t he take the opportunity to attack him?


In the Heavenly Death Realm, two figures escaped from the void.


The Star Pavilion Lord suddenly spat out a mouthful of reverse blood, he was suppressed by the Heavenly Collapse Avenue Qi Machine, and he was almost beheaded, if it weren’t for the rescue of this person in front of him, even if he didn’t die, he would be hit hard!

“Thank you seniors for saving us!”

The Star Pavilion Lord wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and bowed in thanks.

In front of him, stood an unpretentious man, dressed in a blue shirt, with deep eyes, ordinary appearance, and ordinary breath.

But the Star Pavilion Lord did not dare to be snubbed, because this one in front of him was the true peak of the Heavenly Death Realm!

Standing at the very apex of the world, he is called a sage by the world!

Tianyi Holy Land, Open Heaven Realm Sage, Yitian!

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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