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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 46

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, January has passed.

The Void God Realm had once again returned to its former prosperity, but the earth-shattering changes before January were still the capital that the cultivators of various domains were talking about, and every time they thought of the scene of destroying the heavens and the earth on that day, their hearts were full of shock.

Especially thinking of Jiang Ling, Bird Master, and Jingbi Uncle who were active in the initial place, they were even more afraid and did not dare to do anything transcendent.

Just imagine, there are three peerless beings who can destroy the sky and the earth, and the peerless existence of picking stars and taking the moon stays in one place with you all day long, how can your heart be stable?

However, they didn’t know that it was precisely because of their fear and suspicion that the two of them had made a lot of money during this time, and at any time the lions opened their mouths, and the cultivators of the Cangwu Realm did not dare to refuse, so they could only honestly give money.


“Do you know who I am, Barren was taught by me, that is my apprentice, and that peerless god king, that is a former comrade-in-arms, you people don’t believe it, think back then…”

An old man set up a stall and was surrounded by a group of teenagers who had just entered the Void God Realm.

“Unlucky, today I met these two again… The old king bastard…”

A cultivator cursed in a low voice, now Master Bird and Master Jingbi have completely given up discipline and specifically deceived those teenagers who have just entered the Void God Realm.

Now, the prestige of the wilderness has spread throughout the Cangwu Realm, and it is known as the undefeated supreme, which is the target pursued by all teenagers.

And Jiang Ling is an invincible creature, destroying the sky and the earth, not to mention the Cangwu Realm, even in the Heavenly Death Realm, he already has a great prestige, so now when he heard the words of the bird master, he was immediately attracted.

“This old man wants to deceive and deceive the ghost again!” Some people cursed angrily in their hearts, but they did not dare to speak, so they could only swallow their anger, and then hide in a corner and whisper.

Bird Master and Jingbi Uncle were absolutely notorious in the beginning, especially after the incident a month ago, all kinds of pit abduction, especially in the name of Jiang Ling and Huang, they cheated a large amount of money.

“What kind of joke, senior, are you afraid that you are pit me and wait?”

A teenager questioned.

“Young people don’t want to talk nonsense, how can my old man pit people. Looking at the Void God Realm, if you go to explore, whether it is a place of fame or a place where you fought with the heavy pupil, the most brilliant figure of my old man shines. “

Uncle Jingbi said righteously.

“Also, I was born with that god king, how many people have witnessed, you only need to ask, you can know the truth!”

Uncle Jingbi had no fear, because these were indeed true, and even the first to enter the Void God Realm could not refute it.

As for Uncle Jingbi’s fraud, even if he had the intention to expose it, he did not dare to put it into action, lest he offend these two old goods.

After all, their identities are mysterious, and they are likely to be powerful beings guarding the Void God Realm, who dares to mess with their affairs?

“The trial secret method of the Desolate and peerless God King, a hundred spirit stones are sold, if you want it, come quickly.”

At this moment, there was an old man on the other side, with a bird standing on his shoulder, calling there.

“It’s worthy of being a shameless duo, how can you be less of him…”

Some people muttered in a low voice, they had already seen through these two old goods, and only those cultivators who had just entered the Void God Realm would believe their nonsense.

“This book is very detailed, it records the trial steps and process of Ara and that God King in the Void God Realm, and I want to buy it quickly like those two existences!”

At this time, several people followed and said.

“Dirty, these two old goods are really shameless, they actually hired people, intensified, and began to form groups to fool people. It’s so unspeakable, all day long, there are really people who believe it. “

“No way, who called the prestige of the wilderness famous, Megatron, the supreme peerless, that god king is even more powerful, mighty, and it is indeed related to these two bad old men.”

Everyone is helpless, these two guys are kidnapping and doing everything, it is simply the initial two major tumors!

“Alas, these two old goods are now deceiving people, it’s really …”

Some people sighed, but helpless, because the truth is true, saying that he was fraudulent, and no evidence could be found.

Looking at those young men who were deceived and stunned, they could only sigh that this was a necessary path for them in life, and they would be able to understand the sinister of the world.


For a long time, Bird Ye coughed lightly, the so-called “trial secret method” in his hand had been sold out, and the business was surprisingly good, and those cultivators who had just entered the Void God Realm did not suspect much!

Uncle Jingbi then understood, put away the stall, and also walked to the bird master’s side.

“There’s another big event today!”

Bird Ye’s eyes swept around and sold a pass.

“What new deception is this?!”

“These two old goods, on the road of deception, really unmatched…”

“No matter what means he means, we don’t believe it, can they still buy and sell by force?”

“They… How dare you…”

Some monks said sadly that he was the one who was forcibly bought and sold, and he said too much and was tears.

Everyone was speechless, and they had a new understanding of the shamelessness of these two goods.

Uncle Jingbi didn’t care so much, straightened his waist, and said loudly: “Today, the Void God Realm will usher in major changes, originally this news is worth at least one divine weapon, but we are kind and kind, and we sell it at a loss, if you want to know the specific details, it only takes a thousand spirit stones, and we will tell you all!” “

“Yes, this matter is related to the future of the Void God Realm, don’t regret it if you don’t buy it!”

Bird Master also nodded and persuaded, his expression solemn and solemn, as if there was really a big thing!

Everyone was immediately aroused to interest, but those who had long been accustomed to the bird’s routines did not move.

“This is a thousand spirit stones, tell me quickly!”

At this moment, a little boy who was richly dressed, wrapped in gold strands around his waist, and was surrounded by seven or eight people came over, took out a thousand spirit stones, and threw them in front of the bird master.


Bird Ye squinted his eyes and smiled, pocketed the spirit stone, and then hugged the little boy to the side.


Everyone straightened their ears to listen, but who is the bird master, the means of prevention are better than anyone, only listen to him babbling a lot.

Then the young man’s expression was first excited, then gradually serious, and finally a little anxious.

“Senior, don’t lie to me!”

“Hey! You little doll, what am I lying to you? The old man’s reputation is here, do I still have to smash the signboard myself? “

Everyone was embarrassed, and he had the face to say this, in the entire Void God Realm, only he and Uncle Jingbi had the thickest and most shameless faces, and now they dare to say reputation….

“Well, then thank you seniors for informing me, seniors are right, this news is indeed worth a divine weapon!” Thank you very much, when I go back, I will report it at this time, and thank you again! “

The little boy said again and again, and he was about to leave with the servants around him.

“I’m going, Toh again? These two old men are really not tired of playing…”

Someone muttered, many people around him agreed, this technique is so familiar, it must be looking for a trust!

“No, that person Fang Cai seems to be the youngest son of our Heavenly God Mountain Sect Master! I am a disciple of Tianshen Mountain, I can guarantee it! “

But at this moment, a somewhat hesitant voice sounded, and he recognized the identity of the young man, who was the youngest son of the Sect Master of the Great Sect Heavenly God Mountain in the Northern Region, with a respectable status, and did not disdain to be someone else’s trust!

“It won’t be… It’s not your mistake! “

“Impossible, our sect leader loves his young son the most, who is unknown in the Heavenly God Mountain?!”

The man retorted, he was a disciple of Tianshen Mountain, and naturally recognized the father and son of the Sect Master of Tianshen Mountain, after all, if he wanted to mix in Tianshen Mountain, he must remember these characters.


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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