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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 48

Ye Jun glanced at the image on the sky dome and revealed a smile.

Immediately said in a loud voice: “Cangwu Demon Cultivation ‘Demon God’, coming across domains, wanting to defeat Demon Tianjiao, who dares to fight?!” “

The demonic qi swept out, and Ye Jun’s arrogant figure stood in the Demon Sealing Domain, domineeringly declaring war, threatening to defeat the Demon Sealing Domain Tianjiao!

“Damn Demon Xiu, you dare to declare war on my Demon Sealing Domain!”

“Hundred Battles Saint Son, Lingyun Daozi… Who shot to suppress him ?! “

“Demon cultivation is rampant, and before I sealed the Demon Realm, I also dared to say that no one can clean them up?

Many cultivators of the Demon Sealing Domain were filled with righteous indignation, calling for the Tianjiao demons of the Demon Sealing Domain, wanting to ask them to take action and suppress Ye Jun!

In this month, they have long been accustomed to the existence of the Void God Realm, which is why Jiang Ling chose to connect these four domains, he has a large amount of Qi Luck Value every day, but they are all taken by him to develop the Void God Realm.

However, he did not immediately connect all the great domains, but waited for a period of time, and after the cultivators of each domain got used to the existence of the Void God Realm, he would follow them one by one.

The Demon Sealing Domain was one of the first Great Realms he had created before January, but it was incomplete and did not have the Transformation God Realm.

Of course, looking at countless small worlds, there are really not many who can reach the first realm supreme level in the realm of the Transformation God, so before discovering the first realm supreme of the Transformation God level, he is not ready to create the realm of the Transformation God.


Ye Jun did not stay in place and wait for the Demon Domain Tianjiao to appear, in the innate realm, he has the power to push invincible, and he is not afraid of all enemies, not to mention, there is a record of the Heavenly Monument, his trace cannot be hidden, and it will be completely recorded.

“The Innate City of the Demon Sealing Domain, I don’t know if there is also a desolate existence?”

Ye Jun was looking forward to the battle with Ara, although he lost with one punch, he benefited a lot and saw many of his own shortcomings.

Stepping foot in the Innate City, it was prosperous, but when those cultivators saw him, they retreated one after another.

They were not stupid, although Ye Jun hated all the cultivators of the Demon Sealing Domain as a demon cultivator, they knew in their hearts that they were by no means Ye Jun’s opponent.

Being able to cross the Great Domain, it has the strength of a realm supreme, and it is absolutely invincible in the innate realm, and ordinary cultivators dare to provoke.

Ye Jun didn’t care about their movements either, and walked towards the center of Innate City alone.

There is also a crystal stone stele, faintly revealing the meaning of the extreme realm, but it is different from the wilderness!

“It’s not Arashi, who would that be?”

Ye Jun had a fighting intent boiling in his chest, but he did not lose his mind, and he could be erected by the Void God Realm and remember countless years, absolutely powerful to the extreme!

Near the stone stele, that kind of will Ye Jun can already clearly perceive, terrifying, but compared to the wilderness, it is inferior.

He is not surprised by this, the barren energy is praised by the Void God Realm as “the only one in all eternity, innate supreme”, that is definitely compared to all the great domains of the Void God Realm.

Therefore, looking at all the great domains, it is absolutely impossible to find a creature that transcends the wilderness in the innate realm.

“Innate to the extreme, martial arts are honored!”

“Martial Dao? And such a high evaluation, it is another incredible existence! “

Although Ye Jun expected something, he was still shocked in his heart, “innate to the extreme, martial arts honorable”, such an evaluation is not much lower than the evaluation of the wild.

“I really want to give it a try, but I still have to wait to solve the Tianjiao of the Demon Sealing Domain.”

Ye Jun’s heart also raised the will to fight, the more he understood the Void God Realm, the more he could feel its strength, those demons that may not appear in an era have left traces here!

“He wouldn’t want to challenge him…”

“How is that possible? That one is not as simple as a Realm Supreme! “

“Hey, if he is stupid, there is nothing we can do!”

In every domain, there are a few arrogant people who think they are powerful, and as a result, challenge the existence on that stone tablet.

The end is the same as the battle hall god son Mo Feng, who was killed under the stone stele.

And after the death of many Tianjiao, they also knew the strength of this existence in front of them, and no living creature dared to provoke again.

“I didn’t expect that there was also such a statue in the Demon Sealing Domain…”

“But it’s still not as good as the wilderness, the innate realm is eternal and invincible!”

“That’s nature, but the wilderness is ‘the only one in eternity’!”

Cangwu Domain, Cangwu Realm cultivators also saw that stone stele, and the evaluation above was also in their eyes, but in their hearts, desolation was already the word for invincibility, and throughout ancient and modern times, no one could fight with one.

“I’m curious, what kind of title does this being have?”

He didn’t ask his real name, after all, they are all old people in the virtual god world, who doesn’t know that they can be written down by the virtual god world in this form eventually become an existence across the river of time, and if they ask in vain, they will definitely not know.

“Martial arts honorable? I heard that there was a Martial Emperor in the Heavenly Death Realm, could it be that existence? “

Some powerful people guessed that he had a connection with the Upper Realm, but he had heard some legends.

“Emperor Wu? It doesn’t feel likely…”

Some people retorted that there had never been rumors of the Void God Realm in the era of Emperor Wu, not to mention, Emperor Wu was originally a person of the Heavenly Death Realm, not a Nether Ascension.


While everyone was guessing who this person who was known as the Martial Dao Honor was, someone had already come to the door to fight Ye Jun.

And there is more than one, three appear at the same time, and each of them has to break through the sky.

“It’s the Hundred Battles Saint Son, as well as Lingyun Daozi and Qingyu Fairy!”

Someone recognized these three Tianjiao, who were the top demons on the side of the Demon Sealing Realm, and they gathered here at this moment to join forces to fight Ye Jun!

“You are a realm supreme, I wait for three people to strike at the same time, it is not considered to be more bullying and less!”

A Tianjiao statue who broke through the sky with a fighting intent spoke, he was no longer in the innate realm, but now he had to come to battle, because this symbolized the glory of the first realm!

What’s more, Ye Jun is a demon cultivator, the enemy of the entire demon sealing world, if he is suppressed by him alone, what face does the demon sealing world have to mention the word demon sealing?

“Hahaha… No problem, you just wait to shoot together! “

Ye Jun squinted, the three Tianjiao demons, ordinary cultivators who dare to go it alone, only in any realm to the extreme and step into the supreme level of existence can have this kind of guts.

The shame on the faces of the three saints of a hundred battles flashed, a generation of Tianjiao, suppressing cultivation to fight with people has to bully more, even if it is not honorable to say it.

But this is also a must, Ye Jun is a realm supreme, if they do not work together, there is no possibility of defeating him!


Lingyun Daozi drank loudly, Rui Cai Xiangyun, golden light masterpiece, as if turned into a heavenly sword, about to cut open the sky.

After him, the Hundred Battles Saint Son and the Green Jade Fairy also broke out, and the Immortal Dao God shone brightly, as if immortals and gods.

“Hahaha… Not bad! “

Ye Jun let out a long roar, the demon clouds rolled, and thousands of demon gods were overwhelmed and killed!

The whole field is in turmoil, and the magic light penetrates for nine days!

“This… Is it the supreme power? “

The three Saint Son of Hundred Battles were shocked in their hearts, they were too powerful, and the coercion of the supreme-level Tianjiao was enough to make people tremble.

“Even if it is stronger, what? We will not lose! “

The green jade fairy spoke softly, with a firm tone, they could not be defeated!


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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