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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 55

The immortal light was hazy, and Yue Yihuan had already recovered all her cultivation, and the moment she stepped into the bluestone road, the initial suppression had disappeared, and she didn’t know where she went.

Gu Ning had already separated from her, and the bluestone road in front of her gradually turned into a stone step, and the mist around her body floated, as if she was in a misty immortal mountain.


The pen walks the dragon snake, the iron painting silver hook, the unparalleled meaning is fully displayed, it is very extraordinary.

The temple stretched, the divine light shone, and a mist seemed to turn into a long dragon, rolling and roaring in the clouds.

It was strange how such a magnificent palace could appear in this bluestone road, and it looked like a holy place for an imperial dynasty.

Yue Yihuan’s eyes flashed with curiosity, and he flew towards the palace with a tap of his feet.

The moon fell through the exquisite temples one after another, gradually approaching the center of the station.

Vaguely, Yue Yihuan saw a hazy figure in the distance, dressed in blue clothes, three thousand green silks fell like a tapestry, carrying his hands on his back and facing away from her.

The closer she got, the more Yue Yihuan could feel the vast and boundless qi machine on her body.

Approaching a hundred steps, that qi machine has already made Yue Yihuan a little frightening, this is a very mysterious qi machine, the space is faintly condensed, and the action of Yue Xian Huan is becoming more and more difficult.

By about ten steps, Yue Yihuan’s breathing was already a little heavy, and the Qi of the First Realm Supreme was terrifying, no wonder the First Realm Supreme was often able to win in one move.

“You have spatial powers, why don’t you use them to resist it?”

This blue-clothed figure slowly turned around, like a bright moon, inviolable, and like a green lotus, which could only be viewed from afar.

Her voice is ethereal and gentle, like a spring breeze.

Yue Yihuan was horrified in her heart, she had not yet used the Lunar God Technique, and this person had already seen that she understood spatial powers, and it was difficult to guess.

“Don’t be nervous, I don’t have any fighting intentions, talk to me?”

This blue-clothed figure said with a smile, slowly walking to the side, his steps were gentle, elegant and atmospheric, like a princess of the imperial dynasty.

Yue Yihuan can only follow step by step, and I don’t know what the person in front of me is going to do?

“The former … Senior, how could this bluestone road…”

Yue Yihuan hesitated for a moment, and finally planned to ask his own questions.

“You want to ask, how can there be a palace immortal mountain in this bluestone road? How can there be life? The figure chuckled.

“Yes.” Yue Yihuan nodded.

“Bluestone Road is a road, but it is also a vast world.” The blue-clothed figure said.

“One world? Senior, what do you mean? “

Yue Yihuan hurriedly asked, a road is a world, she simply can’t imagine.

“My name is Changqing, you can just call me by my name.”

Changqing smiled, and then continued: “One sand and one world, one leaf and one bodhi, this bluestone road is exactly like this, it seems to be a road, but it is actually a world, stepping into it, you will be teleported to the initial realm, and I will also appear randomly, suppress cultivation, and fight with you.” “

“Suppress Xiuwei?”

“Yes, although we are projections, we are similar to external incarnations, and we have the combat power when the body finally appeared in the Void God Realm, that is, the Avatar Extreme Realm.”

Changqing smiled, and Yue Yihuan chuckled in his heart, Transformation God is powerful, and he is still a strong person who has reached the Supreme Realm of the First Realm at the Transformation God level!

This is not weaker than the original Yuxingkong, and even, the one in front of him will be stronger!

“Evergreen… Senior, do I want to fight with you? “

Yue Yihuan asked.

Changqing shook his head and said, “It’s not interesting, it’s better to talk about the outside world, have you heard… Primeval God King? “


Yue Xian was shocked, what kind of title is this, whether it is so scary, it is to ask the god king.

“Sorry, Evergreen senior, junior has never heard of it.”

Yue Yihuan came back to his senses and immediately said.

“Well, it doesn’t hurt…”

A hint of surprise flashed in Changqing’s eyes, although his projection was also on this bluestone road, but he could not meet.

She didn’t know how long it had been, and if she hadn’t been sleeping on weekdays, she believed she would have gone crazy.

Yue Yihuan sighed that the projection on this bluestone road was too real, even the seven emotions and six desires of people could be simulated, and she really doubted whether this was a real creature or a projection.

“That’s it, let’s talk about you today.”

For a long time, Changqing let out a long sigh, no longer thinking about this, but looking back at the moon.

“My business?”

Yue Xihuan was stunned, and then remembered his purpose, but he came to take the last step, the ultimate leap, and stepped into the supreme realm, and he almost forgot.

“Although I don’t want to fight, I still want to see your strength, and you make a move, use the strongest magical power, let me see.”

Changqing smiled, without the slightest hesitation in her eyes, as if she already knew that Yue Yihuan’s all-out blow would not affect her at all.

Yue Yihuan is also not polite, this is a realm supreme in front of her, if she keeps her hand, it is to seek her own death.

Moreover, on this bluestone road, no matter what means, others will not know.

The next moment, a new moon was held up by her left hand, a round of scorching sun was raised by her right hand, the sun and the moon were in the same sky, and the moon fell like a god, holding the sun and moon to pick the stars, and the vast divine light was overwhelming.

Changqing also nodded slightly, but he also saw the flaws.


The moon fell loudly, the scorching sun and the new moon gradually merged, and then collided, and the power instantly exploded several times, and even she herself was a little difficult to control.

I saw her push forward sharply, the space froze, and it continued to collapse, which was like a small black hole, constantly devouring matter.


But at this time, Changqing stretched out a green jade finger, lightly in the void, in an instant, the space froze, everything seemed to be static, and the mist between the temples no longer fluttered.


Changqing drank lightly again, pressing down on his palm, as if directly crushing the black hole of the unity of the sun and moon to collapse and dissipate.

Yue Yihuan smiled bitterly in her heart, her all-out move was actually broken by the other party’s finger, and the gap between Tianjiao and the Supreme was really too big.

“Very good move. If I’m not mistaken, that crescent moon should be an innate divine art, with the ability to condense space, but it has not sensed the divine qi machine in you, and it seems that your thing containing divine art has been taken away by someone. “

Changqing said slowly, Yue Yihuan had to admire her eyesight, unlike the black old cow directly penetrating her origin, Changqing could see it completely between Fang Cai’s moves.

“However, you already have a deep understanding of this divine art, and it is good that you can use it perfectly. However, this is not the case on your side of the scorching sun, there is no will corresponding to the new moon, forcibly integrating into the meaning of space, but the gain is not worth the loss, maybe you can integrate the meaning of time in the scorching sun. “

Changqing suggested that this divine technique created by Yue Yihuan was indeed not bad, but it was a pity that only one end had the artistic conception of God, and the other end was forcibly fused, which did not really work.

“Thank you Evergreen Senior for your guidance.” The moon fell to the world.

(Fifth, ask for comments, ask for flowers, ask for tips!) )


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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