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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 59

“Dare to ask what seniors are called?”

Yu Xingkong asked, he only knew that there was a stone tablet with the word “God King” written on it, but he did not know what the connection was with this person.


The young man in white raised his eyebrows, as if he felt a little long ago, and no one had called him by his real name for an unknown number of years.

“I can’t tell my real name, but in the past, I was called the Primeval God King.”

The young man in white smiled casually, but Yu Xingkong was shocked in his heart, a god king, with Taikoo as the title, this is too domineering.

Yu Xingkong didn’t know that the God King and the God King he understood and the young man in white were not a realm at all!

If he knew this true cultivation realm, he was afraid that his legs would be frightened on the spot.

But Rao is so, and it is enough for Yu Xingkong to be surprised, the Heavenly Death Realm already suspected that there was more than one god king behind the Void God Realm, and now it seems that what is the end!

Just a cursory search, I found the existence of four suspected god kings, if you go to explore a little bit, I don’t know how much to find!


At the same time, Ye Yucheng is also gradually moving towards a blessed land of immortal mountains, full of flowers, palaces and brilliant gold.

The thick mist was like a coiled true dragon, guarding this immortal mountain.

“This bluestone road is really strange, and there are so many projections of terrifying creatures.”

At this moment, Rao is Ye Yucheng also has to admit that the Void God Realm is powerful, and there are too many extraordinary things.

He has gone far in the Supreme Realm, but it is precisely because of this that he hopes to have a Tianjiao demon who can be compared with him.

He longs for a big war!

However, on this bluestone road, he had already encountered several supreme-level Tianjiao who were not much weaker than him!

“I originally planned to walk around this bluestone road at will, and then go to the innate realm to see the creature who suppressed Yuxingkong with one punch, but now I don’t have to!”

Ye Yucheng said with a smile, originally he just planned to walk around this bluestone road at will, and then go to the innate realm to activate the barren stone tablet and try this innate supreme that was known as the “only one in all ages”.

However, now it is not necessary, Qingshi Road has satisfied his desire to fight, allowing him to fight heartily!


Ye Yucheng was shocked in his heart, daring to call him “Martial Ancestor”, what a courage, the ancestor of martial arts, Mo said that it was the Cangwu Realm, even if it was the Heavenly Death Realm, no one dared to say so!


Ye Yucheng said loudly, and then strode into the hall.

A slender figure then came into view, dressed in a black robe, calm and capable, a pair of eyes seemed to see through the years, precipitating the epic of countless years.


Wuzu was not polite at all, and when he saw Ye Yucheng step into the palace, he immediately invited him to battle.

Ye Yucheng chuckled, he felt the rich fighting intent on this Martial Ancestor, and rushed straight into the sky, obviously he couldn’t wait!

This is exactly what he wants, he entered this bluestone road to fight with the demons of the past!


Ye Yucheng said with a smile, and then the heavenly fairy light fell, and his eyes became snow-white and crystalline, without a single flaw.

At this moment, Ye Yucheng felt that the illusions around him were stagnant, and a long knife was instantly held in his hand, and his qi became more and more condensed, staring at Wuzu tightly.

Martial Ancestor also acted, and an ancient charm appeared out of thin air, like ink jade.

This charm shone brightly, slowly hanging three feet above Wu Zu’s head, and there were gods three feet above his head, and at this moment, that charm was like a god.

Ye Yucheng raised his eyebrows, he didn’t expect Wu Zu to use a talisman, but the strange and dark light frightened him.

“Whatever he is, give it a try!”

“Heavenly Saber, slash!”

Ye Yucheng said loudly, the long knife in hand, moving forward, a knife cut through the void, cut through the blue underworld, cut through the immortal qi, as if breaking the chaos, directly killing.

“Devour the ancestral talisman and devour all things!”

At this moment, Wuzu’s hands formed a strange seal, and a small black dot appeared between his palms, and the black dot expanded rapidly, gradually turning into a round of black holes, constantly spreading, and actually shrouded Wuzu himself.

The heavenly knife fell, the earth roared, and a rift stretched for hundreds of miles, but this domineering sword only touched the black hole, and it was swallowed by it, without the slightest ripple!

The next moment, Wu Zu shook his palm in the black hole, and the black hole instantly turned into a black light and drilled into his palm.

“Zu Fu?”

Ye Yucheng frowned, just a talisman, how could he have such a supernatural ability?

He does not believe in evil, his power is even more domineering, if there is Tianjiao here, I am afraid that he has been overwhelmed by this power!

“Heavenly Saber, Curse God!”

Ye Yucheng drank again, this time, hundreds of millions of swords were overwhelming, there was no way to avoid it, and there was sword light in all directions!

Every sword light is no less than Tianjiao’s supreme blow!

Wu Zu’s heart was waveless, and the next moment, a spell rose again, hanging above his head.

“Hong Barren Ancestral Talisman, the power of Hong Barren!”

Under the stimulation of spiritual power, a reckless aura rushed to the face, and then shrouded the arm, in this instant, the space was filled with a vast aura, a long-standing and ancient power emerged, and the arm of the Martial Ancestor also became the color of dry earth, and there was a terrifying power surging.

The big hand covered the sky, and a huge palm of spiritual energy struck horizontally, and the reckless qi spread through the sky.


The sword light collided with the giant palm, the sword qi raged rampantly, and the temples and pavilions were constantly being lifted off, and they were carried out thousands of miles by the knife qi!

The ground is even more potholes, cut by knife light, shattered by big hands, dusty, and the whole sky is gray!


Ye Yucheng laughed, this is a real enemy, unparalleled in the world, holding a long knife, Ye Yucheng did not pause at all, and kept killing.

However, despite his thousands of means, he could never break the defense of Wuzu, that big hand, and that strange black hole, one attack and one defense, it was flawless, and he couldn’t find a trace of weakness!

“It is worthy of the existence that dares to claim the ‘Martial Ancestor’!”

Ye Yucheng gritted his teeth and smiled, fighting with Wuzu, he did not let the other party move a step, but he himself was already injured!

Looking at the past, he has always been the only one who crushes others, but this time he tasted the pain!


But at this moment, another spell flew out from Wu Zu’s body, flashing with thunder and the sound of electric light.

“Thunder Ancestral Talisman, Thunder Emperor Hand!”

The domineering thunder spiritual power was instantly stimulated, and the thunder light in the tens of thousands of meters around the body was compressed into a thick black thundercloud, and the thunder light was dark.

The thunder talismans formed by the Thunder Ancestral Talisman had an indescribable furious posture, and the next moment, the thunderclouds shook, and the black giant hands covered with countless strange thunder patterns poked out from the clouds and shot at the enemy.

The furious thunder light filled the entire void, and endless recklessness swept the heavens and earth.

At this moment, Ye Yucheng’s scalp was a little numb, and there was actually a third ancestral talisman? Two are already difficult to resist, another one, how can he block it?

(Chapter 9, I didn’t sleep well, my brain is a little confused, so I write very slowly, please forgive me!) )


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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