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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 69

Many strong people’s powerful physical bodies dissipated, but the divine souls appeared in the sea of blood!

But this does not mean that it is already safe, black air currents float towards them, and then they turn into human forms, their eyes are dark, and they are extremely evil, like evil spirits!

Above the main divine soul of the Star Pavilion, a star shrouded him, completely isolating many evil spirits, and then, he immediately crossed towards the other side of the sea of blood!

It is not appropriate to stay here for a long time, and at this moment, he only has a divine soul, and he dare not delay time!

The other strong people did the same, unfolding the light of the divine soul, isolating the evil spirit, and then fighting for it.

The evil spirits did not stop eroding for a moment, and the god-king-level powerhouses also resisted at all times, crossing in this sea of blood.

Time passed slowly, and the Star Pavilion Lord turned his soul into a lone boat, drifting in the sea of blood, and marched towards the other shore.

I don’t know how long it has been, the Star Pavilion Lord felt a breeze blowing, opened his eyes, and appeared on a coast, his soul was intact, his body was also there, everything before seemed to be illusory, but the sea of blood behind him was so real.

“God, God…”

The Lord of the Star Pavilion sighed, if Fang Cai’s various scenes were illusions, then the existence that could lay down this illusion must be beyond his existence, but if it was a real experience, then such means would be even more terrifying!

Looking at the countless powerhouses in the Heavenly Death Realm, none of them could do this step, allowing many god kings to dissolve in the flesh, but they recovered intact in an instant!

“The Wind Family God King has not returned?”

“And the Seven Realms True God of the Heavenly Star Sect!”


At this moment, someone exclaimed, all this is not an illusion, but real, not only the true god, even the god king has not been able to cross!

This made the Star Pavilion Lord even more frightened in his heart, they had just given up their physical body, but now the physical body is intact, what kind of power does this sea have?

Here, the power of the stars in the void is boundless, vast, as if the whole world is filled with the power of the stars, even the Star Pavilion Lord, to feel small!

“Such a vast star power, even the Star Hall can’t reach it!”

The Hall of Stars is the inheritance saint soldier of the Star Pavilion, and it is handed down by an ancient sage of the Star Pavilion, and that sage can be called the first person in the history of the Heavenly Death Realm on the stars, and has reached the last step under the emperor!

The strength of his holy soldier can be imagined, but even so, compared with the power of the stars in this place, it is like a small witch, and it is not worth mentioning!

And as they continued to move forward, a corpse suddenly appeared in front of their eyes, as if it had died for endless years, but it still did not corrode, intact!

All five internal organs have been pierced, and there is a big hole in the body, which has been pierced and destroyed, the blood in the body has long been drained, and the bones seem to be engraved with runes, like rune bones!

Although incomplete, it faintly shines with the power of the holy path!

“This is … A holy corpse! “

The Star Pavilion Lord’s pupils shrank, unbelievable, this is the body of a sage in front of him, even if it has passed forever, it has never decayed, and even carries the light of the Holy Dao!

“The body of the sages… This!! “

Another god king exclaimed, the sage died here!

And it seems to be fighting with people, and finally being killed!

“There’s a stone monument here!”

At this time, a god king spoke, and the Lord of the Star Pavilion looked at it, and there was indeed a stone tablet with ancient characters engraved on it:

“Heavenly Cave!”

And on the side of these two ancient characters, there is also a line of small print:

“The Road to Heaven!”

“This is?!”

Some people are horrified, and their voices are trembling!

The Road to Heaven!

Who in the world dares to say such words, even the emperor Venerable, does not dare to say that it can reach the sky!

Among them, I am afraid that there is a great opportunity and a great creation!

At this moment, even the Star Pavilion Lord was earth-shaking in his heart, and the road to heaven was completely beyond his imagination!

Such a road to the sky, let alone in the Star Continent, even the entire Heavenly Death Realm will set off monstrous waves!

He seemed to have a premonition that countless peerless beings had descended on this Star Continent!

“This road has been opened, don’t worry about it, let’s all move forward.”

At the end of the ancient road, a voice came, revealing a strange magical power, as if it was the lord of the world, the lord of all living beings, making people involuntarily believe his words.

The Star Pavilion Lord and even many god kings were horrified in their hearts, at the end of this ancient road, there were living beings!

They originally thought that this was a secret realm of ruins, and the existence in it had long since left, but now, a voice appeared here, allowing them to move forward!

“Is it true or false?”

Some god kings are worried that this is a scam and want to lure them into the game?

“If it’s a scam, why should it be? This move is to increase suspicion! “

The main road of the Star Pavilion, the existence at the end of the ancient road is very transcendent, and the qi machine alone makes him feel irresistible!

Moreover, how many years this ancient road has existed is unknown, but I am afraid that since the day it existed, every time it opens, there will be strong people to explore, countless years, I don’t know how many opportunities have been left in it!

Everyone with a yearning heart, continue to walk forward, on the way, there are many corpses left here, these corpses have not decayed after countless years, and some corpses still have amazing incomplete Daowei, very terrible!

These corpses, at least they are all god kings, and there is even no lack of sages, and in any era, only where the emperor is involved, such a scene can appear!

The deeper they got, the sky gradually darkened, day and night met, and the expressions of many god kings who stepped on this ancient road became more and more solemn, and they faintly felt that this ancient road of heavenly caves would take them to unpredictable places!

Finally, the day disappeared, the ancient road turned into the night sky ancient road, and the light of the stars shone on the ancient road, illuminating the way forward.

“Poof…” There was a heartbeat one after another, and the space was silent, incomparably quiet, extremely strange, no one spoke, only the beating of the heart.

Even the Star Pavilion Lord was earth-shaking in his heart at this moment, and this ancient road actually led to an endless river of stars!

“Heavenly Cave! The Road to Heaven! “

The Lord of the Star Pavilion couldn’t help but think of its name, Heavenly Cave, Heavenly Cave, leading to the Heavenly Vault!

The ancient road has no end, but leads to the sky, the night sky is getting brighter and brighter, more and more brilliant, above the head, as if there are endless rivers of stars, each starry river, is so brilliant, endless, boundless!

Of course, this is not the heavenly dome they understand, every big star here has a vast rhyme, like a series of avenues, smelted into stars!

At this moment, a magnificent will shrouded, like the Dao of Heaven, filled with the brilliance of Star Island, as if it was a combination of the power of billions of stars, and the origin of the power of the stars!

The Star Pavilion Lord felt this will, and in just a moment, his mind seemed to explode, and endless stars burst down, like Wang Yang, like a sea of fire, like a thunder pool…

Many Daowei are displayed in him, but in the final analysis, they are all the way of the stars!


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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