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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 75

Although Di Yuan said that they want to take away the stars, but it is not now, this is too reckless, they are not so stupid, at least they must find out the reality of this heavenly cave!

Especially in the Heavenly Cave, it is rumored that there is a living emperor, and if he is not found, no one will be able to feel at ease.

“I heard that there is also a place of time and space disorder in this heavenly cave, known as the Divine Peerless Place, I want to see it!”

King Peng said in a loud voice, the Divine Peerless Land is said to be said by that Emperor Venerable, and that Emperor Venerable is just outside the Divine Jeopardy Land.

Therefore, as long as you find the Divine Peerless Land, it is possible to find the existence of the suspected emperor Venerable mentioned in the mouth of the Terrans.

Of course, they don’t believe much about this, after all, the emperor Venerable exists in this world, how can there be no movement at all?

The power within their clan had also speculated that even if the so-called Emperor Venerable really existed, it was very likely that he had not really set foot in the Emperor Venerable Realm!

It is very likely that it will only touch this field, or even whether it is a quasi-emperor or not!

“Yes, the place of time and space disorder is not seen in the world, how can you not go and see it yourself?”

Di Yuan also said that his purpose of coming here was the same as King Peng, all to explore the void of the heavenly cave, if he couldn’t go to the place of space disorder, it would be futile after all!

“Want to go to the Desperate Land? Isn’t it enough to go down the ancient road of the Heavenly Grotto, so much nonsense! “

The Lord of the Star Pavilion said sarcastically, if his eyes are not blind, will he not see the figure at the end of the ancient road?

Talk so much here, don’t you still want to pull more people to go, and there is a cushion when you encounter danger?

Di Yuan’s expression remained unchanged, but King Peng’s face was a little ugly.

“Hmph, I’m afraid that I won’t be allowed to wait? The Terrans are just this rat gall! “

King Peng mocked, the Terrans are very strong, but they can’t deal with their demon races, and he naturally won’t make each other feel good at this time.

“If you don’t dare, this seat will not force it, I will go myself!”

King Peng said with a smile, his body was like lightning, flying on the ancient road, and it was tens of thousands of miles in an instant!

Di Yuan also smiled and stepped forward, as if staggering the void, and each step appeared in an endless distance, as if he had exerted a magical power that shrunk into inches.

The creatures of the other great clans glanced at each other, and they also chose to move forward, even the creatures of the human race, and some people followed.

“Your Excellency is the Star Pavilion Lord?”

Suddenly, an ethereal voice sounded in the ears of the Star Pavilion Lord, and the Star Pavilion Lord looked up, only to see that the immortal figure of the Thousand Peerless Ice Spirit Clan was actually standing outside the big star where he was, and asked him.


The Lord of the Star Pavilion, why didn’t this follow to the end of the ancient road, to see the divine place, and come to him?

“In Xiaqingyin, I heard that the Pavilion Master had communicated with that suspected Emperor Venerable existence, I don’t know how I felt?”

Qingyin asked, her voice ethereal and without a trace of emotion.

“Feeling? If you really want to say it, compared to it, it is like stars to dust! “

The Lord of the Star Pavilion, he has nothing to hide, the Thousand Peerless Ice Spirit Race has a good relationship with the Terran Race, after all, the Thousand Peerless Continent is located in the cold and resources are scarce.

The Terrans, on the other hand, are just the opposite, so the two races have always had contacts, which can be regarded as an alliance.

“Understood, thank you Pavilion Master for solving the confusion.”

Qingyin Fairy said, and then turned and left, also towards the end of the ancient road.


On the ancient road, countless God King powerhouses crossed, but the closer they got to that body, the greater the coercion they felt.

When there were still hundreds of thousands of miles away, the void seemed to be frozen and could not be crossed!

“Is it really Emperor Venerable?”

So far, none of them had felt the Emperor Venerable Qi, and the figure was also calm, without a trace of fluctuation, as if it was an ordinary person.

But it is precisely because of this that they will become more and more uneasy, how can an ordinary person have such terrifying coercion?

“Retreat, don’t set foot here!”

A voice came from the end of the ancient road, and it seemed to come from eternity ago, at this moment, that figure avenue qi machine broke through the sky, and the supreme coercion was overwhelming!

“Diwei ?!!”

Di Yuan was shocked, the Immortal Palace trembled, the Emperor Dao Qi Machine was all over the sky, and the endless void seemed to be suppressed, and the brilliant immortal light shrouded down, protecting Di Yuan in it!

“Is it really an emperor?! How is this possible?! “

The next moment, King Peng’s expression also changed greatly, and a heavenly monument appeared in the sky, suppressing the universe, which seemed to contain a world, boundless.

Under Tianbei Town, hundreds of millions of stars seem to be suppressed by it, and it protects King Peng and blocks the coercion ahead!

The strong people of all races no longer waited at this moment, the peerless holy soldiers were surging, and even the emperor soldiers came horizontally, at this moment, the nine heavens star river shone with the holy way, the emperor road coercion, and the endless stars were trembling and shattering.

Every big star seems to be falling!

At this moment, a qi machine erupted from Jiang Ling’s body, this is the emperor body, the coercion is endless, even if there is only the emperor body and no emperor soul, it is very human to resist!

“Stop immediately, dare to destroy the Nine Heavens Star River, and everyone will be buried!”

This figure looked at it, as if there was a river of stars reversing, as if there was a world collapse, as if there was an end to life.

It is like the lord of this world, overlooking the heavens, overlooking the nine heavens.

He seemed to have come from eternity, and he seemed to come from the endless void, standing in the chaos, like an immortal Venerable.

King Peng’s golden feathers instantly exploded, and his heart bristled, this kind of coercion, this unique Dao rhyme, is it really an emperor?

But before he had time to react, a big hand came across the sky, brilliant as a river of stars, and the infinite Daowei came directly shrouded!


The Heavenly Monument trembled, and it was directly slapped by this palm for hundreds of millions of miles, and it was directly slapped back to the entrance of the Nine Heavens Star River at the end of the ancient road!

At this moment, everyone was shocked, there is really a peerless existence here, which can shoot the emperor soldiers, even if it has not been fully recovered, this kind of strength is not the Most Holy Quasi-Emperor!

But at this moment, Di Yuan’s expression was calm, he had expected that the Celestial Clan and the Terran Clan had a grudge, and they had fought for countless years, how could they not know each other’s temperament?

At such a time, the Terrans were definitely premeditated, otherwise how could this kind of news spread out?

Therefore, there is definitely something secret in this heavenly cave, but it is likely that the Terrans cannot determine what level of existence it is, and they do not want to provoke, so they borrow their hands to test it.


Di Yuan drank, his body was full of divine power surging wildly, the Immortal Hall trembled, the immortal light traced, and all poured into the Immortal Temple!

He is not stupid, he can shoot the imperial soldiers, if this kind of existence really moves to kill, unless the imperial soldiers are completely revived, they cannot be stopped at all.

However, it will cost a lot to fully revive the imperial soldiers, but there are strong people of the human race staring at here, and he will not risk it.

After Di Yuan silenced the Yutian Immortal Hall, the other powerhouses of all races stopped one after another, because Jiang Lingfangcai’s palm really shocked everyone, if he did it again, who knows how much price he would pay?


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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