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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 85


The Heavenly God King came to the front of the Yitian Sage and saluted respectfully, and opposite him, the sage-level powers of all races were staring closely at him and the Star Pavilion Lord.

As for the other god kings, there is no need for anyone who wants to wade through this muddy water? It is uncomfortable to face so many sages.

Even the two of them, as the helmsmen of a great sect, had seen countless big scenes, and they couldn’t help but feel a little nervous at this moment.

“What’s going on here? Why are so many people dying? Yitian Sage asked, when the Heavenly God King came here, he naturally also paid attention, but it was precisely because of this that he saw that many sage-level powerhouses gathered in this heavenly cave in this moment!

And each one is because their own forces have the body of the god king!

The other sages also looked at it, at this moment, the two Star Pavilion masters seemed to be burned by countless brilliant suns!

“Back to the sages, they… They have all entered the Divine Peerless Land, and the specific situation, I don’t know. “

“God’s Desperate Land? Where? “

That Battle Heaven Sage hurriedly asked, his disciple’s body fallen, he naturally had to investigate clearly, even if he entered this divine peerless place, then he would inevitably have to go!

The same is true of other existences, the one who enters this heavenly cave, who is not the future pillar of all forces, is so broken here in vain, no matter what, we must find out!

“Just in… Behind that! “

The Heavenly God King pointed in the direction of Jiang Ling, and at the end of the ancient road, it was dark, as if there was infinite space stacked, making people unable to see the real situation.

“That is…”

Yitian Sage asked, from the moment he entered this Nine Heavens Star River, he felt that existence was unusual, and the aura was ethereal, and it was difficult even for him to capture, which was incredible!

“That Title World God King, it is suspected that… Emperor Zun! “

As soon as the Star Pavilion Lord’s words came out, this void instantly died silent!

Emperor Zun?

How is this possible?!

If it weren’t for the existence of emperor soldiers in the Heavenly Death Realm, the emperor would be treated as a realm that did not exist!

It has not appeared for hundreds of thousands of years, how can it be an emperor?

“He once slapped the Zhentian Ancient Monument held by King Peng with one palm!”

The Heavenly God King looked at the sage of the Peng Clan.

“Slap the Flying Emperor Soldier with one palm?!”

This kind of sage is only attached importance to it, and can shoot the emperor soldiers, such a strength, at least the most holy or quasi-emperor can achieve!

“What about even the Emperor Venerable? Instead, I want to ask, if my disciple is in charge of the peerless Saint Soldier, who can kill it? “

The Zhan Tian Sage snorted coldly, and his figure floated. With endless battle intent to climb to the sky, go to the end of the ancient road, to ask the truth!

His own disciples are extremely powerful in the God King this time, and they are even more worldly saints, who can kill him?

Unless it is those big forces, clans who are in charge of the imperial army, or, this one personally strikes!

At this moment, the Battle Heaven Sage was fighting on his body, like an ancient war god, endless chaotic qi surging, transformed into a battle suit, and went to the sky with him!

After him, the strong people of all races are also walking towards the end of the ancient road, and they need an answer!

What’s more, this time who entered the Divine Peerless Land, which one did not bring the supreme treasure divine soldier, or even the imperial soldier, if it was not recovered, it would be a big loss to any of the forces!

Jiang Ling calmly looked at the many sages who rushed to the front, but it was a little strange, according to the time, the emperor of the Celestial Clan was the real first to be killed.

Because every encounter that Jiang Ling arranged for him was an encounter with his external incarnation, each time he was being abused, and finally he used a fully recovered imperial soldier, Jiang Ling naturally could not make him feel good, and then he was directly beheaded.

However, now there is not a single Celestial Race creature who has come to this Heavenly Cave!

“Mind him, anyway, you can’t come, the imperial soldiers and holy soldiers are all mine.”

Jiang Ling thought in his heart that these holy soldiers, as well as those few imperial soldiers, he would not return them and fall into his hands, and that would be his.

As long as the image is rectified and rectified, he still dares to use it openly!

“Retreat, God’s Desperate Land, and now there is no life…”

When the Battle Heaven Sage arrived at a distance of thousands of miles in front of him, Jiang Ling finally spoke up, like the sound of the Great Avenue, the world was chaotic, like the master of this world!

“Whether there is life or not is not up to you, I am invincible in ten directions, and I can kill myself!”

The Battle Heaven Sage was not afraid of everything, but he went against the sky and swung his fist at Jiang Ling, who was standing at the end of the ancient road!

His attack came almost at the same time as his voice, thousands of miles away, a peerless blow, the heavenly path seemed to collapse, and that punch seemed to be able to penetrate Wangu.

Below, the Imperial Heavenly God King and the Star Pavilion Lord were horrified, this Battle Heaven Sage really didn’t want to die for the sake of his disciples, they had already said that this one-palm flying emperor soldier, even if he wanted to challenge, at least wait until he had the strength of a palm-patting emperor soldier!

“The spirit is not bad, but it’s a pity, I don’t know how many pounds I have!”

Jiang Ling chuckled, he didn’t expect this person to dare to directly attack him, but now he is in the body of the emperor, and with a palm wave, heaven and earth will tremble!

A finger taps the void, and a ripple spreads out in the void, endlessly, as if there is no end forever!

At this moment, the brilliance of the Nine Heavens Star River seemed to stop, the billions of stars were also static, the void was trembling, and it was whispering, as if hoping to get rid of some kind of limitation!

This finger was plain, but it made the Zhan Tian Sage’s pupils shrink, and he felt the breath of death on this finger, as if he was facing the whole world!

This finger is like a big world, with irresistible power, his bones and body, constantly trembling!


With a loud roar, he only felt that the time and space around his body were shaking, and then the Battle Heaven Sage grabbed his five fingers, clenched his fists, and slammed forward!

This punch seemed to penetrate the ancient time and space, penetrating everything, booming, the void was exploding, and endless space debris flew away, spilling towards the Nine Heavens Star River!

This punch is the ultimate punch of the Zhan Tian Sage, which is unprecedented, and it will be difficult for him to burst out such combat power in the future!


Rolling thunder roared on the Nine Heavens Star River, as if the sky was angry, the void was shattered, and endless wind waves swept away, shrouding the entire Nine Heavens Star River!


However, the next moment, a figure flew straight upside down and slammed into a star, and in an instant, the star directly cracked and split in half!

The Battle Heaven Sage stood up with difficulty, and a sage hurriedly went to bring him back, at this moment, the blood in his mouth was frantically vomited, his flesh was even more fragmented, his Dao was extremely domineering, and a punch was life and death!

However, today he punched two punches, but under that finger, it was like a flower in the mirror, directly shattered, and directly seriously injured!

However, his eyes were full of brilliance, and the second punch he threw surpassed the extreme realm, and that punch was his strongest punch so far!

At that moment of life and death, he realized too much, this time luckily did not die, he will be expected to be in the Holy Realm! _

To see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Jr


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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