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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 90

“Emperor, our clan has come sincerely, and I hope to return the imperial soldiers of my clan.” The Heavenly Clan Quasi-Emperor was slightly respectful and bowed slightly to Jiang Ling.

“Sincerely? Forgive me for being clumsy, I have not seen the sincerity of your people. “

Jiang Ling said calmly, could it be considered sincerity to send a quasi-emperor to come with a little respect?

The Celestial Quasi-Emperor was silent, he knew best how the relationship between the Celestial Clan and the Terran Race was, and he had been complaining for countless years, and this Terran Emperor in front of him, no matter how difficult he was, it was really normal.

Not killing him is mercy.

“Will the emperor interfere in what is happening in this Divine Peerless Land?”

The Quasi-Emperor of the Celestial Clan asked, he planned to enter it by himself and go to find the Celestial Emperor Soldier, he was a Quasi-Emperor, as long as the Emperor Venerable did not make a move, there was no place in this world that could stop him, even if it was an Emperor Soldier, it would be difficult to suppress him.

“In the Jedi Land, no one can interfere!”

Jiang Ling said calmly, there is indeed no one to interfere, and now the Divine Peerless Land has completely merged with the Heavenly Cave, almost an immortal weapon, not to mention the quasi-emperor, even the real emperor can not influence what happens in it.

Of course, Jiang Ling is an exception!

He is the creator here, and he can medddle as much as he wants!


The Heavenly Clan Quasi-Emperor nodded, and then without hesitation, walked directly towards the Divine Peerless Land.

In his opinion, the emperor is supreme, and any words he says will be confirmed by the rules of heaven and earth!

In a word, no living being in the world can change!

It’s a pity that Jiang Ling is not an emperor… Moreover, he also took a fancy to the imperial soldier of the Heavenly Clan Quasi-Emperor!

When the Quasi-Emperor of the Celestial Clan walked into the Divine Peerless Land, the space was directly chaotic, and the true meaning of time was filled, giving people a sense of time and space disorder.

Before he came in, Jiang Ling had already sublimated the artistic conception of time and space in this place, and even he, the quasi-emperor, could not see through the real situation here.

“Time and space are chaotic, endless time and space converge, no one knows which time and space they will step into next…”

The Celestial Quasi-Emperor said in a low voice, he already understood the situation here.

“Which time and space did Di Yuan die? In which time and space are the imperial soldiers? “

The Celestial Quasi-Emperor Divine Thoughts dispersed, but they could only be shrouded in this time and space where they were now, and beyond that, they could not extend out at all.

“It seems that you can only find it yourself…”

The Celestial Quasi-Emperor traversed one time and space after another, constantly crossing the realm.

However, he did not meet a single creature, there were only three real creatures in this divine and desperate land, and three were not as good as him, and Jiang Ling would only send him food unless he was crazy.

Of course, this is not without the right place.


The Quasi-Emperor of the Celestial Clan didn’t know how long he had been in the Divine Peerless Land, and he didn’t know how much emptiness he had explored, but he still found nothing, and he even suspected that Jiang Ling was trying to trap him in this Divine Jeopardy Land

And the real Yutian Immortal Hall was taken away by Jiang Ling!

“Even in this Divine Peerless Land, the Imperial Soldier Secret Art has no response, is it really as I thought?”

The Celestial Quasi-Emperor frowned, could an Emperor Venerable really do such a thing?

The figure of the Quasi-Emperor of the Celestial Clan flickered, but the next moment, he saw a young man in white, calm and kind, with a faint smile on his handsome face.

His body was in a faint light, but that light was the brightest and brightest light in the Endless Void, like an extreme star, shining on the heavens and realms.

His gaze looked gently, with only one glance, the sky trembled, and a divine light directly broke the firmament, and endless light descended from outside the sky.

From where he was, one after another divine light went in different directions outside the sky, and where the divine light passed, magnificent cities rose up one after another, and the powerful sect forces crisscrossed the world, and the towering Hanging Heaven Palace stood tall in the world!

Thirty-three immortal rays of light seemed to shoot towards the thirty-three heavens, one after another earth-shattering roars came, there were five-clawed golden dragons soaring into the clouds, there were phoenixes harnessing the heavenly divine fire, there were unicorns rushing above the sky, and sunbirds singing…

A venerable divine beast descended from outside the sky and kept pouring into this void!

“What a pomp and circumstance!”

The Quasi-Emperor of the Celestial Clan said with a smile, such a scene, like the arrival of the emperor, the luxury and horror were to the extreme, which made people frightened!

In the void, every figure is filled with an unfathomable aura, like the gods and demons of the heavens, high above, overlooking the world!

“After endless years of conquest, have they never been truly expelled?”

The white-clothed figure sighed softly, and his eyes calmly looked at the Celestial Quasi-Emperor.

That gaze was like looking at a dead man, as if the Heavenly Clan Quasi-Emperor was just an ant in his eyes!

His words made the Quasi-Emperor of the Celestial Clan tremble in his heart, and he instantly thought of an impossible era!

“Could it be that he is a creature of that era? This heavenly cave, a relic of that era? “

The Quasi-Emperor of the Celestial Clan guessed, but the next moment he shouted in his heart.

If this heavenly cave was really a product of that era, how could the emperor at the end of the ancient road not be able to see through his details?

But even so, let him in, there is only one possibility!

“This is a trap for our people…”

The Celestial Quasi-Emperor’s face was gloomy, and it was really rare for an Emperor Venerable to personally put it down!

“Well, if you take charge of the fortunes of all lives, then you will perish in the endless calamity of fate…”

When the words fell, the Heavenly Race Quasi-Emperor still had time to react, and the endless light of fate descended, turning into a calamity of fate, descending on the shadow of the Celestial Quasi-Emperor!

In an instant, the screams came out, the endless calamity of fate, stripping away the fate soul of the Quasi-Emperor of the Celestial Clan little by little, every second, is the most cruel torture in the world.


The Quasi-Emperor of the Celestial Clan shouted, this is not only despicable, an emperor Venerable, actually set a trap in this way, obviously possessing such terrifying power, but still doing such a despicable thing!

However, he did not know that what he was facing was a completely disposable product.

After all, it was a Heavenly Emperor-level power, and Jiang Ling didn’t have so much luck to create, so he created a one-time one.

And the reason why Jiang Ling didn’t dominate the emperor body by himself was to create a scene where he wouldn’t interfere with anything, and everything was fair in the Heavenly Grotto, which could also make the Heavenly Grotto become a holy place for cultivation in the Heavenly Death Realm faster, and he could also reap more luck!

“It is not too much to harm the endless creatures in the world. After that, you will be in the endless chaos of time and space, worn out by time. “

This figure said softly, not caring about the words of the Heavenly Clan Quasi-Emperor at all, gently waving his hand, as if he didn’t want to see his figure for a moment, directly letting him enter the endless chaotic time and space, to endure the calamity of fate for hundreds of millions of years.

This quasi-emperor who came with imperial soldiers was directly suppressed before he even had the opportunity to use imperial soldiers, banished to endless time and space, and could not return for eternity!

Although he is not dead, he is no different from death!

Moreover, they also lost an imperial soldier! _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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