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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 92

The dark river is deep, the water is turbulent, cold and piercing, and I don’t know where it goes.

A group of several people did not hesitate, jumped directly in, followed the flow, and rushed into the distance.

I don’t know how long it took to finally get out of the underground dark river, they were washed into a huge lake, felt the strong water pressure, if they were ordinary people, they would have been shattered.

The bottom of the water is pitch black, and you can’t see your fingers, but they are all god-level, otherworldly, and they can really see it!

More than a dozen winged snakes gather here, and tens of large wings are spread out to swim in the water.

But they all revolve in one direction, there, as if there is something…

They were very careful not to provoke the winged snake, which could be caught at any time, but what was hidden in this lake was more attractive to them.

“What is this place?”

The leader of the team dispersed to investigate, and was surprised, under this water, broken walls and ruins, there were many palace ruins!

Walking forward, he was even more shocked in his heart.

In front of them, there is a huge copper hall, magnificent, almost comparable to a small city, majestic, preserved is also complete, green rust mottled, looks simple and atmospheric, giving people an extremely desolate feeling!

“What is it?!”

The leader was shocked in his heart, under this dark river, there would be such a copper temple, and it was so ancient that I don’t know what era it was!


At this moment, the goddess suddenly exclaimed, and pointed around the copper hall with a trembling hand.

Everyone looked at it, in the direction of her finger, there were many corpses, and their faces could not be seen clearly, all sealed by a layer of waxy grease, and the whole body seemed to be cocooned, which looked devilish.

“Where is this exactly?”

The lake was dark, and those strange wax corpses floated around the copper hall, and even the winged snakes wandering around did not dare to touch them.

“What a strange corpse…”

A high-ranking Shinto, this corpse was too weird, he had never seen such a strange image.

The bottom of the lake is groggy, very dark, but they are all god level, the hole is like watching the fire, see the clear, the green rust mottled in front, comparable to the huge copper hall of the city, but suddenly it makes their hearts restless, a very special fluctuation came.

The next moment, a terrifying aura that made people palpitate fell all over the world, pressing down like a primeval sacred mountain, a huge shadow, a gray cloud, like a behemoth swimming by.

The divine power barrier on several people instantly exploded and was crushed down, and many wandering winged snakes were also hit hard at this moment, and they were smashed down fiercely!

“What’s that?!”

One person exclaimed, shocked, the huge shadow was like an ancient beast at the beginning of the opening of the heavens and the earth, boundless, covering the top of the lake, and it was impossible to dodge it!

“That dark river is gone!”

Wave after wave, the leader suddenly found that the dark river that led them here had disappeared, as if it had never appeared!

“What, then how do we go back?!”

There was that terrifying shadow suppression on the surface of the lake, and it was impossible to go up at all, and the dark river that brought them here had disappeared, how about them

At this moment, his heart was also terrified, there were strange copper temples everywhere, winged snakes entrenched but did not dare to approach, the huge shadow on the lake, and the dark river that disappeared at an unknown time…

It’s like a giant beast, opening its blood basin and swallowing them into it, and at this moment, they are like fish on a chopping board, which can only be slaughtered!

“Brother Qi Lin, what should I do?!”

Qi Lin is their leader, but at this moment, Qi Lin also doesn’t know what to do, it’s too weird here!

He could only hope for this rusty temple!

This magnificent bronze hall comparable to a city was majestic, green and rusty, engraved with the breath of time, but after seeing Fang Cai’s things, he did not dare to go deep.

He peeled off the grease on a wax corpse, and suddenly revealed a lifelike human body, which was a demon head, fierce and powerful, like a supreme demon god!

However, in just an instant, this demon corpse suddenly dried up, and then the flesh and blood withered, turning into a skeleton, the water was turbulent, the white bones were shattered, and nothing was left.

Qi Lin’s face turned pale, this must have been the existence of many years ago, decayed to this point, not even a ripple could be stopped.

And what kind of power killed them, like sacrifices, and buried them in this bronze temple.


At this moment, the copper hall rippled one after another, and a strange fluctuation struck.

“Not good!”

Qi Lin drank heavily, but he couldn’t help himself, and there seemed to be a huge force in the copper hall, pulling his body and dragging him into the copper hall.

With his cultivation in the Heavenly God Realm, he couldn’t resist it, and his divine power was exhausted, but he still couldn’t get rid of the shackles, and then he was absorbed by the Copper Hall.


Several people fell heavily to the ground, and at this moment they were already in the copper hall, endless emptiness, indescribable silence, and the inside was groggy, vaguely visible.

You can’t see the temple gate here, it’s like coming to a Gobi, there is no life, and time seems to stand still here.

The faint mist is shrouded, very misty, and in the empty copper hall, there is no end in sight, as if it has come to the beginning of the opening of the heavens and the earth.

“A corpse?”

Qi returned to his senses, but found that in front of them, a snow-white skeleton lay sideways, the bones were broken, lying there quietly.

On the ground, a few ancient characters can be seen vaguely, which are the words of the Heavenly Death Realm, but they are extremely ancient!

“Yu’er, what do these words mean?”

Qi Lin summoned the goddess named Yu’er in the team, who was the person in the team who knew the most about ancient history.

They often take risks, maybe they fall into some ruins, and the ghost is well versed in ancient cultures, and at such times they can often get useful information.


Gu Youer nodded and leaned down to take a closer look.

“Dare to ask… Heavens, whether… Got immortals? “

Gu Youer read word by word, although it was only eight characters, but with an inexplicable emotion, this person seemed to be full of regret and unwillingness before he died.

“Immortal ?!!”

Everyone was shocked in their hearts, and their expressions suddenly changed.

“Yu’er, are you sure it’s these eight characters?!”

Even if Qi is present, it is difficult to hide the anxiety in his heart at this moment.

“Above… It is indeed these eight characters…”

Yu’er’s face was also unnatural.

Immortal! What a noble title it was, even if it was emperor zun, it could not be compared, but here, an absolutely powerful creature before his death was mentioned!

Why did he mention the name of the immortal before he died? And why did you engrave these eight ancient characters in this bronze hall?!

Could it be that this bronze hall is not related to the legendary immortal?!


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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