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Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods — Chapter 98

Then, Jiang Ling waved his hand again, and nine figures appeared out of thin air, which was exactly the external incarnation of the sage he had created earlier!

However, now that sage is no longer only a realm and no combat power.

For the sake of this forbidden place, he had raised the opponent’s strength, realm, and magical secret techniques to the supreme holy level!

Now that sage is a true supreme saint, and even at the supreme level, it is the most pinnacle existence!

And these external incarnations of his have also been cultivated to the most holy level, each of them has a holy law, if you walk out of here, it is not a problem to push some races horizontally!

Even some great clans, without using imperial soldiers, can only be swept away by them!

“Then it’s the Origin Qi Machine!”

Since the last mistake, Jiang Ling has also become more and more cautious, who knows if there are still creatures between heaven and earth that can sense the Origin Qi Machine?

Therefore, for the sake of insurance, he specially created a seventh-order two-star level, equivalent to the heavy weapon of the Heavenly Emperor Soldier, directly changing the origin qi machine of these external incarnations, even if it is the will of the world, it cannot be distinguished!

After all, there are not a few creatures that need to be created in the future, if you create them one by one, I don’t know how much qi luck value it will cost, it is better to create a Heavenly Emperor soldier who specifically changes the origin qi machine, and you can also save a large amount of qi luck value.

The nine supreme holy incarnations, the origin qi machine gradually changed, and each was different.

Their appearance has also gradually changed and stereotyped, both male and female.

It seems that there is a peerless demon lord who kills the chaotic world, it seems that there is a domineering emperor who respects the world, and it seems that there is a fairy who is fresh and vulgar…

The nine supreme holy incarnations truly turned into nine independent beings at this moment, each unrelated, they were like a complete individual, an independent being!

“And then some ruins, and the arrangement under the abyss…”

Compared with the arrangement of the ruins in this land of hundreds of thousands of miles, the real highlight is under the abyss, but he has no plans to completely create it there at this time, and he needs to leave some suspense!


“Great Elder, there really is a Sun God Vine in this area, that is the supreme divine medicine!”

“There will be no mistake, two days ago, someone saw the fire rushing into the sky in this area, and the power of the sun was surging like Wang Yang, such a vision, only the Sun God Vine!”

“That’s good, this time the Holy Son will set foot in the gods, if he can use the Sun God Vine to transform into a god seed, he will definitely become the top demon in the world!”

“Yes, at that time, my Sacred Fire Sect will also be famous in the entire Heavenly Death Realm!”

In the void, the nine strange beasts were covered with golden scales, surrounded by brilliant divine brilliance, pulling a chariot to look for something in this wild place.

Dozens of ancient chariots followed, crushing the sky, making a deafening sound, as vast as a tsunami, and the monks on the chariots were terrifying, all of them were idle!

And on top of the most strange chariot, two figures that seemed to stand in chaos overlooked all living things, talking about a great medicine called the Sun God Vine!

This Sun God Vine is a supreme divine medicine, and if it is cultivated perfectly, it is expected to surpass the divine medicine and become the most precious holy medicine in heaven and earth!

“Strange, how can this area become quieter and quieter, as if there is no fierce beast…”

But soon, the Great Elder of the Holy Fire Sect discovered the abnormality, this is obviously a barbaric place, fierce beasts are rampant, along the way they also encountered many fierce beasts, but after stepping into this area, it was gradually quiet!

“It seems to be true, this place is already extremely close to the barbaric land, it should be a place where powerful ferocious beasts are entrenched, how can it be so quiet? Even the ferocious beast qi machine can’t feel it. “

The strong man next to the Great Elder was also puzzled, the more powerful the fierce beast, the more terrifying the qi machine, but here, they could not feel a little fierce beast qi.

It was as if all the ferocious beasts had escaped from here!

“There are oddities, stop for now and send someone to check it out!”

The Great Elder ordered, and all the chariots rolling in stopped and swept into the void!

Soon, a figure flew over, knelt down in front of the chariot, and said respectfully: “Go back to the Great Elder, a hundred miles ahead, find an ancient monument!” “

“Ancient monuments? What is written? “

The Great Elder frowned, this barbaric land had many mysteries, and even he didn’t know all of them.

“The disciple can’t recognize it, it seems, it’s an ancient text! Moreover, that monument is as heavy as a sacred mountain and cannot be moved at all! “

This disciple respectfully replied, when they saw the ancient stele, they also wanted to move it back, but they couldn’t move it even if they did everything they could!

“Ancient writing, still can’t move? Is it a strange treasure? The strong man next to the Great Elder guessed that there were many unexplained things here, even the sages might not be able to say clearly, maybe they would encounter it today.

The Great Elder’s eyes loomed, and after a moment, he said, “Old Nine, let’s go take a look together!” “


This so-called Old Nine is the Ninth Elder of the Holy Fire Sect, and even in terms of combat power, he is even better than the Great Elder, but because he became the last Elder, he is ranked as the Ninth Elder.

The two supreme beings straddled heaven and earth, a hundred miles of land, for them, it was tantamount to knowing the palm of their hand, and it only took an instant to reach it.

It is a small hillside with a pile of rocks on the top, and a few vigorous ancient trees, accompanied by several old vines the thickness of a bucket.

And just between the vines, there is an ancient stone stele, engraved with four ancient characters, the pen power is strong and deep, the strength is like a dragon, flowing with the breath of time, and I don’t know how many years have existed.

The Great Elder and the Ninth Elder looked at the words above, and read them word by word, and their expressions became more and more solemn:


“Here, a forbidden place? It shouldn’t be right! “

The Great Elder shook his head and said, this is not the real center of the Barbaric Land, there are no truly powerful creatures, there is no lack of creatures stepping on this place, how can there be such a stele, and the four words “Forbidden Land” are engraved? And it’s only been discovered today.

What is even more strange is that behind this ancient monument, in the lush and vibrant mountains, there is a terrifying silence, as if there is no life, like a dead land!

“Weird, really weird!”

The Great Elder frowned, this area was really strange, and there was an unsettling atmosphere everywhere.


But seeing that at this time, the Ninth Elder grabbed it with a palm and wanted to lift the ancient stele, but let him do it, even if it made the void tremble, the earth began to crack, and this ancient stele still did not move at all!

“Great Elder, this ancient monument is a supreme treasure!”

The eyes of the Ninth Elder bloomed with divine light, he was a god king, and his strength was almost monstrous, but he couldn’t shake this ancient monument with all his strength!

This seemingly simple stone monument is definitely a treasure!


Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods



Story of: Fantasy starts to create virtual world of gods

Jiang Ling accidentally traveled through the fantasy world, bound to the infinite creation system, created the Virtual God Realm at the beginning, and harvested a realm of luck!

Since then, earth-shaking changes have taken place in the fantasy world!

There is a peerless emperor who has ruled for eternity and is invincible!There is a restricted area of ​​life that separates the common people and overlooks the world!There is a peerless magical power that strikes across the nine heavens and flies across the world!There are also supreme treasures that reach heaven and earth, and are eternal and immortal...

Looking back, Jiang Ling found that everything he created had spread throughout the fantasy world, and he himself was forever invincible!


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