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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 020

After more than three million arrived.

Yang Fan sailed back to the fishing village.

As soon as he got home, he received a phone call.

The call came from a merchant in Electric City, saying that the electrical appliances he bought yesterday were going to be delivered.

So in the afternoon, Yang Fan was not ready to go to sea again, he was busy at home for an afternoon, cooperating with the installation master to install all kinds of newly bought electrical appliances.

After all the electrical appliances were ready, he also went to the town’s telecommunications office, pulled a broadband to his home, and solved the problem of Internet access by the way.

That’s it.

Yang Fan’s sea-view cottage can be regarded as a good look.

There should be all the electrical equipment, and the net is also connected, to be honest, this kind of living conditions, but it is much stronger than the bachelor apartment he rented in the magic capital before.

“I have a villa by the sea, facing the sea, with spring blossoms…”

After finishing his busy day, Yang Fan looked at the three-story small bungalow that had been cleaned up and smiled gratifyingly.

However, laughing and laughing, he suddenly thought of something, and then he couldn’t laugh a little.

His three-story small bungalow is cleaned up, but the oversized courtyard enclosed by the house is still barren and weedy!

“Yes, you can’t rest yet, and the yard has to be cleaned up!”

Thinking about it, Yang Fan shook his head and smiled bitterly, then went to the utility room to find a shovel and went to the yard to weed.

It was busy for more than an hour.

Yang Fan finally cleaned up the large courtyard supporting the small bungalow, and the weeds that were as tall as those people were ruthlessly ‘eradicated’ by him.

The grass was shoveled.

The whole courtyard became empty.

This is actually not very good-looking, so Yang Fan plans to see when to find a time to get some beautiful flowers and plants to plant in the yard, and strive to make this yard a garden full of flowers.

In that way, it can be called ‘spring blossoms’.

However, this is not in a hurry, and it will be done slowly in the future.

After everyone was busy inside and out, it was already evening.

Yang Fan washed his hands and slowly went out to wander around the village.

As the sun sets, wisps of afterglow fall, adding another beauty to the pristine seaside fishing village.

In the evening, the fishing village is quite lively.

Families began to cook, smoke rose, fishermen who had gone out to fish gradually returned, tin boats large and small sailed back to the docks, and children from all families began to play in the village after school.

Along the way, many villagers who knew Yang Fan greeted warmly.

Yang Fan responded politely with a smile.

While walking, Yang Fan slipped to the head of the village, and at this time, he heard several dog barks.

Following the prestige, I saw that in a weed at the head of the village, a majestic big yellow dog was with a small white female and dog… There are some scenes that are not suitable for children.

And this big yellow dog that is not good at Hapi is the big yellow of Yang Fan’s family!

This dog, since Yang Fan fed the golden drop and became alive, has not appeared for two days.

Now it seems that it has really been busy with the little in Huoho Village….

“Special! Rhubarb, this old color batch! ”

Seeing Big Yellow doing this kind of thing with his own eyes, Yang Fan was really a little crying and laughing, this dog is old and shameless, and he has been riding a bitch for two days!

In fact, what Yang Fan didn’t know was that he really couldn’t blame Big Yellow Old Color Batch.

It’s really the golden drops refined by ‘Dragon Ball’ are too fierce!

After Rhubarb was fed a few drops of gold by him, not only did his body become strong and energetic, but his body was also filled with an abundant energy that was about to explode!

This makes Rhubarb have to go vent!

To put it bluntly, Big Yellow’s state in the past two days is like eating too much of that Brother Wei… Only by constantly looking for the little in the village can we vent the ‘flood power’ in her body.

So in the past two days, Rhubarb has been fighting with the little in the village day and night.

After a wheel war, it basically gave all the little in the village to Huo Huo.

It’s a fierce horse!

“Forget it, don’t care about this goods, let it continue to harpy.”

Seeing that Big Yellow had been doing that thing without feeling, Yang Fan really didn’t look at it, glanced at it and quickly walked away.

He was afraid that he would grow the eye of a needle if he looked a little longer!

Sneak all the way to the pier.

It was also a coincidence that I met Yang Hongtao here.

At this time, he should have just returned from fishing, and was sorting out fishing nets with Yang Xiaohai on the boat.

“Oh, the fishing master is back.”

Yang Fan immediately walked over and said hello with a smile.

Yang Hongtao was originally looking down to sort out the fishing net, and when he heard the voice, he subconsciously raised his head, and immediately smiled when he saw that it was Yang Fan: “Haha, the sail is you, why are you here?” ”

“I came out for a walk, just walked here, what did you get out of the sea today?”

Saying that, Yang Fan also glanced at Yang Xiaohai and found that this kid saw that he was coming, and his expression was a little uncomfortable.

“Hehe, today is good luck, it is another day of a bumper harvest, I caught a lot of valuable goods, it is estimated that I can sell more than a thousand!”

Speaking of the catch, Yang Hongtao was stunned again.

However, he does have the capital of Hisser, and today he caught a lot of good goods, which is the right name for his fishing master!

“Yes, you can sell more than a thousand, you kid makes a lot of money every day!” Yang Fan smiled when he heard this.

“Hehe, it’s average.”

Yang Hongtao smiled ‘modestly’, and then turned to Yang Fan and said, “Fanzi, what about you, did you catch a fish at sea today?” ”

“Caught two dozen.” Yang Fan said with a smile.

“Caught a dozen of them? That’s okay, isn’t it worth something like grouper? Yang Hongtao asked again.

“Not grouper.”

“There are no groupers… So did you sell the fish? ”


“How much does it cost?”

“Not much, ‘billion’ a little.”

“Okay, then Fanzi, you will continue to work hard next time, and strive to earn more than a thousand a day like your brother one day!”

Hearing that Yang Fan was embarrassed to say how much money he had sold, Yang Hongtao smiled.

In his opinion, what Yang Fan caught must be worthless goods, not even groupers, and he could sell them for a few dollars.


As for Yang Fan, after hearing Yang Hongtao’s shameless words, he just smiled and did not refute this guy.

Otherwise, if he dumped the 3 million earned from selling big yellow fish today in this guy’s face, it is estimated that this product would be dumbfounded on the spot.

“By the way, Fanzi, how about you go to sea with me from tomorrow? I teach you a little fishing experience, anyway, I take Xiaohai alone is also a belt, plus you are no different. ”

At this time, Yang Hongtao thought about it and said such a sentence with a sincere face.

He was completely out of kindness, and felt that Yang Fan had no experience in fishing, so he wanted to bring him.

But what Yang Hongtao didn’t know was that Yang Fan needed him to bring …

However, after thinking about this proposal for a while, Yang Fan did not refuse.

“Okay, then I’ll go to sea with you tomorrow.” Yang Fan agreed with a smile.


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for all kinds of support and encouragement!!


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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