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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 026

After two jokes.

Yang Hongtao began to pull the line to collect the basket of hooks that Yang Fan put up.

Pull and pull.

Yang Hongtao immediately felt that the first hook was hit by a fish!

When pulling the row hook, the feel of the medium fish and the feel of the non-hit fish are completely different

As a fisherman who often rows down the hook, Yang Hongtao can tell at once whether the hook pulled up has hit the fish.

He could even immediately guess how big the fish was pulled.

“Fanzi, I have to say that your luck is good, the first hook is a fish! However, I feel that this fish should be very small, at most half a catty! ”

As he spoke, Yang Hongtao pulled the hook up.

Sure enough, he guessed well.

This hook caught a tiger fish that weighed about three or four times.

“Huo, it’s a tiger fish, that’s pretty good, it’s not easy for a tiger fish to grow so big, it can be regarded as a big brother level!” Seeing that it was a tiger fish, Yang Hongtao smiled.

Steller’s fish, also known as Shigougong, Shijiugong, stonefish, etc., generally inhabit rocky reefs and seaweed.

This fish has a reputation for small groupers, and is extremely popular in seafood markets, whether used in braised or soup.

Of course, its price is also relatively high.

Like this three, four or two tiger fish, one pound can sell for about a hundred.

Although the first hook under Yang Fan was hit.

And it’s still a relatively expensive tiger fish.

But Yang Hongtao obviously did not realize the ‘seriousness’ of the matter at present, he just thought that Yang Fan was lucky.

Then, he started pulling the second hook.

Pull and pull.

Suddenly, Yang Hongtao felt the thread in his hand sink violently!

This strength, at a glance, is a big fish!

“Huh? Caught in the fish again? And it seems that it is not small? ”

With surprise, Yang Hongtao slowly pulled the hook up.

Then, his eyes widened instantly!

“Groove! Such a large red grouper? Sails, get rich! ”

Seeing this big fish that was pulled out of the water, Yang Hongtao couldn’t help but shout!

That’s right, it’s a red grouper!

And it’s an oversized red grouper with at least four pounds!

With the current market price of wild red grouper, a large one like this will cost at least seven or eight hundred pounds!

In other words, this fish can be sold for more than 3,000!

“Quick! Xiaohai, quickly take the net, don’t let this big grouper run away! Yang Hongtao shouted.

Yang Xiaohai on the side was also immediately excited when he saw such a big red stone spot, and when he heard Yang Hongtao shouting, he quickly picked up the net without saying a word, and copied the red stone spot.

“Hahaha! Fanzi, you are also too lucky, such a large red grouper has been caught by you! Now get rich! ”

After pulling the fish up.

Yang Hongtao laughed at Yang Fan, and while holding the big red grouper, he kissed him fiercely!

As a fisherman, it is normal to be excited to see this rare good product, but Yang Hongtao seems to be a little too excited about this product, and even kissed a fish….

Seeing this, Yang Fan was a little chilly.

I thought this guy wouldn’t have been single for a long time and have some kind of evil thoughts about a fish, right?

“Okay, Taozi, don’t get too excited, it’s just a grouper, fuss, continue to pull the row hook.”

Seeing that Yang Hongtao was holding a large grouper for a long time, and he didn’t even pull the row hook, Yang Fan couldn’t help but roll his eyes.

It’s just a grouper, is it so excited?

If this cargo sees those big yellow fish he caught two days ago, isn’t it to burp on the spot with excitement?

“Just a grouper?”

“Fanzi, your special meow tone is quite big!”

“Do you know how much this big grouper is worth? At least more than 3,000 pieces! This is the most expensive fish I’ve caught in so many years, can I not be excited! ”

Seeing Yang Fan’s disapproving look, Yang Hongtao suddenly muttered excitedly.

This is a big red grouper worth more than 3,000 pieces, which fisherman can’t jump his feet with excitement?!

“Yes, then your old man will continue to hold this grouper and kiss his mouth, I’ll pull the row hook.”

Saying that, Yang Fan shrugged, and then squeezed Yang Hongtao away and pulled up the row hook with his own hands.

And as he pulled up one by one.

Yang Hongtao’s eyes are getting bigger and bigger, and the sound of ‘lying groove’ is getting louder and louder!

“Groove! How is it possible, another big red grouper??! ”

“Groove!! No way? Another big blue spot??! ”

“Groove!!! That’s right, another Great Eastern Star Spot??! ”

“Groove!!!! I’m not dreaming, am I? Here comes another big rat spot??! ”


Accompanied by Yang Hongtao’s endless lying groove.

Yang Fan finally put all 150 hooks up.

In the end, he harvested a full 78 fish!

In other words, the catch rate of this basket under Yang Fan is more than fifty percent!

I have to say that this is really an extremely exaggerated number, but what is even more exaggerated is that the fish in this basket are basically all kinds of grouper and tiger fish such valuable goods!

Of course.

This was indeed an exaggeration for others, but Yang Fan had expected it for a long time.

After all, he had seen through the sea and knew that there were several different species of groupers hidden under the reef area, and when the tempting fresh bait was dropped, these groupers would naturally go crazy.


Or Yang Fan’s ability is too against the sky!

Wait until the big grouper almost fills the entire live warehouse on the ship when it is about to burst.

Among the three people on the boat, Yang Fan was still calm.

Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai were already stunned and completely shocked!

It took a long time.

Yang Hongtao finally slowly recovered from his great shock.

Then, he turned his head to stare at Yang Fan and asked loudly in disbelief

“Oh my God!”

“Fanzi, how can you catch so many groupers at once with this basket of hooks?!”

“How the hell did you do it??!?”

“It’s completely unscientific!”

At this moment, Yang Hongtao looked at Yang Fan’s expression as if he had seen a ghost alive!

He couldn’t figure out why he could catch so many groupers with this basket of hooks under Yang Fan?!


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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