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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 030

After selling the fish.

It was already half-past eleven o’clock in the afternoon.

The three of them got up before five o’clock and went to sea, and they have been busy for six or seven hours now, and they have long been hungry.

Therefore, Yang Fan proposed not to go back to the village for the time being, and first find a restaurant in the city for lunch before going back.

Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai naturally had no objection to this.

Then the three of them found a restaurant near the pier.

After ordering.

Yang Fan took out his mobile phone and directly transferred 55,000 yuan to Yang Hongtao on the V letter.

After seeing the transfer information, Yang Hongtao immediately looked up at Yang Fan and shouted: “Fanzi, why are you transferring so much money to me?” ”

“The money for selling fish just now, more than 80,000 is divided into three parts, and one person is more than 20,000, so this 55,000 is the money divided between you and Xiaohai.” Yang Fan smiled and said.

Hearing Yang Fan’s words, Yang Hongtao immediately shook his head and refused:

“Fanzi, this can’t work, I can’t collect this money!”

“Being able to catch those big groupers is basically the credit of you alone, how can I be embarrassed to divide so much?”

“According to my thoughts, it would be good to give me and Xiaohai one or two thousand at most, I’m really embarrassed to ask for more!”

Seeing that the goods refused to be accepted, Yang Fan glared at him and said: “The three of us went out to sea together, and it was still your boat, and if we caught the fish and sold it, the money must be divided equally, what credit is not credited?” Hurry up and collect the money! ”

“No, Fanzi, I’m really embarrassed about this…”

Without waiting for Yang Hongtao to finish speaking, Yang Fan directly burst into foul language: “Don’t say these!” I asked you if you should be a brother? Do you think brother is the kind of person who can be comfortable enough to swallow this money alone? ”


“Don’t be special, no matter how much Bibi says, my brother won’t have to do it!”

“Sails… Alas, that’s okay! ”

Yang Hongtao originally wanted to refuse, but seeing that Yang Fan had said everything, he didn’t say anything more after thinking about it.

The two grew up wearing open pants together, and he naturally knew Yang Fan’s character very well.

“I’ll take the money! Fanzi, the other brothers will not say much, thanks! ”

After tearfully collecting the money, Yang Hongtao looked at Yang Fan with a touched face.


“This money was originally earned by everyone together, why thank me?”

“Also, don’t look at me like this, brother is panicking!”

Seeing Yang Hongtao looking at himself with such a rather ‘meaty’ look, Yang Fan waved his hand and quickly scolded with a smile.

Here and Yang Hongtao said a few words.

Then, Yang Fan turned to look at Yang Xiaohai again and said: “Xiaohai, you are still young, you don’t spend it indiscriminately after Taozi gives you your share of money, it’s best to give the money to your grandfather for safekeeping, and keep it for your kid to buy a house and marry his daughter-in-law in the future, you know?” ”

“Hmm… Got it, Brother Fan! ”

Yang Xiaohai nodded obediently when he heard this.

Seeing that Yang Xiaohai seemed to have heard what he said, Yang Fan smiled.

After a day with this taciturn teenager.

Yang Fan could obviously feel that this boy who was only sixteen or seventeen years old was actually very tough and stubborn, much more precocious and sensible than children of the same age.

The unexpected grief may have broken his young heart, but it also allowed him to grow tremendously.

At the same time, Yang Fan also felt it.

When he first went out to sea today to put the row hook, his addition seemed to make Yang Xiaohai very uncomfortable, and the whole person has been silent like a stuffy gourd.

But as the day slowly gets along.

Yang Xiaohai seemed to slowly let go in front of him, and it was more natural.

This made Yang Fan very gratified.

He sympathized with the teenager who had suffered the same grief as him.

He even wanted to play the role of a big brother in the past to help this teenager so that he could grow up better.

Of course, Yang Fan knew that this had to be done slowly.


Meimei after a big meal.

The three returned to the dock and drove the boat back to the village.

Afterwards, the three went home separately.

As soon as Yang Fan walked to the door of his own courtyard, he saw a familiar figure suddenly popping out of the courtyard, and directly pounced and bit his trouser leg.

“Lean! Rheum! You son still knows how to go home? ”

Seeing that Big Yellow had finally returned, Yang Fan rolled his eyes and couldn’t help but kick this guy.

This old color batch!

Unexpectedly surfed outside for three consecutive days!

I don’t know how many little females and dogs have been housed by it in the past three days….

“Wang! Woof! Woof! ”

was kicked by Yang Fan, although it was very light, but Big Yellow was still very aggrieved.

It looked at Yang Fan pitifully, as if to say: “Master, I am wronged, if you hadn’t fed me so many gold droplets so that the surging ‘Flood Power’ in my body had nowhere to vent, would I have been guilty of going out to fight for three days and three nights?” Although that’s really quite Harpy… But for three days and three nights in a row, my old Huang almost didn’t collapse and died! ”

Of course, rhubarb can’t speak.

Otherwise, he would definitely cry to Yang Fan.

After playing for a while with the old guy Big Yellow who he hasn’t seen for a few days.

Yang Fan went directly upstairs for a lunch break, and he was really tired after running outside all day.

This sleep, Yang Fan slept exceptionally soundly.

But unfortunately, he was woken up by a phone call halfway, otherwise he might have slept until dark.

The call was from his Internet celebrity classmate Qin Yuxue.

Qin Yuxue told Yang Fan on the phone that she had booked a ticket for ten o’clock tomorrow morning, and she would arrive in Beihai City at about twelve o’clock at noon.

Knowing that her old classmate was coming, Yang Fan naturally said on the spot that he would pick her up at the airport tomorrow.

In this regard, Qin Yuxue accepted it gladly after being a little polite, and said that she was looking forward to seeing Yang Fan tomorrow.

After hanging up the phone with Qin Yuxue.

Yang Fan thought that this afternoon would be fine, so he simply went to the town to buy some flowers and plants, and put the big bare yard in front of his house a little tidy.

Otherwise, such a large open space looks quite empty, and it is still necessary to reclaim and plant some plants to decorate it beautifully.

Pay attention.

Yang Fan went to Yang Hongtao to borrow a motorcycle, and then drove the motorcycle to the town.

After arriving in town.

Yang Fan soon found a shop in the only commercial street here that operated a flower and plant potting business.

The name of this shop is also a bit literary and artistic, called ‘Floral Life’.

After parking the motorcycle, Yang Fan walked into the ‘floral life’.

As soon as he stepped into the store with his front foot, a crisp voice sounded inside:

“Welcome, do you need to… Hey? Are you, Yang Fan? ”


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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