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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 033

It took Yang Fan about two or three hours to successfully reclaim this vegetable field.

After working hard for so long, he was not tired much, but there was a sticky smelly sweat on his body, which made him suddenly decide to go to the sea to swim.

Speaking of the same a few days ago, Yang Fan also worked for an afternoon to live in a stinky sweat that day when he first went home, and then he went swimming in the sea.

As a result, he was lucky enough to catch two splendid lobsters.

Thinking of this, Yang Fan smiled: “Tonight’s dinner has not yet landed, and I don’t know if I can be as lucky as last time when I go to the sea, if I can still get big lobsters and crabs this time, even if it is expensive, I won’t sell it, keep it for myself!” ”

It has to be said.

People with deep pockets and millions of dollars are different.

Before catching good goods, Yang Fan would definitely give priority to selling them for money, but now he wanted to satisfy his stomach first.

After all, he is also a rich man now.

With a smile, Yang Fan went upstairs to get a clean dress and went directly to the beach.

Big Yellow ran away again, and I don’t know if I went to the little in Huohuo Village again, otherwise Yang Fan still wanted to take it with him.


Come to the reef area last time.

Yang Fan still observed the surroundings first, and after finding that there was no one else except himself, he took off his clothes without any scruples and plunged directly into the sea.

One into the water.

Yang Fan immediately felt extremely refreshed.

This is not ordinary comfort, but the ultimate comfort as if every cell is cheering and jumping!

That’s the magic of Dragon Ball!

His body was constantly transformed by the dragon balls, making Yang Fan closer and closer to the sea, as soon as he entered the sea, he would immediately feel that his body was completely relaxed.

It can be said that Yang Fan’s affinity for the sea now surpasses that of land, and he can even survive in the sea all the time!

But after all, he is a person, not a fish.

So he still has to stay on land most of the time….

However, Yang Fan had already made up his mind, and he would come to the sea to stay longer when he had time in the future.

Of course, you can’t stay in a sea all the time, it’s easy to get tired of it.

Especially offshore is even less interesting.

The offshore sea is bare, not only without spectacular schools of fish, but also without magnificent and strange underwater coral landscapes, which is really not fun.

Yang Fan thought that if he had the opportunity in the future, he would definitely go to every ocean in the world to enjoy different underwater wonders, which would definitely be very interesting.

Of course, that was for later, not something he should think about now.

Now what he needs to think about most is to quickly find the big lobster and crab for dinner.

After an afternoon of work, his stomach was already protesting!

Take back your cluttered thoughts.

Yang Fan began to dive.

While swimming, he kept searching for seafood in the sea with his eyes.

The problem of poor offshore fishery resources was once again clearly presented to his eyes.

In the bare sea, there is not a single decent school of fish, only a few fish of three or three halves swimming nearby, which looks very barren and desolate.

After searching here for a while, Yang Fan did not find anything worthy of his shot, so he had to expand the scope of his search, using his surprisingly fast swimming speed and super sea vision to carpet search farther and larger areas of the sea.

But this time.

He didn’t seem to be lucky last time.

He searched the sea for a long time, looking for quite a large area of the sea nearby.

But I still didn’t find anything.

Search all the way down.

The most valuable sea goods Yang Fan saw were just a few large black sea bream weighing about two or three pounds.

This kind of big black sea bream is generally sixty or seventy pieces a pound, and two or three pounds can also be sold for one or two hundred pieces.

Of course, in fact, the meat of the black snapper is still quite delicious, if Yang Fan can catch them, he will definitely take these big black sea bream.

But helpless sea fish are very flexible in the sea.

Even though Yang Fan is now water-based, it is still far worse than sea fish.

Fish and lobster crabs are different.

Lobsters and crabs generally hide in the crevices of the reef, not only slow to react but also very clumsy, so they are easy to catch.

But the fish are very agile, as soon as Yang Fan gets close, they will all run away, and they swim fast, so it is impossible for Yang Fan to catch fish with his bare hands in the sea.

It is precisely for this reason.

Yang Fan only considered catching some crabs and lobsters for dinner, and did not consider catching fish for dinner.


His luck today was really not good.

After looking for a long time, he couldn’t find a big crab and a big lobster that could make him shoot.

Of course, even if the offshore resources are barren, there are still some small shrimp and crabs.

After searching for so long, Yang Fan has also seen some stone crabs, orchid crabs, safflower crabs and whatnot.

But they were not very big and could not reach the ‘crab life and death line’ set by Yang Fan, so he did not catch it.

Yes, Yang Fan set a ‘life and death line’ for the crab.

No matter what kind of crab, he will not catch less than one pound.

Conscientious old fishermen often have the principle that fish and crabs that are not up to standard or have seeds will be released.

But crabs that generally exceed ‘two taels’ are already very large, so in the old fishermen, the ‘life and death line’ of crabs is generally about two taels.

But here in Yang Fan, the ‘crab life and death line’ he set is one pound!

This is undoubtedly very demanding.

It is very rare to see more than a pound of crabs in the offshore this year.

There are so many trawlers, generally crabs are directly dragged to the table by the trawlers’ nets before they grow up, where is the opportunity to wait for them to grow up.

So under this harsh ‘crab life and death line’.

It was a little difficult for Yang Fan to find a big crab that met the standard.

However, this is the principle that Yang Fan set for himself, and he will not change it.

Other fishermen Yang Fan can’t care about it, but he has the ‘Dragon Ball’, which is an open existence, of course, he must be more kind to the creatures of the sea.

Even, Yang Fan thought that even if he bought a large fishing boat in the future, he would definitely use that kind of net with a large mesh to fish, so that he would not catch small fish and crabs.

The reason why offshore fishery resources are getting worse year by year.

It is that many people are too greedy and use small mesh ‘extinction nets’ to kill small fish and shrimp when fishing with trawlers.

Without small fish and shrimp, where can the big fish and prawns come from?

Yang Fan can’t control others, but since he himself is favored by the ‘Dragon Ball’, then he must be principled, and he must treat the sea well and be moderate.

I looked for it for a while.

Yang Fan still hasn’t found a big crab that meets his conditions.

“Forget it, go back, it seems that you can only eat bowls of instant noodles tonight to cope with it…”

He shook his head a little disappointed, smiled bitterly, and then prepared to dive.

At this moment, though.

Lady Luck seems to have come again!

Out of the corner of Yang Fan’s eyes, he suddenly found that on a large undersea reef three hundred meters away, there was a big guy who made his eyes shine!


PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for all kinds of support and encouragement~


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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