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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 047

I thought about it carefully.

Yang Fan found that he seemed to have only one way to get this big dragon grouper onto the boat.

That is, he went directly into the water and used his pair of unicorn arms to carry this big dragon grouper!

If not, what else can it be?

Yang Fan really couldn’t think of any other way.

So after making up his mind, he jumped off the boat without saying a word.

Fortunately, the big dragon grouper had been struggling for almost an hour after taking the bait, and he was already tired and half-dead, and Yang Fan smoothly hugged it after entering the water.

Although the Great Dragon Stone Spot instinctively used the last trace of strength to forcibly break free after being hugged suddenly, how strong was Yang Fan’s body after being transformed by the Dragon Ball?

I saw that he was hugging the big grouper deadly, and then directly threw this dragon grouper onto the boat with a huge ding with both hands.

“Wow! Yang Fan! You’re too strong! ”

Seeing that Yang Fan jumped into the water without saying a word and threw up this large stone group of more than a hundred pounds, Qin Yuxue on the boat immediately blinked his eyes and exclaimed.

She was stunned.

The group of water friends in her live broadcast room were also stunned!

[“Groove! This fisherman brother is a werewolf! This unicorn arm is awesome! “】

[“It’s really awesome! A large grouper of more than 100 pounds was easily thrown on the boat! “】

“This buddy didn’t practice weightlifting when he was a kid, right??? “】

[“Oooh! The little brother is not only handsome but also so powerful, he loves love! “】

[“Yes, yes, yes! If only I could be my little brother’s girlfriend, and I would definitely feel safe snuggling under his strong arms! “】

[“Little fairy sister, please introduce! I’m going to give birth to a monkey for my little brother! “】

[“You little hooves, don’t hit my husband’s attention! “】


After throwing the dragon grouper on the boat.

Yang Fan then supported it with his hand and jumped onto the boat with great ease.

As for the big dragon grouper that he threw onto the boat, after a few violent flutters, he soon slowly stopped struggling.

Because of the water, Yang Fan’s clothes were already soaked at this time, and it was not very comfortable to stick to his body, so he simply took off his shirt and prepared to wring out the moisture by hand before putting it on.

“Ah! Yang Fan, you are playing hooligans! ”

Seeing Yang Fan suddenly take off his clothes, Qin Yuxue suddenly blushed, and subconsciously covered his eyes with his hand.

But Yang Fan’s charming and sexy six-pack abs and a pair of huge biceps made her can’t help but peek a few times between her fingers.

“Wow! Yang Fan’s figure turned out to be so good! It seems to be much sexier than the bodywork I used to see in the gym…”

Peeking at Yang Fan’s almost perfect figure, Qin Yuxue’s face suddenly turned red, and she was about to have a little heart beating faster.

She didn’t expect that her old classmate was not only handsome, but also had such a sexy body….

It’s just a male god!

And as the picture of Yang Fan undressing and naked upper body was transmitted to the live broadcast room, those female viewers were hi one by one!

[“Oh my God! Little brother, what kind of fairy body is this, love love! “】

[“Ma Ya! This figure, the old lady took a look, and her legs were almost unstable! “】

[“Don’t say it! Seeing the figure of my little brother, I have secretly taken out the cucumber I put in the refrigerator…”

【“??? The upstairs is so dirty! Say, what are you doing with cucumbers? “】

[“Hey, what do you say? But seriously, this little brother is not only handsome, but also has such a top figure, if he goes to be a trainee, there will be Kun Kun Fan Fan Lu what! “】

[That’s right, then what kind of Kun Kun Fan Fan Lulu is compared to my Yang Fan little brother, it’s just a scum! ] I declare that from today onwards, little brother Yang Fan, you will be my idol! Idol you have Douyin Weibo no, I want to follow! “】

[“Gee! Little brother’s figure… Don’t say anything, I’ve already taken a screenshot, and when it’s quiet and empty and lonely and cold in the dead of night, I can secretly take the photo of my little brother out to soothe my lonely heart…”

[“What is a screenshot?”] The old lady has already begun to lick the screen! “】


Not to mention female fans, some male fans in the live broadcast room saw Yang Fan’s figure, and they all said that they were about to be bent!

[“Handsome guy, ♂♂ no? I’m a straight man of steel who has already been bent by you! You are responsible for me! “】

[“Groove! Upstairs, this driving skill is amazing… I watched it for a minute to understand! “】

[“♂♂ What do you mean??? Is there a great God to explain? “】

[“Don’t ask if children don’t understand, I’m afraid you will go astray…”



Yang Fan couldn’t see the barrage, and naturally didn’t know that Qin Yuxue’s live broadcast room was crazy to drive him.

Of course, even if he knew, it was estimated that he would not care too much with a smile.

But seriously, Yang Fan is also very satisfied with his current figure.

Since having ‘Dragon Ball’, he found that his figure has improved day by day, and slowly became what he is now.

Six-pack abs, male dog waist, vest line, large pectoral muscles…

Others have to work hard to go to the gym every day to get a good figure, but he only needs to sleep a few more to naturally have, I have to say, this is really a little infuriating.

After wringing out the clothes, Yang Fan quickly put them back on.

Seeing Qin Yuxueqiao blushing and covering her eyes and scolding herself for playing hooligans, Yang Fan smiled embarrassedly and said: “Well, I’m not playing hooligans, but my clothes are too wet and a little uncomfortable, so I took them off and twisted them.” ”

“Hmph! Then you can’t tell me about it in advance! Seeing Yang Fan put on his clothes, Qin Yuxue lowered the hand that covered her eyes and whispered, humming.

“I thought you wouldn’t mind, it’s common for men to be shirtless in our fishing village.” Yang Fan shrugged.

“Hmph, that means that your village is a rogue!”


Yang Fan was speechless.


PS: Guys, smash the flower evaluation ticket in your hand!!


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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