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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 054

After eating abalone noodles, the three of them chatted in the living room.

During the period about tomorrow’s arrangement, Yang Fan asked Qin Yuxue if he wanted to go and put the row hook with him tomorrow, and Qin Yuxue was very interested after hearing this, and immediately agreed happily.

Although Yang Fan also said that it takes five o’clock to get up at five o’clock to put the row hook, Qin Yuxue said that she doesn’t care how early she gets up, she came here to experience catching the sea to fish, what does it matter if she gets up early.

In this regard, Yang Fan expressed his appreciation, and then sent a message to Yang Hongtao telling him to go together tomorrow to put the row hook.

After arranging tomorrow’s planning, Yang Fan and Qin Yuxue chatted in the living room for a long time, and chatted happily until half past ten at night, when they said goodnight to each other and went upstairs to sleep together.

Of course, sleeping in different rooms.

It is also worth mentioning.

Yang Fan guessed correctly, there were as many as twenty or thirty classmates who chatted with him privately this night, even more than the last time they chatted with him privately.

Of course, the classmates who chatted in private were nothing more than ridiculing and joking with him, and naturally they would not really plan to worship him as a teacher and become a fisherman together.

In addition, there were a few classmates who had a good relationship with Yang Fan in college, and proposed that they would like to come to his hometown fishing village like Qin Yuxue in the future to experience the fun of catching the sea and fishing.

In this regard, Yang Fan naturally agreed with his mouth, saying that as long as his old classmates came, he would definitely welcome him warmly.


One night without a word.

Fast forward to the next day.

At five o’clock in the morning, several roosters at the head of the village began to call again in high spirits.

Yang Fan was accustomed to the life of a fishing village, and he woke up naturally when he heard the rooster crowing.

After getting up, Yang Fan originally wanted to go to the next room to see Qin Yuxue and Chen Qian, they didn’t wake up, and if they didn’t wake up, they would ask them to get up, but before he could get dressed and go out, there was a loud alarm in the next room, and then he heard a crackling sound of dressing.

Obviously, Qin Yuxue set an alarm clock, and Yang Fan didn’t need Yang Fan to wake them up.

There is only one public restroom on the 3rd floor, and after getting up, all three people walk out of the room and come to this toilet to wash.


“Hah… Good morning. ”

The two girls, Qin Yuxue and Chen Qian, obviously haven’t slept enough, and both of them are rubbing their eyes sleepily, looking like they are seriously lacking sleep.

Looking at the two listless girls, Yang Fan smiled and said, “You guys don’t usually get up so early, right?” ”

Qin Yuxue yawned and pouted, “Of course, my cousin and I usually go to bed in the early morning, and we don’t get up until after ten o’clock in the morning, how can we get up so early.” ”

“Also, you freelance don’t have to clock in at work, it must be easy to be a night owl.” Yang Fan smiled.

“It’s okay, in order to feel the fun of fishing at sea, this girl fights!” Qin Yuxue clenched her small fists to cheer herself up.

“Haha, okay, then you guys wash up here, I’ll go downstairs.”

Yang Fan smiled, took his towel and toothbrush and went to the bathroom downstairs.

Within a few minutes he had washed up, and then went to the kitchen to prepare the pot noodles for breakfast.

Of course, it’s still abalone noodles.

The dozen large abalone I got yesterday have not yet been eaten, and today I can use it to cook a pot.

The girls must have more time to wash, and when Yang Fan’s noodles were cooked, Qin Yuxue slowly went downstairs.

Seeing Yang Fan cooking another pot of abalone noodles, Qin Yuxue blinked her eyes wide: “Yang Fan, your treatment is too good, to be honest, I’m a little embarrassed, should I give you food expenses?” ”

Yang Fan waved his hand: “Hit me in the face, right?” Old classmates talk about what food expenses are there, well, let’s eat noodles. ”

After a few words of laughter, the three began to enjoy the abalone noodles.

After eating quickly, they cleaned up, and then Yang Fan took Qin Yuxue and them to the dock in the village.

“Fanzi, over here!”

At this time, Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai had already sorted out the hooks and fishing nets on the boat, and seeing Yang Fan coming over with his long-legged beautiful classmates, Yang Hongtao quickly smiled and waved.

“Let’s get on board.”

Yang Fan smiled and took Qin Yuxue and Chen Qian onto Yang Hongtao’s boat.

After getting on the boat, it is inevitable to introduce Qin Yuxue, Chen Qian, Yang Hongtao, and Yang Xiaohai to each other.

Fortunately, everyone is a young person, and they can talk together, and they quickly become acquainted.

Afterwards, a group of five sailed to the open sea.


Since it is a lower row hook, it is naturally a familiar formula.

Yang Hongtao first drove the boat to an unfamiliar sea, where he laid a floating net to catch some fish as bait.

The first time they watched people fishing on the boat, Qin Yuxue Chen Qian naturally felt that this was very novel, and the two of them looked curious about the baby the whole time.

Good luck today.

A floating net went down to catch dozens of bait fish such as blue-scaled fish knifefish.

Seeing strings of fish hanging on the net and being pulled up from the sea, Qin Yuxue was excited, and helped Yang Fan and them pull the net together.

The photographer Chen Qian picked up the camera at this time and began to follow the video, preparing to take a video of Qin Yuxue rushing to the sea.

After getting the bait fish.

Yang Hongtao turned his head to look at Yang Fan and said with a smile: “Fanzi, where are we going to put the row hook this time?” ”

Yang Fan glanced at him and said amusedly, “What? Why do fishing experts still ask me for advice? ”

Yang Hongtao rubbed his hands and smiled: “Hehe, in front of you Fanzi, I am a fart fishing master, now who in the village does not know Fanzi you?” Not only can you get into a prestigious university by studying, but fishing is also a no! ”

Yesterday, Yang Fan caught a large dragon grouper of more than 100 catties and sold it for 366,000 glorious deeds has already spread throughout the village, and Yang Hongtao naturally heard about it.

Coupled with the fact that Yang Fan caught dozens of large groupers under the row hook last time, Yang Hongtao is now quite convinced of Yang Fan’s fishing methods, so this time he put the row hook, he decided to completely obey Yang Fan’s command.

“Okay, you can drive the boat first, and I’ll let you put it wherever you want later.” Yang Fan smiled and said.

“Hey, hey, good!”

Yang Hongtao grinned and looked forward to it, this time Yang Fan can create another magic and take them home with a full load?


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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