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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 063

Find a spot for the trawl yacht.

Yang Fan came out of the cockpit and walked onto the deck.

A middle-aged man immediately shouted at him in the crowd of onlookers on the pier: “Sail boy, you bought this luxury yacht?” ”

Yang Fan smiled, tried his best to control his tone to keep a low profile, and said to the man: “Yes, Uncle Da Long, I just bought it.” ”

Although there has been speculation for a long time.

But when he saw Yang Fan personally confirm that this luxury trawl yacht was bought by him, the fathers and villagers in the village on the dock all widened their eyes in shock!


“This luxury yacht was really bought by the sail boy himself!”

“Amazing! Amazing! ”

“The sail boy is really amazing! Millions of luxury yachts can be bought, too rich! ”

“Or maybe it’s good to read! You see that the fan kid is now so productive after going to a prestigious university, how can we smelly fish compare! ”

“yes! You have to read to get ahead! ”

“Who says it isn’t! But how many cubs in our village can read into the book, let’s say that my kid knows every day what to call the glory of the king with a mobile phone, and if he doesn’t play with him, he will go on a hunger strike, and I am really about to be angry with him! ”

“Alas, my smelly boy is still the same!”

“No way, not everyone is born with material like Fan Boy!”

The crowd became even more boisterous.

Many village elders gave Yang Fan a thumbs up and praised in their mouths.

The half-old children in the village stared at this luxury trawl yacht with their eyes shining, and they wanted to visit the yacht and play it.

As for those fishing village youths of the same generation as Yang Fan, they are envious and ashamed, speaking of them, they have played with Yang Fan since childhood, but now Yang Fan has bought a big yacht, they are ashamed to die compared with one!


The news that Yang Fan bought a luxury yacht immediately spread throughout the village, and for a while the people in the village were talking about it.

Soon, Yang Hongtao also learned the news.

Shortly after returning from fishing, he was sorting fishing nets in the yard of his house, and when he heard the news, he was stunned on the spot.

Without saying a word, he threw down his fishing net and ran to the dock.

At this time, although Yang Fan had already disembarked and returned home, many people on the dock still came here to visit his luxury trawl yacht.

When Yang Hongtao rushed to the dock and saw the luxury trawl yacht docked in the port, his eyes immediately widened: “Lying groove!” Sail really bought a luxury yacht??! ”

Yang Hongtao was really stunned!

He has the best relationship with Yang Fan, and he is also the person who has walked closest to Yang Fan after returning to the fishing village, and it can be said that he is the person who knows Yang Fan the most in the entire fishing village.

It was precisely because of this that he knew that Yang Fan should not be so rich!

He knew very well that Yang Fan had worked in a bank before, with a high salary and good benefits.

But no matter how high the salary and how good the benefits are, Yang Fan has only graduated for two or three years, how can he afford to buy millions of luxury yachts???


For the sake of low profile.

After Yang Fan parked the yacht, he immediately went back to his house to rest, otherwise he would definitely be surrounded by enthusiastic villagers asking questions.

But before he could go home and rest for long, Yang Hongtao, who had finished watching the yacht from the dock, came to the door.

Yang Hongtao was an impatient person, and as soon as he entered the door, he put his arm around Yang Fan’s shoulder and shouted: “It’s a day!” Sails! You actually bought a luxury yacht without a word! My mother, how much does that cost? ”

“Gan! Talk as you speak, don’t move your hands and feet! ”

Seeing that this cargo came up and put his arm around his shoulders, Yang Fan scolded with a smile and threw away his hand, and then said very casually: “That yacht didn’t cost much, just more than four million.” ”

Hearing this, Yang Hongtao immediately glared:


“‘Just’ more than four million?!”

“Fanzi, don’t pretend like this!”

“I said where the hell did you kid get so much money!? Did you win the lottery jackpot, or did you make a fake account when you worked at the bank before??? ”

Hear this guy speechless.

Yang Fan immediately rolled his eyes: “Make fake accounts? I’ll be your head! Don’t talk nonsense, this is going to squat in prison! ”

“So Fanzi, did you win the lottery jackpot?”

“How many handfuls are won, is the lottery a special insider, can it be your turn to win the jackpot?”

“Then Fanzi, where did you get so much money? You can’t earn money by being a duck in the magic capital, right? ”

Yang Fan flew over directly with a kick: “You specially give Lao Tzu the fuck off, you are the duck!” No, you are the duck king! ”

Yang Hongtao quickly dodged away and laughed: “Hahaha, Fanzi, you won’t be angry by what I said, right?” Are you really being raised by a rich woman in the magic capital? ”


Yang Fan no longer wanted to deal with these two goods.

“Hahaha, okay, no kidding!”

“Fanzi, although I don’t know how you got rich, as a brother, I am still sincerely happy for you!”

“This is a luxury yacht, Mrs. Tete’s strength!”

Yang Hongtao said, and then seemed to suddenly think of something, only to see him raise his eyebrows, revealing a somewhat lewd expression:

“Fanzi, let’s say it in advance!”

“I’m your best brother! If in the future, like in the movie, you want to take a group of young models to the yacht to open the body, you must not forget brothers and me! ”

“Hey, hey! That scene… Think about it! ”

Looking at this product with a lewd expression, he was still smiling there, and he didn’t know what pictures were going on in his mind that were inappropriate for children.

Yang Fan suddenly rolled his eyes.

“Okay, you don’t compare, if there are good things, I will definitely not forget you!”

Yang Fan scolded with a smile, and then explained to Yang Hongtao: “Taozi, I didn’t buy this yacht just for enjoyment or party, it is a trawling yacht that can be used for fishing!” ”

“What? Can such a luxurious yacht still be used for fishing? Yang Hongtao was immediately shocked.

“Of course, and the fishing equipment on it is very professional, much more advanced than ordinary trawlers, otherwise why do you think I spent so much money on it?”

“Groove! Then this yacht is big! Doesn’t that mean that this yacht can open the body with a tender mold and then fish at the same time? ”

“Gan! You can’t get by with the young model, can you…”

“Hey, hey! It’s not that you have watched too many small movies in the island country! I remember watching a small movie before, which impressed me very deeply, it was the story of a group of beautiful girls on a yacht and Kato-sensei…”


For this goods, Yang Fan was completely speechless.

A few words of gags.

At this time, Yang Hongtao suddenly changed his words, and said with a chicken thief’s smile: “Hehe, that’s right!” Sail, since this trawl yacht you bought can fish, it must need help, right? ”

Yang Fan glanced at him and smiled: “Oh? How to say, you want to get on my boat? ”

Yang Hongtao immediately patted his chest and said awe-inspiringly: “That’s for sure!” Fanzi, what is the relationship between the two? That’s the iron buddy who grew up wearing open pants together! You need helpers, as a brother I will definitely be the first to go ah! ”

Yang Fan immediately gave this product a roll of his eyes, and said with a smile: “Depend, I really have you!” Obviously, you just want to hug your brother’s thigh and sit on your brother’s luxury trawl yacht, and the result is so good! ”

Yang Hongtao, who was ruthlessly pierced on the spot and had a face comparable to a city wall, scratched his head and smiled at all:

“Hehe, who let you fish so well! I’m definitely going to mess with you in the future!” ”

“Say yes and take me to fly, sail, you can’t leave me!”

“In the future, whether I can make a fortune and marry a beautiful wife will all point to you!”

Speaking of which.

Yang Fan smiled and didn’t talk nonsense, he patted Yang Hongtao’s shoulder, and said seriously: “Taozi, we don’t need to talk so much between brothers, in the future, you will follow my ship to the sea, I won’t say much else, only if you work steadily, I will definitely not treat you badly!” ”

Yang Hongtao was moved when he heard this: “Okay!” Sails, then it’s settled! I’ll be your man from now on! ”

Yang Fan: “…”

What’s the point of being my person in the future?

How does this sound weird???

The next time.

Yang Fan discussed with Yang Hongtao and decided to drive a trawling yacht to the open sea tomorrow.

The trawl yacht is equipped with various types of trawls, and there is no need to prepare anything, you can go directly out and fish in the net.

It just so happens that the weather at sea is good these days, you can try to go fishing in the distant sea.

In this regard, Yang Fan is still very excited and looking forward to it.

This was the first time he had gone fishing in a mechanized trawler, and it was a completely different feeling than driving a small fishing boat out to sea!

After all, the number of fish caught by the row hook is limited, but trawlers are different, as long as you can find a school of fish, you may be able to get thousands of pounds of fish up in one net!

As for Yang Hongtao, he was even more excited!

The thought of driving that brand new luxury trawler with Yang Fan tomorrow was a tingling of excitement!

That’s a luxury yacht!

Driving a luxury yacht to fish, how cool this Nima is!!


After Yang Hongtao left.

Yang Fan went to the yard to water the vegetable field with some water diluted with gold droplets.

After a few days of development, the little cherry tomato seedlings in the vegetable field have completely opened, and the plants are tall and turquoise, and the growth is very gratifying.

Yang Fan estimated that they should be able to blossom and bear fruit in less than two days.

This is actually very unreasonable, it stands to reason that the virgin fruit seedlings have to bear fruit for at least a month, but Yang Fan planted these only takes about a week!

I have to say that the gold drop is too against the sky!

It’s just ‘pulling out seedlings and helping to grow’!

At the same time, Yang Fan was also curious about how the taste of cherry tomatoes irrigated by golden drops would be different from ordinary cherry tomatoes?!

It won’t be long before there will be results!

And just as Yang Fan was focusing on watering the vegetable field, his mobile phone rang suddenly.

Taking out his mobile phone and looking at the ID, Yang Fan was suddenly a little surprised.

“Hey, why did she call?”


PS: Sincerity is full of more than 3,000 words of big chapters, one chapter is equivalent to two chapters of others, please order your own first!!


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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