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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 064

See caller ID.

Yang Fan was really a little surprised.

The one who called him turned out to be Su Xiaoxiao, an old junior high school classmate he met when he went to town to buy vegetable seeds last time.

After buying seeds last time, the two left phone numbers and V letters, but they have basically not been in touch in the past few days.

So this time I suddenly received a call from Su Xiaoxiao, and Yang Fan was still a little curious about what she was looking for.

“Hey, old student, hello.”

Pressing the connect button, Yang Fan said hello with a smile.

Immediately, Su Xiaoxiao’s sweet and crisp voice came over: “Hee, Yang Fan, is it unexpected, I suddenly called you?” ”

“Haha, to be honest, it’s a little.”

“Hee-hee, then guess I’m looking for you?”

“Well, I can’t guess this, it won’t be to invite me to dinner, right?”

“Cut! Think of the beauty of you! Although Yang Fan is very handsome, this girl is not a flower idiot! ”

“Haha, what are you looking for me for, old classmate?”

“Hey, hey, good thing! It’s definitely a good thing for you Yang Fan! Su Xiaoxiao’s tone was very mysterious.

“What’s a good thing?” Yang Fan was a little surprised.

“Hee-hee, I’m not selling it!”

“It’s just that tomorrow is not the weekend, there is a sister who played well with me back from the city for the holiday, and then we made an appointment to go out together tomorrow, and in the process of chatting, I casually mentioned to her that Yang Fan you came back from the magic capital…”

“As a result, guess what?”

“Uh, what’s going on?”

Yang Fan touched his nose.

“Hehe, she heard that Yang Fan is back, and immediately asked me to call Yang Fan and you to come out for a gathering together!”

“Speaking of which, she used to be Yang Fan’s little fan sister!”

“Yang Fan, guess who she is?”

“Ahem, forget about the little fangirl, I’m not a big star… However, old student, who are you talking about? ”

“Hee-hee, it’s Manny!”


“Yang Fan, do you still have an impression?”

“Ye Mani?”

Hearing this name, Yang Fan thought back.

At first he didn’t remember who it was, but then, he did!



Yang Fan’s junior high school classmate.

As I said before, Yang Fan’s appearance back then was definitely a class-level existence in junior high school, plus he studied well and had a personality and was outgoing, and he was simply a proper male god in the class!

It can be said that Yang Fan was a fragrant gluttony in junior high school, and basically received a lot of love letters every semester!

Yes, mobile phones were not popular in those days, QQ was just emerging, and the mainstream way for junior high school students to express ‘love’ was to stuff love letters into their desks!

And as the male god in the class, Yang Fan received no less than ten love letters in one semester!

There are even girls in other classes who will secretly stuff love letters into his drawer and leave their QQ numbers!

As for Yemani.

Although she did not stuff love letters into Yang Fan’s drawer, she would send Yang Fan music greeting cards every Christmas.

And on the music greeting card, she will carefully write down a few lines of blessings and draw a few cute cartoon patterns.

Therefore, Yang Fan is very clear that Ye Mani has a good impression of herself, but this girl may be a little more subtle and will not say it very directly.

Ben said it.

There are many little girls who have liked Yang Fan in junior high school, and many of them he has no impression, even if you tell him the name, he will definitely not be able to remember who it is.

But Yemani is an exception.

The reason is simple.

Because Ye Mani is so well developed…

It’s hard not to be impressed by her!

Yes, in junior high school, Yemani was the best developed of all the girls in the class!

Other girls of the same age may only show their sharp corners, but she already has quite proud capital…

This made Ye Mani in the class that year always been the object of private discussion by the boys, and everyone was curious about what she ate and grew up, how could she develop so well? ?

In addition, the young Ye Mani is not only super well developed, but also quite a water spirit!

Although the little girls in the town at that time were not as good at dressing up as the post-00s now, everyone looked a little rustic, but from the facial features, Ye Mani was definitely very handsome.

Proud of the figure of all her peers, coupled with her beautiful and lovely appearance, Ye Mani has always been very popular with boys.

Although the small town junior high school of that era was not particularly popular for early love, many precocious boys had ‘intentions’ for Ye Mani.

But Ye Mani is lukewarm to all the boys who offer her courtesy.

Because there is only one boy who really has a good impression in her heart – that is Yang Fan!

But it’s a pity that Yang Fan is relatively late…

When he was in junior high school, his heart was completely rooted in reading and catching the sea to fish, and he didn’t have much interest in his sister at all!

It was not until the summer vacation after the middle school entrance examination that he slowly began to understand.

And by coincidence.

When Yang Fan’s late puberty finally arrived.

Ye Mani turned out to be the first girl to appear in his dreams…

At that time, Yang Fan actually didn’t have any special feelings for Ye Mani, and he didn’t know why he dreamed of Ye Mani at first.

It even feels a little inexplicable because of it.

But when he grew up and became sensible, he gradually understood the reason…

Seriously, after graduating from junior high school, Yang Fan regretted it a little.

He hated himself for not maturing earlier!

Otherwise, when I was in junior high school, I should be able to have a very young but certainly interesting and sweet relationship with Ye Mani…


“Hey, Yang Fan, are you still listening, why don’t you talk?”

Su Xiaoxiao’s sudden voice pulled Yang Fan back from the memories that were a little ‘unbearable to look back’.

“Ahem… In it. ”

Yang Fan touched his nose and smiled awkwardly.

“So what do you say? Yang Fan, do you have time tomorrow, do you want to join my party with Manny? Su asked with a smile.

“Well… Old student, although I really want to join you, but tomorrow I have already made an appointment with my friend to go fishing, otherwise I will make an appointment next time? ”

Yang Fan thought for a moment and said.

“Well, that’s a pity… Hey, that’s right! ”

Speaking of this, Su Xiaoxiao seemed to have suddenly thought of something, and she asked on the phone with a little expectation:

“Yang Fan, I’m very interested in going out to fish, otherwise Mannie and I will go to you? You take us out to sea fishing? However, if this disturbs you from fishing, then we will make an appointment next time. ”

“You came to me to go fishing with me? Well, yes, it doesn’t matter to me here, if you want to come, then come over tomorrow. ”

“Yay! That’s great! Then that’s it! ”

“Hee-hee! Yang Fan, you don’t know, although my hometown is also from a fishing village, I have grown so big, I have never taken a fishing boat to catch fish! You’ll have to take me to experience it this time! ”

“As for Manny’s side, although I haven’t told her yet, I think she will be very interested too!”

“Okay, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Yang Fan smiled.

“Hee-hee, see you tomorrow!”

“By the way, one last word, Yang Fan, I have to give you a preventive injection in advance!”

“Manny is now a goddess-level beauty! Super figure! And she is still in graduate school, a beautiful college student! ”

“Yang Fan, don’t drool when you see her tomorrow, hahaha!”

Yang Fan raised his eyebrows: “Yes, then I am looking forward to it.” ”

“Hehe, Yang Fan don’t believe my words, you will definitely be amazed, Manny is really a thief beautiful thief and sexy now!” You’ll know when you see her tomorrow! ”

“Haha, then it means that I have to pay attention to the image tomorrow, otherwise if I see a beautiful woman like Brother Pig who has never seen the world, I will be dumbfounded, then I will be embarrassed!”

Yang Fan shrugged and made a joke.


The phone immediately rang with Su Xiaoxiao’s silver bell-like smile.

Then the two chatted a few more words, and then said goodbye and ended the call.

Putting down the mobile phone, Yang Fan narrowed his eyes: “Hey, listening to Su Xiaoxiao say this, I really look forward to it for some reason…”

It’s fun to meet old people.

Not to mention, Ye Mani was the first girl to appear in Yang Fan’s youth dream…

Yang Fan is really looking forward to seeing him again tomorrow, this female classmate who has left a deep impression on his adolescence!


PS: Ask for the first order, ask for the custom order!!

In addition, weakly said, the listing is a little sudden, I have no saved the manuscript, and these two chapters may be changed in the early morning, you don’t have to wait… Tomorrow morning as soon as I wake up I’ll get up and codeword and try for a few more chapters!!!


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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