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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 066

Yang Fan looked at Ye Mani at the same time.

Ye Mani was actually looking at Yang Fan.

At this look, one of her little hearts began to thump and accelerate like a deer!

Yang Fan… He’s too handsome!!

Handsome, sunny, tall!

The first time she saw Yang Fan, Ye Mani instantly felt like she was electrocuted!

The kind of one hundred thousand volts!

Her beautiful eyes stared at this ‘first love’ she hadn’t seen for many years, and she was a little stunned for a while!

It seems that she has changed back to the little girl who was in love and Dou Chukai, and she is still secretly in love with the sunny and handsome big boy in front of her…

Su Xiaoxiao on the side noticed that Ye Mani was staring at Yang Fan in a daze, and immediately covered her mouth and chuckled: “Giggle, Manny, I’m not wrong, is Yang Fan more handsome than before?” When you little nizi sees him, I’m afraid that you immediately ‘relapsed in old love’, right? ”

Ye Mani came back to her senses and quickly blushed, “Ah! Laugh, don’t make such jokes anymore, how embarrassing it would be if Yang Fan heard it! ”

Su Xiaoxiao grimaced at her: “Slightly!” Well, knowing that you nizi is thin-skinned, I won’t tease you! Let’s go and make peace with Yang Fan! ”

Saying that, Su Xiaoxiao took Ye Mani’s hand and walked towards Yang Fan.


Seeing Su Xiaoxiao Ye Mani, they got out of the car and walked towards their side.

Yang Fan did not stand stupidly, and greeted him with steps.

Approaching quickly.

As soon as Su Xiaoxiao came over, he took the lead in joking at Yang Fan: “No! Yang Fan, I brought a big beauty over to introduce you to know! ”

After that, she stopped by herself and gently pushed Ye Mani forward.

In this way, Yang Fan and Ye Mani came face to face.

The two looked at each other.

Yang Fan’s eyes were very calm and normal, so he generously held an appreciative gaze, and looked at Ye Mani, a beautiful junior high school female classmate, with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

As for Ye Mani, there couldn’t help but suddenly appear a trace of strangeness in her eyes…

“Ye Mani, long time no see!”

Yang Fan took the lead in speaking, and stretched out his hand to Ye Mani with a smile: “Old student, welcome to my house as a guest.” ”

“Hmm… Yang Fan, long time no see! ”

Ye Mani also smiled and stretched out her hand to shake Yang Fan.

Her little hand was very comfortable to hold, making Yang Fan want to hold it all the time.

Of course, in order not to be regarded as a disciple, he still touched the point and let go of Ye Mani’s little hand,

Su Xiaoxiao on the side immediately laughed at this time: “Youhehe! Why did you still shake hands when you met, Yang Fan didn’t shake hands when you met me last time? ”

Yang Fan suddenly sweated: “Then do you want to make up for it now?” ”

Su Xiao smiled and pouted arrogantly: “Cut, this girl is not rare!” ”

When old classmates meet, they naturally have to greet each other.

The three talked and laughed for a while.

After the chat was almost over, Ye Mani introduced Zhang Lingling to Yang Fan: “Yang Fan, this is my roommate Zhang Lingling, it just so happens that she is fine on this holiday, just come with me to play, we won’t disturb you when we come over, right?” ”

“Haha, of course not, three beautiful women come to the door, I am very welcome.”

Saying that, Yang Fan also stretched out his hand to Zhang Lingling out of the workplace social habits he had developed before: “Hello beauty, I’m Yang Fan, it’s nice to meet you.” ”


According to Zhang Lingling’s personality, she must be reluctant to shake hands with a fisherman, the fisherman must be fishy and dirty every day, how disgusting should it be to shake hands with them?

But if this fisherman were such a handsome and sunny handsome as Yang Fan, that Zhang Lingling’s attitude would be immediately different!

“Hello, I’m Zhang Lingling.”

Seeing that Yang Fan took the initiative to stretch out his hand, Zhang Lingling shook him warmly, and even showed a somewhat sweet and greasy smile.

It has to be said.

Handsome can really do whatever you want sometimes.

Originally, in the eyes of Zhang Lingling, an extremely snobbish gold-worshipping woman, the fishermen must be shabby and dirty, and she despised the peasants, fishermen, workers and other crowds in her heart, but under Yang Fan’s prosperous beauty and perfect figure, she ignored the identity of Yang Fan’s fisherman!

The moment she just saw Yang Fan, Zhang Lingling’s heart began to plop wildly, and her legs were almost a little unstable!

So handsome! Too man!

Compared with Yang Fan, several of her ex-boyfriends, including several of her ‘gold lords’, are simply scum!

If she could, she would even be willing to post it backwards…

Zhang Lingling secretly glanced at Yang Fan several times, and there was an unusual taste in her eyes!

Su Xiaoxiao on the side noticed that she was peeking at Yang Fan, and immediately felt a little funny: “Cut!” This dead woman, who didn’t believe what I said before, is now being slapped in the face! ”


A few small talks.

Yang Fan asked Ye Manisu and smiled at them: “By the way, did you eat breakfast?” ”

The two shook their heads: “Not yet.” ”

Yang Fan smiled: “You can’t go to sea on an empty stomach, you go to my house first, I’ll give you food below.” ”

As soon as these words came out, Ye Mani nodded and didn’t feel anything wrong, but Su Xiaoxiao, the hidden little dirty girl, immediately wanted to be a little crooked.

“Ahem, give us something to eat next? How does it sound weird??? ”

It turned out that Su Xiaoxiao, this girl looks quite pure and sweet on the outside, but in fact, in private, she is a big dirty girl who is addicted to beautiful novels…

“Oops! Su laughs at you filthy girl!! How can you be so cranky! ”

Su Xiaoxiao’s face suddenly turned red, and he felt that he was a little too dirty!

Ye Mani noticed her abnormality and asked, “Hey, smile, why did your face suddenly become so red?” Isn’t it a fever? ”

Su Xiaoxiao quickly shook his head and explained: “Ahem, no, no, I just feel that this day is a little too hot…”


A group of four walked into the village.

Not long after, Yang Fan took Ye Mani and them to his house.

Seeing that Yang Fan’s house was a three-story large bungalow, Su Xiaoxiao immediately smiled and said: “Wow, it turns out that Dabancao’s hometown house is so well repaired, rich people!” ”

Yang Fan smiled: “A country house is not worth much. ”

Open the door of the yard.

Yang Fan just wanted to reach out and invite Ye Mani and them into the door.

“Wang! Woof! Woof! ”

But at this time, Big Yellow, who did not return at night, did not know when it appeared, and it sneaked out of the house and pounced directly on Yang Fan’s body.

“Rhubarb! You still know to go home! ”

Yang Fan picked up Big Yellow and patted its head.

This old dog doesn’t return home all night!

Now the mother and dog in the village all revolve around it, and every day is the same as the emperor, I don’t know how domineering and happy …

“Wow! What a beautiful dog! ”

Seeing the rhubarb in Yang Fan’s arms, Ye Manisu smiled and they couldn’t help but exclaim.

Rhubarb now looks quite good, majestic, majestic and strong, and the hair on his body is more and more golden and smooth, and he looks quite dominant!

“Yang Fan, this is your dog, can you touch it for me?”

Ye Mani is a person who loves animals, she also had a pet dog when she was a child, so she has a lot of feelings for dogs, and when she sees the golden and majestic rhubarb, she can’t help but want to pet this dog.

“Of course.”

Yang Fan smiled naturally did not refuse, he pointed to Ye Mani and ordered Big Yellow: “Big Yellow, go, play with this beautiful young lady!” ”

Big Yellow was originally very human, and after being fed the golden drop, it was even smarter, and as soon as Yang Fan’s command came out, it immediately wagged its tail and rushed to Ye Mani’s feet.

Seeing that Big Yellow was so human that he could still understand Yang Fan’s words, Ye Mani’s beautiful eyes lit up, and she liked this dog even more in her heart!

“Wow, its hair is so smooth, it’s so comfortable to touch, it feels much better than the hair quality of my hair!”

Ye Mani touched Big Yellow’s golden retriever, and felt more and more that this dog was simply amazing, she hugged Big Yellow affectionately, and kept teasing this dog to play.

This guy Big Yellow also seems to be a recognizable beauty, and soon mingles with Ye Mani.

Finally, it even began to rub around in Yemani’s arms!

This scene, Yang Fan who watched it was quite jealous!


Old! Caesium! Dog!

This treatment is also too good!

Looking at Rhubarb rubbing around in Ye Mani’s arms, Yang Fan couldn’t help but swallow his saliva: “Rhubarb, I really want to change places with you…”


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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