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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 073

Look at the stunned and excited look of everyone.

Yang Fan smiled, still light and breezy.

He methodically controlled the winch and smoothly unloaded the full net of rice fish onto the boat.

As the nets were spread, the freshly oiled rice fish immediately began to flutter and jump on the deck.

Seeing these rice fish jumping alive, Yang Hongtao immediately came to Yang Fan and gave him a thumbs up:

“Fanzi, your fishing methods are really superb!”

“Don’t say anything! I am really pure this time! ”

“In the future, if you give me any instructions, I will definitely execute them directly without saying a word, and I will not dare to compare a word again!”

Yang Fan immediately smiled: “Hehe, didn’t you just say that I can’t catch a few fish?” Punched in the face now? ”

Yang Hongtao touched his head and smiled ruefully: “Hit the face!” What a slap in the face! Fanzi, you are simply a fishing master, I, a fishing expert, can’t do it! ”

“Okay, don’t blindly pull those who don’t get it, get ready to work, we have to get these rice fish to the freezer as soon as possible.”

“Yes, yes! It’s gotta hurry! This rice fish is a deep-sea fish, and it is estimated that it will burp immediately as soon as it comes out of the water, and we don’t have enough manpower to get it quickly! ”

The next time.

Yang Fan, they began to work sloppily.

Since rice fish are deep-sea fish that cannot be fed, there may not be a living water tank, so they must be quickly put into the freezer tank while they are still alive to keep them fresh.

This project is undoubtedly enormous.

Three people carry hundreds of big fish, and if you think about it, you know how tired it must be.

Of course, Ye Mani and Su Xiaoxiao also offered to help move fish together, but Yang Fan directly refused, how could he be kind enough to let the girls work.

Kept moving for more than an hour.

Yang Fan, they finally moved all the hundreds of rice fish on the deck into the freezer.

It was already half past seven in the afternoon.

It was already dark, and only a trace of the sun was still shining on the sea.

“Fanzi, how about we go to the next net?” You might even catch a lot of rice fish! ”

After moving the fish, Yang Hongtao immediately walked to Yang Fan and suggested with a little expectation.

In his opinion, the fact that so many rice fish can be caught in that net just now means that there must be a school of rice fish underneath!

At this time, while the fish have not yet run far, if you go to the next net, won’t you be able to make another steady profit?!

But Yang Fan shook his head: “Forget it, what kind of net is there when it’s dark, prepare to make dinner and eat.” ”

Yang Hongtao still felt a pity: “Fanzi, really can’t get down?” It’s all money! ”

Yang Fan gave him a roll of his eyes: “Can you catch all the fish?” Can I make enough money? Fishing can’t be too greedy, rest when it’s time to rest, and give the fish in the sea a little time to recuperate! ”

Yang Hongtao sighed and sighed, “Okay! Fanzi, you not only have higher fishing methods than me, but also have much higher consciousness! I listen to you! ”


The moon is born on the sea, and the end of the world is at this time.

When the sun has completely set, a bright moon rises slowly from the sea.

The full moon hangs high and the stars are all over the sky.

It is a beautiful scenery that cannot be seen in a big city shrouded in smog.

On the yacht.

Brightly lit.

Yang Fan, Ye Manni and they sat around the table, chatting and laughing while enjoying the freshly prepared seafood dinner.

The net just now caught not only rice fish, but also a lot of other superb seafood.

For example, two or three pounds of oversized safflower crabs, one pound of giant monodon shrimp, and delicious oversized coconut snails and so on.

These are all rare and delicious seafood, especially when caught and eaten fresh on board.

In addition to the superb seafood dinner.

Yang Fan also fulfilled his promise in the morning and gave Yang Hongtao the bottle of Louis XIII, worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Yang Hongtao was immediately excited, and drank most of the bottle in one breath.

The amount of alcohol in this goods is really unspeakable, and drinking most of the half bottle of brandy is nothing at all!

If Yang Fan had drunk for so long, it was estimated that he would have been drunk long ago, he was basically dripping alcohol, and he didn’t drink much beer.

Yang Fan remembered that the first time he went out to dinner with his roommate when he first went to college, he only drank two or three bottles of beer, and then fell asleep directly on the table…

Feast on a seafood meal on a luxury yacht.

It is undoubtedly a great pleasure.

Everyone ate, drank and chatted until ten o’clock in the evening, and finally had a good time.

Then it’s time to pick a room and sleep.

As the captain, Yang Fan naturally owned the luxurious master bedroom on the top floor of the yacht.

Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai picked a room on the second floor.

As for Ye Mani and Su Xiaoxiao, after some discussion, they also chose to live on the third floor, that is, in the room next to Yang Fan.

This made Yang Fan a little confused.

Obviously there are a lot of empty rooms, why do girls like to live next door to him?

Qin Yuxue was like this a few days ago, and Ye Mani and them were the same this time…

Do they have any thoughts about themselves?

Of course, Yang Fan also had doubts in his heart, and would not ask them in person why they chose to live next door to him.

If this kind of question can be asked, isn’t it a proper straight man of steel?

After picking out the room.

Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai stayed on the second floor of the yacht.

Yang Fan and Ye Mani Su smiled and the three came to the third floor.

At this time, Yang Fan suddenly thought of something, so he asked Ye Manisu to smile at them: “By the way, you shouldn’t have brought clothes, right?” How will you take a bath later? ”

Ye Mani and Su Xiaoxiao looked at each other, and they also felt a little helpless.

The two of them didn’t know that they would spend the night at sea when they went out fishing today, so they didn’t bring their clothes in advance, making it a little troublesome now.

Of course, this trouble is actually quite easy to solve.

If you don’t change your clothes, you won’t get it…

Ye Manisu smiled and smiled helplessly: “Then what else can be done, you can only not change your clothes tonight, who let Yang Fan you don’t tell us in advance that you may spend the night at sea tonight!” ”

Yang Fan smiled: “Haha, my pot.” ”

The three of them laughed a little.

Then they said goodnight to each other and went back to their rooms.

Because he had moved the fish for more than an hour before, Yang Fan was sweating a little, so as soon as he entered the room, he quickly walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

Open the shower head, and the cold, clean fresh water flows down.

Yang Fan hummed a ditty while happily rubbing his bath.

As a result, just two minutes after washing, he suddenly heard a clear conversation from the next room:

“Wow! Manny, luxury yachts are really different, there is a large bathtub in the bathroom of this room! ”

“Really? Let me see…… Really yay! Awesome! ”

“Huh! Mannie you see, there is a bottle of dried rose petals next to this bathtub! ”

“Really? This is also too intimate, isn’t this to let us take a rose petal bath? ”

“Hey, hey! Come on, I haven’t soaked in a bathtub when I’m this big! ”

“Me too! So do you soak first or do I soak first? ”

“Of course it’s a soak, anyway, this bathtub is big enough!”

“Soak together? That’s okay…”

Then, I heard the sound of undressing.

Hearing this, Yang Fan couldn’t help but blink a little confused…

Is the sound insulation of this yacht so bad?

How can you even hear the conversation of Ye Manisu smiling next door?

But soon he felt that something was not quite right!

It seems that it is not that the sound insulation of the yacht room is not good, but that his ears have suddenly become very sensitive!

He found that as long as he listened attentively, he could hear even the smallest sounds clearly!

For example, now, he listened attentively, and even heard the sound of Yang Hongtao cleaning up the sheets in the downstairs room!

“Oh my God! Could it be the change brought about by Dragon Ball? ”

Yang Fan immediately figured this out, it must be that under the continuous transformation of Dragon Ball and Golden Drop, his hearing has been greatly improved!

At this moment, Yang Fan was a little excited.

Dragon Ball is too against the sky, maybe he can keep evolving in the future?!

Of course, simply strengthening the body is enough, you must not make him a Super Saiyan or something, he doesn’t want to be caught and sliced for research!

Just when Yang Fan was happy about the change in his hearing.

There was another conversation in the next room:

“I’m going to go!”

“Manny! You’re exaggerating too, aren’t you?! ”

“How did you grow so big?”

“Isn’t it supposed to be secretly eating papaya every night?”

“Uh, what kind of papaya to eat, it’s naturally good…”

“Alright! That’s really enviable! If only I could be as old as you Manny…”

“What’s good, laugh you don’t know, it’s too big and not good, there will be a lot of distress!”

“Hee-hee, is the ‘burden’ too heavy?”

“That’s just one of the little troubles, the most important thing is that there are too many wolves this year, and they have been staring at you!” I only dare to wear very loose clothes when I go out…”

“Haha, that’s also the trouble of happiness… By the way, don’t talk about this, Manny, what do you think of Yang Fan? ”


PS: Guys, it’s not that I’m floating to update slowly, it’s my handicap! I really work hard every day to code!


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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