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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 078

Although the appearance of killer whales is very cute, Dada is also known as the panda of the sea.

But as the overlords of the sea, which terrify all sea creatures, their temperament is extremely irritable!

And it is precisely because of this irascible nature that once they are caught in the fishing net, they will struggle to the death!

But their struggle is obviously worthless in the face of the solid fishing nets produced by humans, and on the contrary, it greatly accelerates their demise!

This little killer whale at the moment is like that.

After being trapped by the fishing net, it desperately tried to struggle to escape the shackles of the fishing net, but not only did it not break free of the fishing net, but it was quickly scarred by the fishing net and quickly lost its vitality!

Now as soon as it comes out of the water, its life is already hanging by a thread!

It is no exaggeration to say that even if this little killer whale is released into the sea now, it will most likely not survive!


When the yacht finally approached the trawler.

Yang Fan’s gaze immediately fell on the baby killer whale on the deck of the trawler.

When he saw that this little killer whale was already dying and had no vitality, he was anxious on the spot!

Without saying a word, Yang Fan immediately ran to the cockpit and turned on the yacht’s broadcast horn!

Immediately afterwards, he shouted to the trawler on the radio:

“Big brothers of the fishing boat in front, who is the boat boss? Trouble the ship boss to come out and speak! ”

And opposite the trawler.

The middle-aged boat boss was already a little curious about why there was a luxury yacht close to his fishing boat, and now he heard a young man’s radio shouting from the luxury yacht, and he was even more inexplicable.

At that moment, he went to the cockpit of the fishing boat and shouted into the radio:

“Little brother, I’m the boss of the ship, is there anything wrong with me?”

Yang Fan immediately said: “Hello boat boss, I saw that you caught a little killer whale, according to the current law, killer whale belongs to the national protected animal, so can you release it?” ”

When the boat boss heard that this was the case, he smiled: “Little brother, this killer whale was already dying when it was caught in the net, even if I release it now, it will not survive.” ”

Seeing that the ship boss didn’t want to release the creature very much, Yang Fan was immediately anxious: “The ship boss, whether it is alive or not, you must release the life!” According to the law, accidentally caught whales cannot be taken away or sold, and it is useless for you to keep it, boss! ”

The boat boss immediately smiled disdainfully: “Little brother, are you teaching me to do things?” What does it have to do with you if it is useful or not? You’re too wide, aren’t you? Whether I let go or not is my own business, and you are not a law enforcement officer of the Fisheries Bureau, what are you talking about here?! ”

Yang Fan immediately became angry when he heard him say this: “Although I am not a law enforcement officer, I can also report illegal acts!” If you don’t release the baby killer whale back into the sea, believe it or not, I will shoot a video to report you now? ”

The boat boss was also anxious: “Young man, are you sure that the dog is nosy with the rat, right?” It has been said that this killer whale can no longer live! Anyway, it’s a dead left and right, it’s better to keep a few fish balls for our brother to eat! ”

Yang Fan said, “It can’t die!” Trouble ship boss, you hurry up and let him go! Don’t let me shoot videos anymore! ”

Seeing that Yang Fan really picked up his mobile phone, the ship boss was convinced at this moment:

“Made! Bad luck! You boy is a dead brain! Good, good, good! I can’t let me go! ”

In recent years, the state’s enforcement of marine fishing has become stronger and stronger, and some illegal fishing practices are immediately punished as soon as they are discovered.

Coupled with the fact that the Internet is so developed now, if someone really filmed the video and spread it on the Internet, the boat boss knows very well that he will soon be invited to tea by the fishery department!

Therefore, under Yang Fan’s strength, the ship boss had no choice but to compromise!

After agreeing to release the baby killer whale, the boss of the ship returned to the deck and ordered a few crew members to push the baby killer whale that was almost hanging up into the water.

With a “pop”, a huge splash was stirred!

The baby killer whale fell into the sea and regained its freedom!

But obviously, it is almost dead, although returning to the sea has barely restored its vitality, but in its current state, it is estimated that it will not last long before it will slowly lose its life.

The extremely weak baby killer whale fluttered twice in the water and then stopped moving.

Its vitality can’t even support it to dive, and it can only float on the surface of the sea like a dead fish and swim slowly.

See this scene.

Yang Fan knew that he couldn’t delay any longer, and if he delayed for one more minute, this little killer whale was likely to die on the spot!

At that time, even if he feeds more gold drops to this little killer whale, it is estimated that he will not be able to come back to life!

Think of this.

Yang Fan rushed directly to the deck without saying a word, and then plunged into the sea with a fierce son!

Immediately afterwards, he swam quickly to the side of the baby killer whale with a jaw-dropping swimming speed.

The baby killer whale is presumably spotted with other creatures approaching.

It instinctively wants to struggle to escape.

But its vitality was almost exhausted at the moment, and after fluttering twice, it was still motionless in place.

Seeing the miserable situation of the little killer whale who was still full of vitality and playing in the sea yesterday, Yang Fan was inexplicably a little distressed!

He didn’t think much about it, and immediately ran the dragon balls and refined more than a dozen drops of gold!

Immediately afterwards, he forcibly stuffed the gold droplet into the mouth of the little killer whale with the index finger of his right hand!

When feeding Jindi, Yang Fan was really worried!

He was afraid that the killer whale was too weak to save it!

But fortunately, the golden drop did not disappoint Yang Fan!

After eating the dozen drops of gold he fed, the originally dying little killer whale began to slowly rejuvenate within a few minutes!

The little killer whale’s eyes were no longer dull, and the tail that had been lost began to swing vigorously!

Even the shocking wounds that the baby killer whale had just produced when struggling in the fishing net were healing visibly!

It’s done!

The golden drop is really enough against the sky!

Unexpectedly, the little killer whale that was almost hanging up was pulled back from the hands of the Grim Reaper on the spot!

Seeing this, Yang Fan immediately laughed happily, and he felt a strong sense of pleasure gushing out from his heart!

Although this is just a baby killer whale, he is really happy to see it reborn!

And after eating the golden drop, the baby killer whale seems to be even smarter!

It knew that Yang Fan had saved it, so at the first time of rejuvenation, it happily circled around Yang Fan!

Moreover, from time to time, it also used its big head to rub intimately on Yang Fan’s body!

Seeing that the little killer whale was actually coquettish and cute to himself, Yang Fan was also instantly happy.

He couldn’t help but stretch out his hand and touch the smooth head of the little killer whale, and smiled with emotion: “You little fellow, it’s really cute to sell, and it’s not at all in line with your identity as an ocean overlord!” ”

It seemed to feel the goodwill released by Yang Fan.

The little killer whale is even happier now, it keeps swimming around Yang Fan, and even begins to spray water, like a naughty and cute child, coquettish and cute with his father!

At this time, Yang Fan was also cute by it, and immediately showed a fatherly smile:

“, I can’t stand it! Brother is young, how can he inexplicably feel like he has a child??? ”

Yes, at this moment.

Yang Fan actually had an illusion, as if the little killer whale in front of him who kept ceasing and selling cute to him was like his child…


PS: Dear readers, do you like baby killer whales? If you like it, you can tell me in the book review area, or by voting for flowers, and I will add drama to it!!


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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