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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 080

Seeing that in the sea was indeed the little killer whale that was saved by himself.

Yang Fan couldn’t help but blink.

This little guy actually followed his yacht all the way for hours?

Seriously, Yang Fan really didn’t know what to say now.

Should he be moved, or should he be speechless?

Well, touched and speechless.

This little killer whale seems to really depend on his own rhythm!

Yang Hongtao on the side saw Yang Fan suddenly staring at a place, and also subconsciously followed his gaze, and as a result, he was immediately shocked: “I’ll go!” Isn’t this the baby killer whale??! ”

Yang Hongtao was stunned on the spot.

This little killer whale is also too human, right?

It’s really God!

Thinking of this, he joked: “Hehe, Fanzi, it seems that this little killer whale is relying on you!” She is afraid that it is not a female killer whale, because you saved her life, so you want to give you a blessing??? ”

Yang Fan immediately rolled his eyes when he heard this: “You can really bullshit!” The Legend of the White Snake has seen too much, right? Besides, it’s public! ”

Yang Hongtao was strange: “Huh? Sails, can you still recognize the male and female of killer whales? ”

Yang Fan smiled: “Just look at its dorsal fin, the male killer whale’s dorsal fin is tall and upright and triangular, and the female killer whale’s dorsal fin is relatively low, and curved like a sickle, this little killer whale’s dorsal fin is so straight, it is male at a glance.” ”

Yang Hongtao also smiled: “Okay, long knowledge… But Fanzi, now that this little killer whale is on you, what are you going to do? Or simply accept it as a pet? ”

Yang Fan had a little headache: “I want to raise it, but it’s a little difficult!” Killer whales are social social animals that need to be with their group, and if this little killer whale has been haunting the offshore waters, it is estimated that other fishing boats will catch it in a few days! ”

Yang Hongtao thought about it and nodded: “Yes, there are many fishing boats in our sea area like rice, if this little killer whale often wanders around here, it must be very dangerous!” ”

Yang Fan spread out his hands: “Forget it, let’s take a step and look at it… By the way, Taozi, you will help me go to town with Xiaohai to buy thirty or fifty pounds of meat later, pork, mutton and beef can be fresh. ”

Yang Hongtao immediately wondered, “Fanzi, why do you buy so much meat?” ”

Yang Fan rolled his eyes: “What else can you do, feed this little killer whale!” This little guy must not have eaten after following us for so long, plus there are no fish for him to eat on this side of the sea, he must be hungry. ”

Yang Hongtao was a little shocked at this time: “I’m dripping obediently, then the average person of killer whales really can’t afford to raise them, and they will have to be eaten bankrupt by it in a few days!” ”

At this time, Yang Fan suddenly said after thinking for a while:

“Don’t say, this little killer whale is not completely unable to try to raise it!”

“Of course, the premise is that its IQ is high enough to know how to avoid fishing boats and nets!”

“And if it can really be so smart, maybe it can be raised here!”

After some thought.

Yang Fan was really a little moved.

After being fed a large amount of gold droplets, this little killer whale seems to have evolved in intelligence, otherwise it would not have been possible to follow him for so long.

If he continues to feed it gold drops later, and its intelligence continues to evolve, maybe he can really try to raise it!

As for killer whales are social animals, the problem of needing to be with the group will also be solved under the premise that the baby killer whale becomes very smart!

You think, if it really becomes very smart, it can go to the deep sea to find its group to play when it is lonely and lonely, and then come back!

Of course, all this depends on whether the intelligence of baby killer whales can evolve to that extent.

When Yang Hongtao heard Yang Fan say this, he immediately blinked: “Isn’t it, Fanzi, are you really here?” Do you really want to keep this baby killer whale?? ”

Yang Fan smiled: “Hehe, I really want to, but it still depends on the situation!” ”


The two chatted a few more times.

Then Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai were entrusted by Yang Fan to ride a motorcycle to the town to buy meat.

Before they left, Yang Fan also specially told him to buy more.

After all, although the baby killer whale is young, it is also a behemoth that is only two or three meters long and weighs hundreds of pounds, and it is estimated that it will have to eat at least dozens of pounds of meat after a full meal.

Take advantage of Yang Hongtao’s efforts to buy meat.

Yang Fan came to the stern of the boat and whistled at the little killer whale that appeared from time to time in the sea not far away.

I didn’t expect this whistle to be very effective.

The little killer whale seemed to hear Yang Fan’s voice, and immediately swam under the yacht, and happily jumped up from the sea, and even playfully sprayed a water column towards Yang Fan.

Although its water spray column is not hot enough, it can’t threaten Yang Fan on the yacht at all, but it really amuses Yang Fan.

“You little guy, you are quite cute!”

Seeing the little killer whale constantly spreading joy in the sea, Yang Fan smiled.

Played with the baby killer whale for a while.

Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai finally bought the meat back.

The two of them carried a heavy snakeskin bag on the yacht, which was full of beef, mutton and pork, and looked to be at least a hundred pounds.

“Fanzi, Xiaohai and I have brought back all the meat from the vegetable market for you!

“A total of more than 120 pounds! It cost more than 4,000 pieces! ”

“Seeing us sweep away the meat, the vendors selling meat in the wet market were all stunned!”

Yang Fan rolled his eyes: “Uh, why buy so much at once?” ”

Yang Hongtao smiled: “Hehe, this is not considering that the little killer whale must eat a lot, more than 120 catties is estimated to be enough for it to eat for a day or two!” ”

Yang Fan thought about this reason, so he nodded: “This is okay, save it tomorrow and buy it.” ”

Open the snakeskin bag and it is full of meat.

A lump of oversized pieces of fresh beef, mutton and pork piled together, it still looks quite spectacular.

Yang Fan first picked up the most expensive piece of beef and threw it directly to the little killer whale in the sea.

The little killer whale that has not eaten for a long time was originally hungry, and now when it saw a large piece of meat flying towards him, it jumped up from the sea with a leap!

Followed by!

Just open its blood basin and open its mouth!

Accurately bit this piece of beef in the air!

Although the baby killer whale has never eaten beef in his life, he obviously likes the taste of beef very much, and immediately begins to bite and swallow happily!

Soon, it ate this piece of beef of at least five or six pounds!

Seeing the little killer whale gobbling up the beef, Yang Fan guessed that it should be hungry, and then threw a large piece of mutton.

The little killer whale drew a scoop based on the gourd, and saw the opportunity to jump high and bite the mutton, and then it was finished in a few strokes.

Seeing that this guy was so edible, Yang Hongtao suddenly felt a little painful: “Muggle!” This killer whale is really a big rice bucket! In this way, it swallowed hundreds of dollars of meat! ”

Yang Fan smiled: “It’s okay, I’m not afraid that it can eat, if I can really raise this guy, I can rely on it to find fish for us when I go to sea in the future!” At that time, it is estimated that it will be easy to earn back the food expenses that feed it! ”

Yang Hongtao was excited when he heard it: “Lie in the groove!” Sounds like it’s really okay!! ”

“Haha, so now it’s going to be served.”

Yang Fan smiled and immediately threw another piece of large pork of several pounds down.

But what he didn’t expect was!

This little killer whale is even a bit picky eater!

It doesn’t seem to like the taste of pork, and after eating it for a long time, it didn’t finish eating, and he had a bit of disgust.

This is the time!

Yang Fan rolled his eyes on the spot!


This guy even dares to dislike pork?!

More than thirty yuan a pound!


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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