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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 083

No way, Yang Fan had to change the topic: “Ahem, by the way, Sister Yafei, what about your girlfriend, haven’t you come yet?” ”

Seeing that Yang Fan changed the topic, Shen Yafei did not continue to ridicule him, smiled and said: “She, just sent me a message saying that this will be a serious traffic jam on the road, it is estimated that it will take a while.” ”

Yang Fan nodded: “Okay, there’s no hurry.” ”

Shen Yafei suddenly pretended to be a little angry at this time and said: “Brother Yang Fan, my sister has to complain, it’s been so many days, why haven’t you contacted me once?” Do you think that my price is low, and all the fish I catch are sold to others? ”

Yang Fan rolled his eyes: “Sister Yafei, look at what you said, isn’t this a big typhoon these days, where do I go fishing?” ”

Concubine Shen Ya smiled: “Okay, I’m amusing you, but brother Yang Fan, do you remember that no matter what superb seafood you catch in the future, you must contact my sister and me as soon as possible.” ”

Yang Fan shrugged: “No problem, as long as there are good goods, I will contact you.” ”

The two then chatted idly.

I have to say that Shen Yafei is really a person with great emotional intelligence, her chat methods are very masterful, often three words can expand the topic, and there will definitely be no cold field problem with her.

The two chatted while drinking tea in the elegant seat, and they chatted for about half an hour.

It was also at this time that Shen Yafei’s girlfriend finally came belatedly.

Sure enough, as Yang Fan guessed, Shen Yafei’s girlfriend is also a rich woman, which can be easily seen from her clothes and bags of international luxury brands and her elegant temperament.

And what is more worth mentioning is that she is also a beautiful rich woman whose appearance and temperament are not inferior to Shen Yafei.

“Mu Qing, you can be regarded as coming, causing me and Brother Yang Fan to wait for you for a long time!”

Seeing that her friend Gu Muqing finally came, Concubine Shen Ya immediately cast a slightly complaining roll of her eyes.

“No way, there was a car accident on the road, and the blocked one is called a water leak!”

Gu Muqing shook her head helplessly at Shen Yafei, and then naturally looked at Yang Fan, who was sitting opposite Shen Yafei.

She looked at Yang Fan with interest for a while, and then said with a smile: “Little handsome man, you are the cheap brother that Concubine Ya said, right?” Haha, it’s really quite handsome, no wonder Concubine Ya wants to recognize you as a godbrother! Meet me, my name is Gu Muqing! ”

Saying that, she generously stretched out a small white hand to Yang Fan.

Yang Fan smiled, stretched out his hand and shook her hand: “Hello Mr. Gu, my name is Yang Fan.” ”

Gu Muqing immediately smiled when she heard this title: “Cluck, brother Yang Fan, why do you call me President Gu?” I’m an idle person, but I’m not the boss like Concubine Ya! If you don’t mind Brother Yang Fan, just call me Sister Mu Qing.” ”

Yang Fan was a little embarrassed: “Uh, okay, Sister Mu Qing.” ”

Concubine Shen Ya immediately smiled and said, “What, Mu Qing, you want to rob my brother with me as soon as you come?” ”

Gu Muqing put down her bag and sat next to Concubine Shen Ya, and then smiled in a very reasonable tone: “Hahaha, Concubine Ya, isn’t your younger brother my younger brother?” ”

Shen Yafei smiled and said, “Cut!” I see that you just saw that Brother Yang Fan is so handsome, so you want to fool him into calling you sister!” ”

Gu Muqing smiled unabashedly: “Haha, you can see it, well, that’s what I thought!” Brother Yang Fan is so handsome, he really enjoys being called sister by him! ”

Yang Fan: “…”

Sure enough, things gather people in groups, and it is really not unreasonable that these two royal sisters and rich women can become girlfriends!

All his sister’s likes to tease people!

Originally, Yang Fan was a little unsettled when he was teased by Shen Yafei alone, but now that the two extremely beautiful royal sisters are on it together, he is really about to be unable to withstand it!

Fortunately, the two said and laughed a few words, and began to enter today’s topic.

Gu Muqing took a sip of tea after sitting down, and at this time her expression gradually became serious, and then she stared at Yang Fan with beautiful eyes and asked: “Brother Yang Fan, yesterday I heard Concubine Ya say that the Merlot beads on the photo she sent me were dug out of the coconut snail by you a few days ago?” ”

Yang Fan nodded: “Well, yes. ”

Gu Muqing laughed: “Then Brother Yang Fan, you are really lucky!” I heard Concubine Ya say that you have also caught wild yellow croaker and splendid lobster before, and now you have harvested another Merlot pearl, you are simply the legendary Ou Huang! ”

Yang Fan smiled: “Haha, my luck is indeed okay, it has always been quite good.” ”

Shen Yafei covered her mouth and smiled at this time: “Cluck, I can testify to this, if you want to talk about luck, Yang Fan’s brother is really nobody, of course, his ability is stronger than his luck!” ”

Gu Muqing also smiled, and then asked, “Then Brother Yang Fan, you brought that Merlot bead over today, right?” ”

“Bring it, it’s in this box.”

Yang Fan took out a small box of ordinary ornaments from his pocket and placed it on the coffee table.

Gu Muqing hurriedly said: “Brother Yang Fan, can I take out the Meile Pearl and take a look?” ”

Yang Fan smiled: “Of course you can, you feel free.” ”

Gu Muqing nodded, and then picked up the box with a hint of excitement.

Then, she opened it with a ‘pop’ in anticipation.

With the small box being opened.

Suddenly, a flawless, orange-yellow bead with a pattern like flame and the size of an egg appeared in front of Gu Muqing’s eyes.

Although Gu Muqing has repeatedly looked at the photo of this Merlot pearl yesterday I don’t know how many times, how can looking at the photo be compared to seeing it up close?

At this moment, when Gu Muqing finally saw with her own eyes this rare orb with a perfect appearance and a large and round body, her beautiful eyes suddenly bloomed with a light!

Gu Muqing carefully picked up the Merlot beads from the box.

Then I couldn’t help but hold it and play with it carefully.

And after some careful appreciation, she immediately made a judgment: this is a flawless and superb Melody Pearl!

Whether it’s size, color, completeness or texture, this Merlot bead is absolutely perfect!

As a famous jewelry designer with an international reputation, Gu Muqing has admired countless pearls, but none of them can be as flawless as this Merlot bead in front of her!

Almost the moment you see this superb Merlot pearl.

Gu Muqing made up her mind that no matter how much it cost, she would get this Merlot Pearl!

If she can design the perfect jewelry with this superb Merlot pearl, she may even have a chance to win the International Jewelry Design Competition in Milan next month!

During this time, Gu Muqing has been having a headache about what entries to use to participate in the jewelry design competition!

Now, she finally has the answer!

After carefully playing with this Merlot Pearl for a while, Gu Muqing reluctantly put it back into the box.

Then, she looked up at Yang Fan on the opposite side, and said with a smile: “Brother Yang Fan, you should see that I really like this Merlot bead, I wonder if you can sell it to me?” ”

Yang Fan smiled: “Of course, I can sell it to you, as long as the price you give is suitable for Sister Mu Qing.” ”

Gu Muqing immediately narrowed her eyes and chuckled: “Then Brother Yang Fan, what kind of price is appropriate?” ”

Yang Fan spread his hands and smiled: “It depends on how much you can give Sister Mu Qing.” ”

Seeing that he kicked the ball to himself again, Gu Muqing couldn’t help but secretly say in his heart that he was a chicken thief, this little handsome guy is not easy to fool!

Of course, Gu Muqing is not the kind of profiteer who likes to take advantage of others and has no life to lower the price.

She is a jewelry designer, and when she sees this extremely rare Merlot Bead, she will not hesitate to give the highest price she can give to buy it.

What’s more, Yang Fan was introduced by his best girlfriend, and Gu Muqing would not lower the price.

In the following time, Gu Muqing pondered carefully.

After a while, I saw her slowly speak:

“Brother Yang Fan, I think you should have checked a lot of information about Merlot Pearl on the Internet, and you must have an approximate number of its value in your heart.”

“And I, Gu Muqing, am not the kind of person who likes to take advantage of others, plus you are still Concubine Ya’s godbrother, and you can also be regarded as my godbrother, as a sister, I will not take advantage of you.”

“So I thought about it carefully, this Merlot bead, the highest price I can offer is 12.66 million!”

“I think this price is definitely in line with its current market price, and it will only be high and not low!”

“I just don’t know Brother Yang Fan, are you still satisfied with this price?”

After saying this, Gu Muqing’s beautiful eyes stared at Yang Fan tightly, as if he wanted to see the answer from Yang Fan’s face for the first time.


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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