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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 084

12.66 million!

When he heard the price quoted by Gu Muqing, Yang Fan was really shocked!

Is this the legendary rich woman?

Open mouth is more than ten million?

How does it feel that more than ten million came out of her mouth, about the same as more than a thousand pieces ?!

After a deep groan, Yang Fan couldn’t help but ask Gu Muqing: “Sister Muqing, do you really want to pay 12.66 million to buy this Merlot bead from me?” ”

Gu Muqing immediately laughed: “Why, brother Yang Fan, do you think the price given by my sister is low?” ”

Yang Fan immediately waved his hand and smiled: “No, no, it’s not that I feel low, but I think that Sister Mu Qing, will the price you gave be a little too high?” ”

Hearing Yang Fan’s words, Gu Muqing stared at him for a long time before he smiled and said, “Cluck, brother Yang Fan, seriously, I have seen sellers with low prices many times, but I have never seen a seller with a high price like you!” ”

Yang Fan shook his head and smiled: “Haha, it’s not that the price is high, I’m not stupid, how can I think the price is high?” I’m just curious, is this Merlot really that valuable? ”

Gu Muqing suddenly smiled charmingly: “Cluck, of course there is, sister said it’s worth a price, it’s worth this price!” Even if it’s really not worth this price, then sister I will give this price for the sake of your face brother Yang Fan!” ”

At this moment, Gu Muqing’s favorability towards Yang Fan really went up a notch!

As she said, she has seen a lot of insatiable sellers, but if Yang Fan asked the buyer in person whether the bid was for a high seller, she really saw it for the first time!

In fact, when she had just finished the price and saw the flash of surprise on Yang Fan’s face, she immediately knew that Yang Fan was very satisfied with the price she offered, and even said that it was a little unexpected!

But there was one thing that Gu Muqing didn’t expect at all, that is, Yang Fan actually directly said the surprise of the price in his heart!

As a seller, when the buyer makes a price, shouldn’t you continue to increase the price at this time?

How can there be a reason to directly ask other buyers, is this price too high?

This is also too honest, too conscientious!

Therefore, Gu Muqing immediately felt that Yang Fan was very interesting, not only handsome but also very good!

As for Yang Fan.

Of course, he is not afraid of a lot of money, but really simply curious, this Merlot pearl can be worth more than ten million?

Before coming, he thought that this thing could be sold for a few million, but he didn’t expect to be directly bid 12.66 million by Gu Muqing, a rich woman!

One pearl is 12.66 million, which is simply a sky-high price!

Although Melod Pearl has been auctioned for a sky-high price of $2.7 million in history, everyone knows that the price of auctions is often inflated, because auction houses will use all means to publicize and strive to bid the highest price of the lot, so that they can take a large commission!

So the price auctioned out is actually unreal!

In Yang Fan’s opinion, Gu Muqing can directly buy this Merlot Pearl for 12.66 million, which is really very sincere!

And this time.

Concubine Shen Ya on the side also couldn’t help but interject and laughed:

“Hahaha, brother Yang Fan, you may not know that Mu Qing is one of the most famous jewelry designers in the international high-end jewelry circle!”

“Her understanding of the high-end jewelry market is definitely much more profound and comprehensive than us laymen!”

“Since Mu Qing can now price this Merlot Bead for 12.66 million, then this price must be the most in line with its current market value!”

Hearing Shen Yafei say this, Yang Fan couldn’t help but be a little surprised.

He looked at Gu Muqing: “Sister Muqing, are you a jewelry designer?” ”

Gu Muqing nodded and smiled: “Yes, that’s why I want to buy this Merlot Pearl from Brother Yang Fan!” If this Merlot bead is in my hand, I can definitely design a perfect jewelry set with it, no, jewelry artwork! ”

At this moment, Yang Fan didn’t want to say anything more, and he waved his hand directly:

“OK, don’t say anything, this Merlot bead will be sold to Sister Mu Qing!”


The next thing is very simple.

Yang Fan readily agreed to the offer given by Gu Muqing and sold this superb Melody bead to her for 12.66 million.

Gu Muqing transferred the money to Yang Fan on the spot, and the rich woman’s wealth was undoubtedly displayed!

And in this way, Yang Fan can be regarded as officially stepping into the ranks of multimillionaires!

Some time ago, because he bought that trawl yacht, his wallet was emptied at once!

But now, he only drove the trawler yacht out to sea once, and even earned back the profit!

I have to say that this kind of money-making efficiency is really quite awesome!

And to be able to successfully buy this superb Merlot bead, Gu Muqing is also very happy.

She believes that with this superb Merlot bead, she will be able to design a perfect jewelry artwork that will amaze the world at the Milan International Jewelry Design Exhibition!

As for Concubine Shen Ya.

As the intermediary of this transaction, she can see that the transaction has been successfully completed, and both parties are satisfied, and she is also very happy and fulfilling!

So in general.

This transaction is a joy for everyone!


After the friendship is completed.

The three continued to chat while drinking tea for a while.

When the conversation was almost over, Yang Fan and Shen Yafei Gu Muqing left the tea house.

“Brother Yang Fan, see you next time.”

“See you next time.”

Under the tea floor, Yang Fan and Shen Yafei Gu Muqing waved goodbye, and then got into a taxi.

Originally, Shen Yafei wanted to drive Yang Fan back to the fishing village, but he refused.

Yang Fan has never been a person who likes to trouble others, not to mention that Shen Yafei is also a big owner of a restaurant with a busy business.

If he really let the family run for an hour or two to send herself back to the fishing village, then Yang Fan would definitely feel that he owed her a great favor.

It’s really not much necessary.

“Concubine Ya, this godbrother you recognize is really good, it’s quite an interesting person!”

After Yang Fan left, Gu Muqing said to Shen Yafei with a smile.

Concubine Shen Ya immediately smiled: “Of course!” Mu Qing, let me tell you, Brother Yang Fan’s person is really not simple! ”

Gu Muqing snorted suspiciously: “Oh? How is it not a simple method? ”

Shen Yafei smiled and said, “Haha, I can’t understand this at once, I can only say that Mu Qing should be able to feel it if you get along with him a few more times in the future.” ”

Gu Muqing also smiled: “This is okay… By the way, Concubine Ya, didn’t you say that Brother Yang Fan is a fisherman, and he is a fisherman who fishes very well? Then one day when we are free, the two of us will go to him and see his fishing methods on the spot? ”

Shen Yafei was immediately excited when she heard this:

“Yes! Why didn’t I think of this?! ”

“I’ve always been curious about how Yang Fan managed to catch the best seafood one after another, but I really can’t find the answer to this question.”

“But now listening to Mu Qing, I am suddenly open! By the way, I can go to the scene to observe him fishing at sea, so that I can know a little mystery? ”

Gu Muqing immediately added with a smile: “Not only can we know why Yang Fan’s younger brother is so good at fishing, but also let us experience the fun of going out to fish!” ”

Shen Yafei also smiled: “Yes, yes!” It’s time to take a vacation and relax! ”

Gu Muqing smiled and said, “Then it’s settled?” ”

Concubine Shen Ya nodded and smiled: “It’s fixed!” When we both have time, we will go to Brother Yang Fan!” ”



At the same time, Yang Fan on the taxi suddenly sneezed.

He doesn’t know now that he has been targeted by two beautiful rich women!

Of course, even if he knew, he would probably only find it interesting.

Even, there will be a little anticipation.

Shen Yafei Gu Muqing, these are two out-and-out goddess-level rich royal sisters.

Although he was a few years older than Yang Fan, it just so happened that he liked this kind of mature and feminine superb imperial sister, so if Yang Fan knew that Shen Yafei Gu Muqing was coming to find him to go to sea together, he would definitely not refuse.

These are two superb royal sisters, normal men will not refuse them to come to play with themselves, right?

After a little over an hour’s drive.

Yang Fan, who was happy to mention more than 10 million dollars, returned to the fishing village with a good taste.

A merry heart makes a cheerful countenance.

Thinking that he was now carrying a huge amount of more than ten million and stepping into the ranks of multi-millionaires, Yang Fan couldn’t help but whistle as he walked on the road.

The feeling of having money in your pocket is really good, very down-to-earth!

After buying the trawl yacht before, his bank card was completely emptied in an instant, and if he hadn’t sold the fish in time to sell 780,000 yuan, he really wouldn’t even be able to get the food expenses of the little killer whale Da Meng!

This is not an exaggeration, who let that guy in Da Meng eat dozens of pounds of beef in one meal!

Every time Yang Fan asked Yang Hongtao to go to the town to buy meat, it was bought for one or two hundred pounds, and it would cost thousands at a time, and these thousands were enough to eat this product for two or three days!

And as he kept feeding the golden drops, Da Meng’s body grew faster and faster, and his appetite became bigger and bigger.

After a while, it is estimated that it can eat hundreds of pounds of meat in one meal!

Of course, when that time comes, it means that the baby killer whale has also grown up, and then it can be driven to the open sea to let it find food on its own!

Otherwise, a meal of hundreds of catties of beef, Yang Fan will have a pain even if he has money!

Whistle back to his home.

Yang Fan took out a deck chair and put it in the yard, and then lay comfortably on the lounge chair to bask in the sun.

In the past few days, the typhoon has been windy and rainy every day, and he has not enjoyed the warmth brought by the sun for a long time.

Looking at the cherry tomato seedlings blooming brightly in the small vegetable field next to him, Yang Fan is really looking forward to it, how will the taste of these cherry tomatoes irrigated with gold drops be different from ordinary cherry tomatoes?

Will it be delicious and even bite off the tongue?

As for the green leeks growing on the other side vegetable field, it also made Yang Fan look forward to it very much.

He is thinking that the effect of leeks is to strengthen and yang to tonify the kidneys, and this Chinese people know, so the leeks irrigated with gold drops, in this regard, will the effect become special cowbreaking?

Will it be that after eating these leeks, it will immediately boil with beasts and blood, like eating several pieces of Wei Ge in one go?

If that’s the case…

That’s really fun!

“Hahaha, why do you feel a little prickly and excited?!”

Thinking of this, Yang Fan couldn’t help but laugh, and began to fantasize about some scenes inexplicably in his heart.

Di Di Di!

That is, when he wanted to enter Feifei, a series of V letter prompt tones suddenly sounded!

Take out your phone and take a look.

It was found that it was a message from Qin Yuxue.

Yang Fan stopped the crookedness in his heart and clicked on the chat box.

And when he saw the specific content sent by Qin Yuxue, he immediately blinked his eyes a little confused…


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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