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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 089

6586 kg!

Looking at this exaggerated number displayed on the dial, Yang Fan was dumbfounded on the spot!

This net caught more than 13,000 pounds of silver pomfrets!

And the most important thing is that most of these silver pomfret are more than two catties, and according to the current market price, more than two catties of silver pomfret cost more than 300 per catty!

In other words, this net of 13,000 pounds of silver pomfret is worth at least 3 million or more!

Once the net goes down, you will catch more than 3 million worth of fish!

This speed of making money can only be said to be outrageous, too outrageous!

At this time, Yang Hongtao, who was full of excitement, also looked at the dial of the weigher, and when he saw the number of 6586 kilograms displayed on it, he jumped up directly from the deck!

“My mom!”

“More than 10,000 catties of silver pomfrets?!”

“Isn’t it possible to make millions?!!

“Fanzi, no, I need a quick relief pill…”


After the three of them were excited.

Yang Fan unloaded the trawl, and suddenly thousands of silver pomfret all rushed to the deck at once, densely packed with a large area, which was really quite spectacular.

In the following time, the three began to quickly sort out these silver pomfrets, move them one by one to the freezer cabin and refrigerate them to keep them fresh.

This project is undoubtedly very huge, and the three strong young guys were stunned for at least 2 hours before finally stuffing all these silver pomfret into the freezer.

When you are tired when moving fish, it must be very tiring.

But the thought that these fish are worth millions immediately wipes away the exhaustion on their bodies.

Before I knew it, it was already past one o’clock in the afternoon.

At this time, the meal has long passed, but Yang Fan and they still haven’t eaten, but the life of fishermen is like this, once they are busy at sea, how can they take care of eating.

Wait until everything is finally done.

They just got something casually and coped with lunch.

After eating, Yang Hongtao rubbed his hands and asked Yang Fan with an excited face: “Hehe, Fanzi, we will directly make a fortune under this net, otherwise we will return now and sell these silver pomfrets, right?” ”

At the thought that these silver pomfret could be sold for millions, Yang Hongtao trembled with excitement, although this money did not belong to him, but it was exciting enough to participate in it!

A net of millions of catches, this is simply the supreme honor for a fisherman, Yang Hongtao feels that he can blow this matter for at least ten years!

But hearing his suggestion to return, Yang Fan shook his head with a smile: “This is not urgent, the fish will not be bad in the freezer cabin, let’s go a little further into the deep sea and see if we can find an opportunity to catch another net.” ”

Yang Hongtao was immediately surprised when he heard this: “I lean!” Fanzi, you are too greedy, this is a silver pomfret worth more than 3 million, aren’t you satisfied? ”

Yang Fan smiled: “Why be satisfied?” Since they are all here, they must wait until the catch is bursting before going back! ”

Yang Hongtao swallowed his saliva and gave a thumbs up: “Okay! Sail you are awesome, you are really awesome! ”

Yang Fan scolded with a smile: “What’s awesome, what’s awesome, don’t put this nonsense, take a lunch break later, and then set sail immediately!” ”

After eating and chatting a little, the three of them went for a lunch break.

They wake up too early in the morning, they have just sorted out their catch and they are too tired, if they don’t catch up on their sleep at noon, their bodies will really be a little overbearable.

Of course, Yang Fan doesn’t matter, after being transformed by the golden drop, his body will not be tired at all, he is just worried that Yang Hongtao and Yang Xiaohai will not be able to bear it.


The lunch break was about an hour or two.

Next, Yang Fan and they continued to drive the trawl yacht to deeper seas without stopping.

This time to the sea, Yang Fan made up his mind not to go home without exploding the cabin, and now the more than 10,000 catties of silver pomfret can fill more than half of the freezer cabin, naturally there is no need to go back so quickly.

Sail along the way, and time passes slowly.

For a long time, Yang Fan did not find a chance to get off the net again.

The fish in the sea were either too small or too cheap to meet his requirements.

But this is also normal, the sea is vast, and it is really not so easy to encounter that kind of expensive and large fish.

And it is worth mentioning.

Behind the butt of the ‘Sail”, the little killer whale has been following the whole process!

This little guy sometimes rises up, sometimes sneaks in the sea, sometimes chases the fish alone, and sometimes happily sprays the water column, looking very happy.

Yang Fan was also on deck and observed the little guy all the way.

He found that with his continuous feeding of gold drops in the past few days, the intelligence level of the little killer whale Da Meng is obviously getting higher and higher.

Along the way, you will encounter many other fishing boats, but the little killer whale will cleverly avoid and avoid all boats except the “Yangfan”.

This made Yang Fan very gratified, it seems that he will not have to worry about this guy’s safety in the future.

In addition to human fishing boats and fishing nets, killer whales are almost invincible in the sea, and now that Da Meng can know how to avoid fishing boats, it can basically walk sideways in the sea in the future.

The problem of safety has been solved, so the last problem of raising baby killer whales as pets is the problem that it does not have friends to play.

For this problem, Yang Fan has no good way to solve it for the time being, and there is no other way but to play with it as much as possible every day.

Speaking of which, after being fed a lot of gold drops, the baby killer whale is very human, and it now completely treats Yang Fan as a mother-like role, and is particularly dependent on Yang Fan.

Whenever Yang Fan has no time to play with it, the little killer whale will look particularly lonely and lonely in the sea alone, and once Yang Fan plays with it, it will immediately get carried away happily.

Just like now.

The little killer whale follows the yacht all the way, and Yang Fan will tease it on the deck from time to time, occasionally throwing a few pieces of meat down, and the little guy will immediately take off happily.

During this period, Yang Fan also ordered the little killer whale to help him find the catch several times, but it is a pity that the little killer whale is not smart enough to this extent.


After another few hours of sailing.

It was already late afternoon, and a red sun slowly fell to the sea level, reflecting the sea sparkling gold.

It was also at this time.

Yang Fan finally saw a picture in the sea that interested him very much!

This time, he didn’t find a school of fish.

Instead, a herd of crabs was found!

Yes, Yang Fan found a crab group, and it was a relatively expensive safflower crab group!

Safflower crab, light red or silt shell, forehead horn long six spines, widely distributed in China, is a relatively common economic sea crab.

Safflower crab is not only delicious meat, excellent taste, but also rich in protein and trace elements, has a good tonic effect on the body, Chinese medicine says that it has a certain anti-cancer effect, often eat safflower crab has the effect of inhibiting cancer.

Because of the good taste and high nutrition, safflower crab is very popular in the seafood market, and now on the market, the price of fresh safflower crab is very high, at least more than a hundred pieces a pound, and the price of more than a pound of large safflower crab is more than 150.

And the group of red flower crabs found by Yang Fan is quite large, they are densely gathered in the sand and mud of the sea floor at a depth of tens of meters, and there are at least thousands of them!

Among them, about half are large crabs weighing more than one pound, and about half are small crabs weighing only a few or two.

According to the current market price, this nest of big red flower crabs can be worth at least hundreds of thousands!

“Taozi, stop the boat, get ready to get off the crab cage!”


PS: Customize it, ask for full booking!


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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