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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 093

“Taozi, what nonsense are you talking about, and make me quit my job? I quit you to raise me!” ”

Yang Hongtao immediately laughed:

“Lean! What can’t be raised, how ugly this is! ”

“Your big man is not a beautiful second milk, why do you want others to raise it?”

“Keiko, I won’t do much nonsense about it, I’ll ask you how much you pay a month as a security guard at a bank now?”

Yang Xiaohui said truthfully: “The guaranteed salary is more than 3,000 a month, plus the year-end bonus or something, you can have a look of 50,000 or 60,000 a year.” ”

Yang Hongtao smiled: “Fifty or sixty thousand a year, it’s okay… So Keiko, are you satisfied with this salary? ”

Yang Xiaohui suddenly said with a dejected face: “Satisfied with a fart!” Isn’t this pure nonsense, this little money is enough for fart this year, it must be dissatisfied! But what is the way, who let us have no ability to earn so much! ”

Seeing his expression, Yang Hongtao laughed: “Hehe, Huizi, then if I say, now there is an opportunity to easily earn tens of thousands a month and get rich quickly in front of you, do you want to fight for it?” ”

Hearing this, Yang Xiaohui immediately rolled his eyes: “Lean!” Taozi, you don’t want to trick me into a pyramid scheme, right? Also easily earn tens of thousands a month, I’m afraid you’re not thinking about farting and eating! ”

Seeing that he didn’t believe it, Yang Hongtao smiled disapprovingly, and then said slowly:

“Well, Keiko, I admit that what I just said is indeed a bit like what the MLM organization said when it pulled down the house…”

“However, I’m really not fooling you, and now there is really an opportunity to easily earn tens of thousands of dollars a month in front of you!”

“As long as you can hold the thick thigh of Fanzi tightly, it is really not a dream to make a fortune with a monthly income of tens of thousands!”

At this moment, Yang Xiaohui was puzzled: “What holding the thigh of the sail?” Taozi, what do you mean, to show it bluntly! ”

Yang Hongtao smiled and said: “Hehe, just the surface meaning, it’s enough to hold the thigh of the sail!” Keiko, do you know how much money can I make by going out to sea with me now? ”

Yang Xiaohui subconsciously said: “How much money do you make when you go to sea?” Eight hundred? Thousand? ”

Obviously, in his opinion, this year’s fishing trip to the sea can earn 1,800 is enough.

But when Yang Hongtao heard this, he immediately laughed: “Eight hundred? Thousand? Hehe! Keiko, you are bold and guess bigger, add a few zeros to this number! ”

Seeing his arrogant and shying expression, Yang Xiaohui immediately rolled his eyes: “Lean!” How many zeros are added to the back? Taozi, you are very bragging now, so you can earn eight million and ten million on a trip to the sea now? ”

Yang Hongtao immediately smiled: “Hehe, Huizi, don’t say it!” Now I can really earn eighteen million on a trip to the sea with Fanzi! For example, in the past two days, we have caught more than three million worth of fish! ”

Hearing this, Yang Xiaohui suddenly blinked his eyes with a look of disbelief: “Lean!” Taozi, you can blow too much! It’s also made up! Just your little broken boat, you caught more than three million worth of fish in two days? Can you talk about the basic law of your bragging?! ”

Yang Hongtao pouted: “Huh, little broken boat? Brother has long changed shotguns for cannons! Now brother drives millions of luxury yachts! ”

Yang Xiaohui rolled his eyes again: “Lie in the groove!” Taozi, I said that it was not dark yet, and you started daydreaming? You also drive luxury yachts, why don’t you say you drive spaceships! ”

Seeing that Yang Xiaohui still didn’t believe it, Yang Hongtao didn’t say a word, and directly took out his mobile phone and threw out a few photos of himself while driving a trawl yacht, which were put on Yang Xiaohui’s face!

“Hehe, Keiko, keep your 24K titanium eyes wide open! Now I believe that my brother is driving a big yacht, right? ”

See these photos.

Yang Xiaohui was a little dumbfounded on the spot: “I am thorough!” Really fake? Taozi, you actually bought a luxury yacht? Where did you get so much money?! ”

Yang Hongtao immediately smiled: “Hehe, this luxury yacht is not mine, it is sails!” I’m just a first mate! ”

Hearing his words, Yang Xiaohui subconsciously turned his head to look at Yang Fan: “Fanzi, what Taozi said is true?” You bought this luxury yacht he drove?! ”

Seeing the topic talked about himself.

Yang Fan smiled generously: “Well, yes, that trawl yacht was just bought by me some time ago, but I bought it not for enjoyment, but for fishing.” ”

Yang Xiaohui was immediately stunned: “I’ll go!” Or really?! Fanzi, you made a fortune outside?! ”

Yang Fan smiled: “Haha, forget it.” ”

Yang Xiaohui blinked his eyes and said in disbelief: “What Taozi just said is also true?” You have caught more than three or three million fish in the past two days?? ”

When it came to this number, Yang Xiaohui found that his mouth became unfavorable.

Yang Fan smiled and nodded: “Well, yes, this is also true, yesterday we went out to sea gas well, caught more than 10,000 catties of silver pomfrets, and sold more than 3 million.” ”


Hearing Yang Fan’s affirmative answer, Yang Xiaohui couldn’t help but swallow his saliva!

The expression is a little trance!

More than 10,000 catties of silver pomfrets?!

Sold more than three million ?!

Yang Xiaohui felt that his head was already a little dizzy, and he opened his mouth but was completely speechless in shock.

As for Yang Fan, he saw that the topic had been talked about to this extent, so he simply opened the topic:

“Huizi, in fact, the reason why I called you out today is because our brothers haven’t seen you for many years and want to talk to you.”

“The second is to ask you, would you like to go fishing with us, now there are three people on the yacht, me and Taozi Xiaohai, many times it is really a little busy and not very busy, if you can come with Keiko, it should be much easier.”

“As for the issue of treatment, Huizi you are the same as Taozi Xiaohai, I give a guaranteed salary of 10,000 every month, and then every time I go to sea, I will have a certain dividend.”

After Yang Fan’s words, before Yang Xiaohui could react, Yang Hongtao on the side laughed:

“Hehe, Keiko, this is the opportunity I just told you about to easily earn tens of thousands a month!”

“Do you kid know how much Xiaohai and I have earned by fishing with sails in the past half month? More than we used to earn in a year of hard work! ”

“So, as long as you kid can hold Fanzi’s thigh tightly like me and Xiaohai, it won’t be a problem to get rich and reach the peak of life in the future!”

At this moment, Yang Xiaohui was dumbfounded.

He was really dumbfounded.

During this time, because of the unexpected pregnancy of his girlfriend Zhang Ruru and some situations that happened in her family, Yang Xiaohui’s life instantly became a mess, as if the whole world was plunged into darkness!

But now, it seems that a bright light suddenly shines in, dispelling the darkness!

Yang Xiaohui clenched his fists tightly, and his eyes were almost red!


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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