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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 097

Of course, Yang Fan did not know what Yang Xiaohui had experienced.

Of course, even if he knows, he can only be relieved that he can help his hair, and he will definitely be very happy.

After coming out of the third uncle, Yang Fan did not do anything else for the next day, and all the time was spent studying the camera.

He found some videos of bloggers on the Internet, watched the videos and learned the skills of shooting.

And this learning, Yang Fan found the problem!

Of course, it’s not a bad problem, but he found that his current learning ability is simply heaven-defying!

Originally, Yang Fan’s previous learning ability was already very strong, otherwise he would not have been admitted to a prestigious university, but he found that his current learning ability was simply not strong, but perverted!

When watching the video to learn shooting technology, he found that his memory and comprehension ability have reached a level that can be called heaven-defying, basically as long as he watches the video once, he can instantly remember all the teaching content explained in the video, and he can also fully understand and integrate it immediately!

This is only Yang Fan’s first exposure to complex photography techniques, but after just one day of learning, his photography skills seem to be a photography expert who has been playing for a long time!

And this change in learning ability must be because of Dragon Ball!

Under the continuous transformation of Dragon Ball, not only his body has been greatly improved, but even his brain and his intelligence have also made a qualitative leap!

Yang Fan just wanted to say: Dragon Ball is awesome!!!

When he found that he had such a strong learning ability, Yang Fan not only learned photography, but also related techniques such as P pictures and editing, he began to teach himself.

No matter what he learns, he is basically able to learn and use it as soon as he uses it, and he is simply a super learner!


The evening of the day.

After Yang Xiaohui officially resigned and talked to his girlfriend Zhang Ruru in person, he packed up his things overnight and rushed back from the city.

It is worth mentioning that although his parents went to work in factories in Guangyue at an early age, and his brother also worked in other places all year round, the family would come back to live for a period of time every year during the New Year, so his family’s house in the fishing village could be cleaned up and could live in it immediately.

And after learning that Yang Xiaohui came back, Yang Hongtao specially asked his parents to make a big meal to wash the dust for Yang Xiaohui, and after the meal was done, he called Yang Fan and Yang Xiaohai to come over to eat, and the brothers chatted quite happi while eating.

As for Yang Hongtao’s parents, they are also very pleased to see that their son is now fishing with Yang Fan to make a lot of money.

The old couple was still worried before that it would be difficult for their son to find his daughter-in-law if he stayed in the fishing village to fish, but seeing that his son now followed Yang Fan to the sea to fish and could earn tens of thousands a month, that worry was gone in an instant!

Earn so much money, what beautiful daughter-in-law can’t marry ah!

After a few people had eaten and drunk, they went home to rest.

Before parting, they discussed and met at the pier at 4:30 the next morning.

Not long after Yang Fan returned to his home, the third uncle and his old man had already helped him make a whale saddle and specially sent it over.

Looking at the whale saddle made by the third uncle, Yang Fan is really quite satisfied, whether it is the material, workmanship or style, it is very in line with his requirements, and the completion of the saddle also means that he can ride the little killer whale to swim in the sea tomorrow!

In this regard, Yang Fan is still very excited.

This is riding a killer whale, think about it is domineering and cool!


The next morning at half past four.

The four arrived at the pier on time to assemble.

They can’t wait to go to sea!

Yang Xiaohui, Yang Hongtao, Yang Xiaohai, the three of them can’t wait to go out to sea to fish and make a lot of money, while Yang Fan can’t wait to go out to sea and ride the little killer whale to swim in the sea!

Soon, four people were on board.

The ‘Sails’ then roared and set sail!

Before setting off for the deep sea, they refueled the trawl yacht as usual, and went to a place on the town pier dedicated to ice fishing boats to replenish the ice in the yacht’s freezer.

This is the preparation that must be done before a large-tonnage fishing boat goes to sea, otherwise if there is no oil or ice on the road, it is not the end of the calf.

After everything is done.

The sail sailed all the way to the deep sea!

And with the start of the trawl yacht, a cute little killer whale in the sea also quickly appeared, and it sneaked all the way with the yacht, like a cheerful little ass worm.

Seeing the baby killer whale appear, Yang Fan immediately took out a bag of beef from the refrigerator on the yacht, and then stood on the deck and began to feed the little guy.

I’m about to ride someone’s house, of course, I have to give people some sweetness to please ah!

After feeding the baby killer whale seventy or eighty pounds of beef, the little killer whale shook its head and looked full.

This makes Yang Fan a little shocked, this guy’s food intake is more and more exaggerated, according to this, he is about to be eaten bankrupt by this guy, a meal of seventy or eighty pounds of beef, this is thousands of pieces!

And Yang Xiaohui is still the first time to see killer whales, although he heard Yang Hongtao say yesterday that Yang Fan raised a very human killer whale, but now seeing this scene on the scene, it is inevitable to be very surprised and shocked.

The yacht sailed for hours.

Finally, it sailed into the deep sea.

At this time, Yang Fan decided to officially start riding killer whales!

“Hehe, riding a killer whale to the sea, I should be the first person in the world, right?”

Yang Fan stood on the deck and grinned, and then without saying a word, he took the saddle and jumped directly towards the baby killer whale in the sea.

Seeing him suddenly jump into the sea, Yang Xiaohui immediately exclaimed: “Fanzi, what are you doing in the sea?” ”

“You’ll find out later!”

Yang Fan smiled and didn’t explain much.

After he went into the sea, he swam directly towards the baby killer whale.

Little killer whale Da Meng was very happy when he saw Yang Fan coming to the sea, and directly rushed into Yang Fan’s arms, rubbing around intimately with its big head.

Yang Fan touched the head of the little killer whale and played with it in the sea for a while.

When the pacification work was almost done, he patted the little killer whale’s head and said with a smile: “Da Meng, tell you something, you don’t mind if I ride you, right?” ”

Of course, Da Meng couldn’t understand people’s words, but when he saw Yang Fan talking to himself, he was naturally very happy, and immediately whined a few whale words as if he echoed.

Seeing Da Meng so happy, Yang Fan smiled chicken thief: “Hahaha, Da Meng, you agree to oh, then I will ride you!” ”

After that, he took out the saddle and began to put on the body of the little killer whale.

At the beginning of the saddle, Da Meng was unaware of the calendar, and there was still a bit of an instinctive struggle to repel, but Yang Fan would always be by the side to appease it, so it would soon not be repulsed.

Finally, under Yang Fan’s patient operation, the saddle was successfully put on the body of the little killer whale!

This whale saddle is actually not that complicated, it is probably similar to a leather holster, which can be ‘tied up’ on the killer whale, and then leave two ‘handles’ on the back of the killer whale that can be held, so that Yang Fan can lie on the back of the killer whale, and then hold these two handles to fix his position.

After installing the whale saddle, Yang Fan also checked it and found that the whale saddle was tightly closed and very fixed.

Killer whales are very thick-skinned, so several belt-like things are put on it, and it doesn’t actually feel much.

After getting it done, Yang Fan directly pulled the handle on the saddle and successfully climbed onto the back of the killer whale.

After sitting on the back of the killer whale, Yang Fan couldn’t help but laugh proudly: “Hehe! Brother is now the first person in the world to ride killer whales! ”

Of course, the killer whale trainers of the aquarium may have also ridden killer whales, but the killer whales of the aquarium have long been domesticated and even tortured by humans without wildness, and the one Yang Fan rides is a pure wild killer whale, and there is no comparison between the two!

On the yacht deck, when Yang Xiaohui and Yang Xiaohai saw this scene, they were directly stunned: “Lying groove!” Riding killer whales? Can this still be done?! ”

Not only them, but Yang Hongtao, who was driving the boat in the cockpit, saw this scene, and also roared with wide eyes on the spot:

“I thorough! Riding killer whales? Use killer whales as mounts?! Sail you are awesome! You’re bad!! ”


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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