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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 103

This beautiful royal sister who stepped down from the Bentley was naturally the beautiful boss Shen Yafei.

Concubine Shen Ya is still dressed as a queen of the workplace today, her hair is high and coiled, and she is dressed in a well-cut high-end black OL professional suit, with matte black silk and silver high heels, and the style of the royal sister is undoubtedly displayed.

After getting out of the car, Shen Yafei took off her sunglasses and glanced towards the dock, and immediately noticed the luxury yacht docked at the dock.

Although when she last traded Merlot Pearl, Shen Yafei heard Yang Fan say that he bought a trawl yacht, but she had never seen it, but when Shen Yafei saw the conspicuous 3 big characters ‘Yangfan’ on the yacht, she immediately guessed that this should be Yang Fan’s yacht.

Concubine Shen Ya twisted her slender waist, stepped on high heels and walked all the way onto the yacht.

Seeing that this beautiful boss has finally arrived.

Yang Fan greeted him, smiled and quipped: “Sister Yafei, you are a lot late, so many of us have been waiting for you for a long time.” ”

Shen Yafei showed a helpless smile: “Brother Yang Fan, there is a big traffic jam on the road, and my sister can’t help it!” ”

Yang Fan waved his hand and smiled: “It’s okay, I’m just joking, since you are also here, Sister Yafei, then this auction will officially begin.” ”

After exchanging pleasantries with Shen Yafei, Yang Fan then turned to look at the fishmongers and restaurant owners, and said, “Bosses, please follow me.” ”

Saying that, he led the group of seafood merchants and the lively melon-eating masses towards the living water tank of the yacht.

The group soon arrived at the living water tank.

Then Yang Hongtao opened the door of the living water tank, and then everyone saw the dozen large dragon groupers that were still full of vitality in the living water tank.

Seeing that these big dragon groupers, all of them were huge big guys, and all of them were still alive, these seafood merchants and fishmongers’ eyes immediately lit up:

“Huo! So many big dragons! ”

“It’s really bigger than one!”

“yes! Looking at the size of these dragons, I am afraid that the smallest has hundreds of catties, and the largest one is afraid that it has at least more than three hundred catties! ”

“Lean! More than 300 catties of wild dragon toe! The last time we saw such a big dragon at this seafood pier was several years ago, right? ”

“yes! I was there that time! The big dragon was accidentally caught by a senior sea fishing enthusiast, and the last name seemed to exceed 315 pounds, which was really shocking at the time! ”

“Catching more than 300 catties of dragon crest is really awesome! However, from my years of experience, this wild dragon is definitely much larger than the 315-pound dragon, and I estimate that this one can have more than 350 pounds! ”

“I also think it’s 350 pounds! And the most important thing is that this big dragon is not only big, but also alive, which is even more rare! ”

“Indeed! More than three hundred catties of live dragon toe, this must be auctioned for a sky-high price! ”


Everyone pointed to the largest dragon grouper in the living water tank and talked about it.

Even many people have begun to pick up their mobile phones to take pictures and videos, after all, such a big dragon is really a rare thing, not so easy to see.

When these fishmongers and the restaurant owner saw the goods, Yang Fan cleared his throat and said with a smile:

“Bosses, you have also seen the fish, so let’s start the auction now!”

“The first fish to be photographed today is the largest dragon grouper, and the starting price I ordered for it is 660,000!”

“Okay, bosses, you can bid!”

Yang Fan’s words came out.

This means that this catch auction has officially begun!

And when those powerful seafood merchants heard Yang Fan say that the first dragon to be auctioned was the biggest dragon tail, they all immediately began to compete for bidding!

For such a large superb dragon, the starting price of 660,000 must be very low.

So these seafood merchants shouted very enthusiastically:

“Boss Xiao Yang, I’ll pay 680,000!”

“Boss Xiao Yang, I’ll give out 770,000!”

“I give out 860,000!”

“I’ll give out 980,000!”

“I’ll give 1.02 million!”


“I’ll give 1.25 million!”

Soon, a middle-aged restaurant owner with a jade wrench, wearing a Tang costume, and looking very wealthy, directly shouted the price to a sky-high price of 1.25 million.

When his price came out, the other seafood merchants were instantly dumbfounded.

Although this large dragon tail of more than three hundred catties is very rare, and it is even more precious because it is alive, the price of 1.25 million is obviously too high.

Most of the seafood merchants have a price in the hearts of this big dragon, mostly in the early one million, and now they hear the Tang costume boss shouting a sky-high price of 1.25 million, they naturally dare not shout anymore.

“Forget it, Boss Tang has strong financial resources, so I won’t fight!”

“Alas, I can’t fight, I will quit!”

“Indeed, we fishmongers who do small business are not comparable to the big bosses who open restaurants like Boss Tang, and I will also quit!”


For a while, all the seafood merchants shook their heads one after another, indicating that they were no longer shouting.

See this.

The middle-aged man known as Boss Tang by everyone arched his hand in all directions, and laughed: “Haha, then thank you bosses for agreeing!” ”

At this moment, the expression on this Boss Tang’s face was quite proud, as if this big dragon was already in his pocket!

But at this moment, a somewhat joking voice suddenly sounded:

“Boss Tang, 1.25 million just want to buy my brother’s big dragon toe? Hehe, I’ll give out 1.5 million! ”

Hear this.

Then the smile on Boss Tang’s face froze on the spot!

He followed the prestige and immediately found that it was Shen Yafei who was standing next to Yang Fan who was speaking.

This Boss Tang knows Shen Yafei, because his seafood restaurant is also opened in the city center, so it is a direct competitor to Shen Yafei’s seafood restaurant.

During the period when the Shen Family Seafood Restaurant was newly opened, Boss Tang’s Seafood Restaurant had significantly fewer customers, which also made this Boss Tang very unhappy with Shen Yafei, a strong woman who robbed her own business.

As the saying goes, people compete for a breath, and Buddha receives a blaze of incense.

If others shouted 1.5 million, Boss Tang might let it, after all, the market price of this big dragon is not worth 1.5 million at all!

But in the face of Shen Yafei, Boss Tang didn’t want to admit it just like that!

I saw him say in a deep voice: “Boss Shen, 1.5 million is not enough, I will give 1.58 million!” ”

Concubine Shen Ya smiled slightly, and then Zhu’s lips lightly opened: “1.68 million!” ”

Boss Tang’s face became even more gloomy: “1.78 million!” ”

The corners of Shen Yafei’s mouth fluttered: “1.88 million!” ”

Hearing this offer, Boss Tang’s face instantly collapsed!

Although he didn’t want to lose to Shen Yafei in front of so many peers, his reason told him that he couldn’t raise the price any more!

1.88 million to buy a big dragon, this is no longer a premium problem, this is simply a loss transaction!

In Boss Tang’s opinion, this dragon grouper is 1.3 million in the sky, which is because he considers that this dragon grouper can bring a great advertising effect to his restaurant, so it can be worth so much money.

Otherwise, simply from the market price of the dragon grouper, this dragon grouper can definitely only be worth a million dollars!

Now that Shen Yafei has shouted the price to a sky-high price of 1.88 million, Boss Tang feels that he can’t raise the price anymore.

If you raise the price, he will be a fool!

Thinking of this, Boss Tang arched his hand helplessly: “Well, Boss Shen really has a lot of money, and this dragon belongs to you!” ”

Hearing this, Shen Yafei smiled: “Then thank Boss Tang for agreeing.” ”

After speaking, Shen Yafei also turned her head and winked at Yang Fan beside her: “Brother Yang Fan, are you still satisfied with the price shouted by my sister?” ”

Yang Fan smiled with emotion: “Of course satisfied, Sister Yafei is really rich!” ”

At this time, Shen Yafei suddenly smiled charmingly, and then leaned into Yang Fan’s ear, exhaling a chuckle like a lan: “Cluck, brother Yang Fan, this dragon is not worth 1.88 million Oh, sister only shouted this price for your face!” ”

Feeling the wisp of faint fragrance on Shen Yafei’s body, and her incomparably charming breath, Yang Fan immediately felt that he was almost a little unbearable…

“I’ll go! This woman, I’m afraid she is teasing me in public? ”


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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