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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 106

The first big yellow croaker was auctioned for a sky-high price of 600,000, which is undoubtedly a good start.

So immediately afterwards, Yang Fan struck while the iron was hot and immediately started the next round of auction.

The remaining large yellow croakers, although not as big as the first one, but there are also a few of them that have reached more than ten pounds, and these large yellow croakers of more than ten pounds are worth auctioning separately, and their value is also not cheap, one can be worth hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands.

As for those large yellow croakers under ten pounds, the value is far from that high, and they are not suitable for auction one by one.

Therefore, Yang Fan put those big yellow fish under ten pounds, five and five together, and auctioned them off in a package auction.

This is actually just right, otherwise if hundreds of large yellow fish are auctioned one by one, then they must not be auctioned in the Year of the Monkey.

And as the auction continued, Shen Yafei, a beautiful rich woman with deep pockets, finally began to show her edge!

What shocked everyone at the scene was that except for the 18.6-pound big yellow fish, all the large yellow fish over ten pounds that were auctioned next were all wrapped by her alone!

And what is even more exaggerated is that two-thirds of those five big yellow fish that are packaged and auctioned by her are also photographed by her!

In other words, she alone photographed more than half of the hundreds of large yellow fish!


Shen Yafei was in the limelight, and she pressed those seafood merchants to look at each other, and no one could compete with her at all!

And this is the awesome thing about family business!

The Shen family where Shen Yafei is located is one of the giants in the domestic high-end seafood catering market, and she has a huge family behind her, of course, she can throw money without scruples!

Wait until finally all the large yellow croakers are auctioned.

Yang Fan counted his income, and he found that these eighty or ninety wild big yellow croakers had been photographed for a total of 10.15 million!

In other words, plus the 5.68 million captured by the dragon grouper before, he earned a total of 15.83 million today!

One day of fishing at sea, he earned more than 15 million, this speed of making money is really a bit exaggerated, making Yang Fan himself a little trance.

This money came too easily!

After a wave, the number on his bank card doubled again!

Coupled with the money from selling Merlot beads and silver pomfret before, Yang Fan’s total assets have exceeded 30 million!

A proper multimillionaire!

And it’s worth mentioning.

The income obtained by fishermen from fishing belongs to the fishery in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery, and there is no need to pay a penny tax!

In other words, no matter how much money Yang Fan makes fishing, it is completely his own!

This is actually a very big benefit, otherwise with Yang Fan’s income from fishing, he will have to pay more than half of the taxes alone!


With the last large yellow croaker being auctioned out.

This fishing auction ended successfully.

After some noise, the seafood merchants left the yacht one after another with the fish they had photographed.

And Shen Yafei, a beautiful rich woman, left Yang Fan a sentence before leaving: “By the way, brother Yang Fan, Mu Qing and I very much want to follow you and experience the fun of fishing at sea, I don’t know if we have this honor?” ”

For the request of such two beautiful royal sisters, Yang Fan naturally had no reason to refuse, and he agreed with a smile on the spot.

In the end, the two agreed to go to sea together the weekend after tomorrow.

After discussing this, the two smiled and waved goodbye, and then Shen Yafei took two restaurant guys and photographed those wild yellow croakers and wild dragons leaving the yacht with her.

Wait until all the seafood merchants are gone.

Yang Fan smiled at Yang Hongtao and said, “Brother, today’s harvest, let’s go and celebrate it?” ”

Yang Hongtao and they immediately laughed: “Hehe! That’s a must! ”

Then the four of them found a good restaurant and prepared to have a big meal to celebrate.

When serving, Yang Fan waved his hand and ordered casually, Yang Hongtao, Yang Xiaohui, Yang Xiaohai, these three goods are not polite, a crazy order of seven or eight big dishes, quite hearty.

Soon, the wine was served.

The four brothers chatted while drinking, and the atmosphere was naturally very warm.

When it was almost time to eat and drink, Yang Fan took out his mobile phone and transferred 60,000 yuan to Yang Hongtao and each of them as a dividend for this sea trip.

This number is not more, no less, Yang Fan feels that it is just right.

And seeing Yang Fan giving so many dividends to himself and others, Yang Hongtao and they are all happy and excited, and they earned 60,000 yuan in one trip to the sea, which is of course a very satisfying thing for the three of them.

Especially Yang Xiaohui, who got on the boat for the first time, was even more excited.

Yesterday he was still working as a security guard, receiving a salary of three or four thousand a month, but now he earns 60,000 yuan a day!

This speed of making money simply made his whole person flutter!

This made Yang Xiaohui can’t help but want to share this joy with his girlfriend Zhang Ruru, so he sent a message to Zhang Ruru on the spot to tell her about it, and when Zhang Ruru heard that her boyfriend earned 60,000 yuan in one day at sea, she was simply happy to get carried away!

Excited so much, she even wanted to tell her mother about this immediately, but was stopped by Yang Xiaohui.

Yang Xiaohui felt that it was not yet the time for a showdown, and he wanted to wait until he made enough money to meet Zhang Ruru’s extremely snobbish mother for a while!

This pleasant dinner lasted until after nine o’clock, and the four brothers returned to the village with a smile.


Half past ten in the evening.

Yang Fan took a shower after returning home, and then lay down on the bed beautifully, ready to fight two kings before sleeping.

But at this time, a V letter video call request suddenly popped up.

After taking a look, he found that it was Qin Yuxue who called, so he took it casually.

As soon as the video was connected, Qin Yuxue’s pure and sweet little face appeared on the screen.

I have to say that she is really a very beautiful girl, even in the front lens of the mobile phone, she is still amazingly beautiful.

Yang Fan smiled and said hello to the camera: “Old student, why did you call the video to me so late, is there something wrong?” ”

Qin Yuxue smiled: “Heehee, of course, I want to congratulate you, it’s on the hot search again!” ”

Hearing her words, Yang Fan couldn’t help but be a little confused: “What? I’m on the hot search again? ”

Qin Yuxue was a little puzzled and said, “Yes, Yang Fan, you still don’t know about this?” ”

Yang Fan shook his head and said, “I don’t know, could it be that Yuxue uploaded a video of me again?” ”

Qin Yuxue rolled her eyes: “Of course not, I uploaded your video last time!” ”

Yang Fan was strange: “What’s the matter, why am I on the hot search again?” ”

Qin Yuxue said, “Of course, it’s because you caught the best wild yellow croaker and wild dragon tail, and then auctioned more than ten million things!” Your matter has now spread on the Internet, I don’t know how popular it is! ”

“Well, it turned out to be because of this…”

At this moment, Yang Fan immediately realized.

It must have been during the auction before, someone took a video and then posted it online, and then rushed to the hot search.

Fishermen have sold more than 10 million fish, which is definitely a very big breaking news, and it is also a very normal thing to be on the hot search.

Speaking of this topic, Qin Yuxue widened her eyes and said:

“I’ll go! In other words, Yang Fan, you are too profitable to fish, right? I earned more than ten million on one trip to sea ?! ”

“You don’t know, when I accidentally saw this news just now, I was just a little surprised, and when I found out that the protagonist mentioned on the news was Yang Fan, I was directly dumbfounded!”

“Fishing makes more than 10 million a day, which is too exaggerated!”

“Moreover, Yang Fan, when did you buy a luxury yacht?” The last time my cousin and I went to your place, you didn’t have it! ”

Seeing Qin Yuxue’s startled expression.

Yang Fan smiled and explained: “I was lucky today, so I made a small profit… As for the yacht, it was the last day I dropped you off at the airport, and there happened to be a yacht show in the city, so I stopped by and bought one. ”

Hearing this, Qin Yuxue immediately rolled her eyes: “Well, I already knew that I would go to play with you a few days later, otherwise I could still take your big yacht for a ride!” ”

Yang Fan smiled: “Then you can come to me again to play after a while.” ”

Qin Yuxue immediately nodded like a chicken pecking rice and smiled: “That’s for sure!” When I’m done with this time, I’ll go to you immediately, and this time I must stay at your house for a while!” ”

Yang Fan smiled: “Goddess Qin is welcome to visit the Hanshe at any time!” ”

Qin Yuxue immediately covered her mouth and laughed: “Che, what kind of goddess am I, now Yang Fan, you are the dream male god of many female netizens!” Last time, my female fans who sent you on the hot search, now see that you have earned more than 10 million yuan in one trip, all of them are sending me private messages, asking me to push your V letter to them! ”

Hearing this, Yang Fan waved his hand and smiled: “Then don’t give it, otherwise my V letter will definitely explode.” ”

Qin Yuxue spat out her tongue and smiled: “I definitely didn’t give it, I’m not stupid.” ”

The two talked and laughed a few more gossip.

Then Qin Yuxue suddenly said: “By the way, Yang Fan, are you ready to start shooting videos?” Now you are on the hot search again, it is the most popular, or you simply shoot a video tomorrow and upload it, saying that you can increase hundreds of thousands of fans in one day! ”

Hearing this, Yang Fan thought for a while, and then nodded: “Shoot a video tomorrow and upload it?” Yes, anyway, I have learned to shoot and edit in the past two days, but there is a problem, I don’t know what material to shoot. ”

Qin Yuxue immediately said, “You still need to think about this, just take a video of you going out to fish!” If you take a picture of catching the wild yellow croaker and the wild dragon today, it will definitely be a video of explosion! ”

Yang Fan smiled: “But today I have already gone to sea, so I will rest tomorrow.” ”

Qin Yuxue immediately rolled her eyes: “Well, you are willful, you earn more than ten million a day from fishing and rest!” If it were someone else, they would definitely like to stay at sea every day and not come back! ”

Yang Fan smiled: “It’s not that I can earn more than ten million every time I go to sea, otherwise I won’t be the richest man in the world in a short time.” ”

Qin Yuxue also smiled, and then she suddenly had a flash of inspiration and immediately said:

“There you have it!”

“Yang Fan, how about you take a video of cooking abalone noodles on your luxury yacht?”

“Luxury yacht + superb wild abalone noodles, this is definitely a video theme with explosive effects!”

Hearing this, Yang Fan blinked his eyes: “Uh, wouldn’t this be a little too rich and hateful?” ”

Qin Yuxue smiled and said: “Definitely not, you are just sharing your daily life, now netizens are not so glassy!” Besides, with Yang Fan’s appearance, even if you are really showing off your wealth, those female netizens will definitely not dislike you! ”

Yang Fan thought for a while, then nodded: “That’s okay, then I’ll try to shoot it tomorrow.” ”

Qin Yuxue said with a smile: “Okay, then when you are ready to upload it, remember to tell me in advance, and then I will give you an advertisement!” ”

Yang Fan smiled: “Haha, then thank you in advance!” In other words, with the number of fans of Qin Da’s Internet celebrity, if this wave of advertising is calculated according to the market price, I am afraid that it will be at least hundreds of thousands, right? ”

Qin Yuxue also smiled: “Heehee, almost!” When others ask me for advertising to talk about cooperation, I have to charge at least 300,000 cooperation fees! But whoever let Yang Fan you be my old classmate, will give you free! ”

Yang Fan smiled.

Seeing that the matter was almost discussed, he then said: “Okay, the matter is over, the time is not early, so how about we go to bed early?” ”

Hearing this, Qin Yuxue immediately rolled her eyes: “Hmph!” Straight man of steel! Just after chatting about business, I have to hang up the phone, and I don’t know to talk to people for a while! ”

Seeing Qin Yuxue’s obviously somewhat resentful expression, Yang Fan immediately sweated: “Uh, then how about we talk for a while?” ”

Qin Yuxue pouted: “Cut!” This girl is not rare! Bye! ”

As soon as the voice fell, the video was hung up.

Yang Fan touched his nose, this girl’s face really changed ah, I don’t understand…


The next day, early in the morning.

Since he didn’t go to sea today, Yang Fan slept until after eight o’clock before getting up.

After some washing, he went downstairs to check whether the little cherry tomatoes and leeks in the yard vegetable patch were ripe.

In the past few days, he has been paying attention to the situation of the vegetable field, because the ripening period of the little cherry tomatoes and leeks is in these two days.

After coming to the vegetable patch in the yard.

Yang Fan immediately found that the little cherry tomatoes, which were relatively green last night, had been completely penetrated overnight, and the cherry tomatoes that were full of hongtong and round were hanging on the seedlings, making people salivate.

The leeks in the vegetable field next to it are also fully ripe at the moment, and the green looks very gratifying.

Seeing this, Yang Fan immediately became a little excited.

He couldn’t wait to know how the little cherry tomatoes and leeks irrigated by the golden drops were different from ordinary little cherry tomatoes and leeks!


PS: Sorry ha, in the adjustment of the status, so the update is a little slower, two in one more than 4000 words of large chapter dedication, please encourage!


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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