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Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball — Chapter 141

Obviously, after knowing that Yang Fan was so awesome, Shen Hao, this kid, was already obedient to him from the bottom of his heart.

Going out to sea to catch fish for half a month can easily earn tens of millions, and also raise the overlord killer whale as a pet, who doesn’t want such a great brother-in-law?

So in the next time, Shen Hao, the little brother, has been patting Yang Fan’s rainbow fart, and he is very familiar with Yang Fan to chat happily.

Although Yang Fan didn’t want to talk to this little brother, this guy kept pestering him, and he couldn’t help it.

After all, this is also his future brother-in-law, and the relationship still has to be better!

And Shen Hao’s goods, obviously a very good personality, not long after chatting, began to hook up with Yang Fan, as if the two had a good relationship.

Chatting and talking.

Suddenly, Shen Hao raised his eyebrows at Yang Fan, and said with a smile: “By the way, brother-in-law, little brother, I have been soaking a girl recently, but I haven’t been able to get my hands on it, can you help me?” ”

“What? Are you saying you want me to help you soak ~ chicks? What do you mean? ”

Hearing Shen Hao’s words, Yang Fan was a little inexplicable.

“Hehe, when I go to play with your brother-in-law later, can you let me ride killer whales with the girl I want to soak?”

“Just like in the video that my sister showed me just now, brother-in-law, you took my sister to ride killer whales together, I feel that the thief is romantic and thief sting~ excited!”

“I think that I can also take the girl I want to soak and ride the killer whale to swim in the sea together, I believe she will be very happy, and then I should have a great chance to get started!”

Shen Hao, this kid, his eyebrows fluttered as he spoke.

It seems that he has soaked the beautiful girl he wants to soak, and he is going to open ~ the room!

Hear his words.

Yang Fan smiled indifferently: “This way, that’s okay, then let you try it to see if you have the ability to take the girl to sit on the killer whale.” ”

Shen Hao immediately rubbed his hands excitedly: “Hehe! Then thank you brother-in-law! ”

At this time, Shen Yafei on the side couldn’t listen.

She rolled her eyes and directly gave Shen Hao a brain melon: “You are a lower~flowing embryo, if you don’t study well after going to college, you know that you are a ~ girl!” It’s just playing~ things lose their minds! ”

After being taught by the old sister, Shen Hao touched his head and smiled disapprovingly:

“Hehe, old sister, what you said is not right!”

“What is play~ the loss of things? The biggest advantage of going to college is that it is convenient to bubble ~ girl! ”

“Take advantage of the young essence ~ good strength and good body is great, soaking a few more girls is king, otherwise you can’t soak when you are old!”

“As for studying? Learn a hammer! Our family is so rich, why am I studying so hard! ”

Seeing that this little old brother was not ashamed, but proud, and had a smug expression, of course, Shen Yafei was speechless!

Listen, is this still human language?

Also bubble ~ chick is king? You’re not up to heaven!

Shen Yafei was really angry, so she directly grabbed Shen Hao’s ears and reprimanded with a cold face: “You little bastard!” Who learned these fallacies? Believe it or not, I told my dad what you just said? ”

As soon as he heard her words, Shen Hao, this kid, was stunned on the spot!

“Oops! Other! Sister! Don’t scare me! It’s okay for me to say this in front of you, if my father knows it, he won’t be able to kill me with his mouth!” ”

It turned out that Shen Hao, a bastard, was not afraid of heaven, he was afraid of his father.

Shen Yafei’s father was originally a daughter of Shen Yafei, and he gave birth to Shen Hao when he was forty years old.

Originally, this kind of old age should be very doting, but Shen Yafei’s father is a strict father, and he believes in the educational guidelines of ‘filial piety under the stick’ and ‘if you don’t fight, you can’t become a talent’.

So Shen Hao, this guy has been smoked by his father since he was a child.

Once he gets into trouble outside or says something he shouldn’t, his dad will mercilessly greet him with a ‘belt fried meat’.

Therefore, in Shen Hao’s eyes, his father is simply a devil!

Now that Shen Yafei moved out of her father to threaten him, he naturally immediately frightened the fart and urinated.

This is not a joke, if his father knows, he dares to say that ‘puff girl is a king to learn a hammer’, this kind of red ~ fruit and fruit boy to make a pie, it will definitely be a good fight!

“Scared, huh? After being afraid, give me a good study, don’t know ghosts ~ fools every day! ”

Seeing that this little old brother was scared to death as soon as he heard that he was going to complain to his father, Shen Yafei was also a little stoic.

“Okay, sister, I see!”

Shen Hao smiled bitterly and nodded, although the thoughts in his heart must not have changed, but he did not dare to make a big statement.

“Okay, don’t talk about these things, Xiao Hao, didn’t you say that you brought your classmates over for dinner, what about your classmates and them?”

Shen Yafei waved her hand and asked.

When Shen Hao heard this, he immediately slapped his big ~ leg and shouted:

“Oops! It’s over! I left my long~legged senior sister and her girlfriend in the lobby on the first floor! ”

“I originally came up to see you, old sister, and by the way, let you open a private room for me and leave, but because of the sudden appearance of my brother-in-law, I forgot about it!”

“This is the end of the calf, I finally asked the long~legged senior sister out, but now let her wait for so long, she must be angry with me!”

When Shen Yafei heard this, she rolled her eyes and scolded with a smile: “Then don’t you hurry up, invite other girls to dinner but leave people hanging there for half a day, there is no gentlemanly demeanor at all!” ”

“Uh-huh, I’ll go!”

Saying that, Shen Hao pulled out his legs and wanted to leave, but suddenly thought that the box had not yet opened, so he hurriedly said: “Sister, then you quickly order your subordinates to open a private room for me!” ”

“Okay, let me ask if there is a free private room…”

Before Shen Yafei finished speaking, Yang Fan waved her hand and smiled: “Concubine, let people clean up ‘Listening to Yuxuan’, at this time Taozi and they should have eaten, and it is time for us to go back to the fishing village.” ”

“Well, that’ll do.”

Shen Yafei nodded when she heard this, and then took out the phone and called the lobby manager, asking him to take someone to clean up the Yuxuan box.

Yang Fan got up at this time and said with a smile: “Concubine, then see you next time, I should go back too.” ”

“Okay, see you next time!”

Concubine Shen Ya smiled sweetly at him, and there was obviously a trace of reluctance in her beautiful eyes.

“Brother-in-law, remember, I’ll go to you to ride killer whales on weekends!”

Seeing that Yang Fan was leaving, Shen Hao quickly reminded with a smile.

“Okay, just come to me when the time comes.”

Yang Fan smiled.


Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball

Fisherman’s Legend: Start with a Dragon Ball



Yang Fan, a boy from the fishing village, accidentally got a magical “Dragon Ball”.

Tired of the metropolis, he resolutely decided to return to his hometown fishing village.

Since then, his life has been leisurely and full of fun.

When going to sea during the day, just catch big lobsters and catch yellow croakers.

In the dead of night, dive into the deep sea to search for the underwater treasures that have been buried for hundreds of years!

When you earn enough money, buy a large-tonnage ocean-going fishing boat, and lead the whole village of hundreds of men to go to the ocean to snatch the precious bluefin tuna from the little devil!

When the time is right, build a golden fishing ground, raise a few killer whales and blue whales as pets, and ride the whales to swim the sea when you are interested!

If you are free, maybe you can take a video to catch the sea and start a live broadcast, turning the originally poor and backward hometown fishing village into the world’s number one net red fishing village!

Facing the Ocean, Spring and Blossom.

A three-story sea view villa, a few spiritual pets…

Yang Fan started his leisurely and legendary life..

Feilu Novel.com’s exclusive signed novel: “Legend of the Fisherman: A Dragon Ball in the Beginning”; this novel and characters are purely fictitious, any similarity is purely coincidental, please do not imitate.


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