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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 109 Dancing and

The animation department’s “The Festival of the Dragon Lady” was a great success and came to the highlight of the evening.

In an open space with firewood piled in the middle, the student council president lit a flame, and a tall bonfire rose from the ground.

Students formed a circle around the bonfire, and friends or male and female friends hugged each other and danced around the circle.

There is also a band playing live, singing unknown music, and the atmosphere is very lively.

Higashino Hibiki watched the sparks soar into the sky, standing aside and watching quietly.

“Higashino-kun, come together!”

Minami Chiharu waved, she smiled happily and was dancing around the bonfire. She saw the lonely Higashino Hibiki and couldn’t help but invite her.

“No, I can’t dance, thank you.” Higashikata waved his hand and smiled.

Minami Chiharu didn’t care, took Asahina’s hand, and jumped up randomly.

Beside him.

“Teacher Akimiya, do you want to come and dance?” the 30-year-old sculpture teacher said to Akimi Akimiya cautiously.

Akimiya Akemi declined: “I don’t like dancing, thank you for your kindness.”

The sculpture teacher nodded awkwardly and staggered away.

Higashino Hibiki looked at Akimiya Akemi and smiled at each other.

The two sat under the shade of a tree, no more than three meters apart.

“It’s so lively tonight.” Hibiki Higashikata sighed.

“Well,” Akimiya Akemi stroked her hair and tilted her head. “Aren’t you going to participate?”

Higashikata shook his head, “I prefer staying here.”

He watched the crowd dancing and circling around the bonfire. Occasionally, he saw a familiar figure from behind. When he looked carefully, she had already moved to a place where he could not see it.

“Do you want to dance?” Akimiya Akemi asked Higashino Hibiki seriously with her bright eyes open.

“I just want to dance with Miss Akimiya.” Hibiya Hibiki replied: “Unfortunately, there are too many people now.”

“You are such a person,” Akimiya Akemi stood up holding the hem of her skirt, walked to Higashino Hibiki, and hit Higashino Hibiki on the head, “I have been thinking wildly all day, I want to go to a nearby park, it is too noisy here. “

Higashikata watched her disappear before his eyes, wondering why she was so angry all of a sudden.

There is a park near Musashino Art University, 10 minutes away.

Why did she go there?

Dong Yexiang suddenly understood, stood up, and followed her.

“Teacher Toriyama, let’s dance together!” Oda stopped him and twisted in front of Hibiki, “Dancing can help you relax. Don’t hide things in your heart day by day. If your grades are not good, then We need to relieve stress even more.”

“Yes, Higashikata-kun.” A hand was put on his shoulder, Higashikata turned around, it was senior Takagi.

Next to him was Yoshii Yamahisa, and the three of them formed a triangle, surrounding Hibiki Higashikata.

“I’m very happy that you invited me,” Hibiki Higashi said, “but I don’t like it very much when you invite me at this time.”

Higashino Hibiki became even more anxious as he watched Akimiya Akemi walk further and further away and disappear into the darkness.

“Come on, come on.” Oda thought Hibiki was shy, so he dragged Hibiki towards the crowd.

“No, no.” There were tears in the corners of Higashikata Hibiki’s eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, Hibiki Higashi broke away from the crowd and ran towards the park.

In the park, street lights illuminated one area, but the rest was dark.

It was probably because everyone in the surrounding area had gone to Musashino. The park was empty, and Hibiki didn’t see anyone.

“Did I understand it wrong?” Higashikata touched his chin.

Knocking three times means the third watch, and knocking once means the first watch.

It’s just 21 o’clock now, and the first watch is coming to an end.

“Am I late?”

Just as he was thinking this, Akimiya Akemi came out of the darkness and said, “I thought you had forgotten.”

Higashino Hibiki said with a smile: “Of course not. This was the agreement when I first asked Miss Akimiya to be my assistant.”

At that time, he knocked Wukong three times on the head of Qiugong Mingmei according to the Patriarch Bodhi in “Journey to the West”, but she didn’t know this allusion, and she was very excited after watching all “Journey to the West”.

Akimiya Akemi opened her arms and invited under the light of the street lamp, “Would you like to dance?”

“Of course, but I should be the one to invite you.” Hibiki didn’t know how to dance, but he opened his arms according to the routine in the TV series.

Akimiya Akemi came over and got into his arms.

Holding her waist with one hand and holding her fingertips with the other, Higashikata was a little confused.

“It turns out you really can’t dance.” Akimiya Akemi laughed, “The right hand should be placed on the back.”

“Oh.” Dongye Xiang was extremely happy. After nodding, he moved his hand up and placed it on her back.

“It’s so itchy.” Akimiya Akemi couldn’t help but scream.

Higashikata Hibiki, “I’m sorry.”

Akimiya Minmei gritted her teeth, “It’s okay.”

She led Hibiki to raise her left hand.

He said softly: “It’s a modern dance, dance with me.”

After a while, she gave up. Hibiki didn’t know how to cooperate and always stepped on her feet.

“I am the man and you are the woman. I am here to guide you. You must follow my footsteps.”

She changed her position and Hibiki was held in her arms.

Fortunately, Akimiya Akemi is 1.68 meters tall, only ten centimeters shorter than Hibiki Hibiki, so it’s not too out of the ordinary.

Without music, the rhythm will be affected.

She sang:

“The green Mayflower is dyed with countless sorrows.”

With the accent in the song, she started, stepping forward.

Hibiki Higashi followed. As a male companion, he was very unsuitable, but as a female companion, he did a good job.

Slow-paced songs and slow dances.

In order to take care of Higashino Hibiki, a newbie, Akimiya Akemi tried her best.

Finally under the light, they began to dance.

“A lonely afternoon,”

“In love and alone,”

“The first love that cannot be expressed in words,”

“A delicate and hesitant heart.”

Akimiya Akemi started to pant, and Hibiki Higashino kept up with her rhythm and continued singing.

“Like petals dancing in the wind,”

“Falling chaotically to the water,”

“Try to write about love.”

The name of this song is “First Love”, which describes the feelings of adolescent boys and girls.

It’s a very interesting song.

Dongye Xiang felt his girlish heart emerge as she sang.

He circled Akimiya Akemi and danced with her.

Until the last sentence:

“A shallow dream is hidden in my heart and will always be hidden in my heart.”

The dance is finally over.

Higashino only heard the gasps of himself and Akimiya Akemi, as well as the violent beating of their hearts.

Everything was silent except for a few insects chirping.

Akimiya Akemi hugged Higashino Hibiki, “You are still very talented.”

Hibiki Higashino replied, “We can dance together in the future.”

A dance in the summer, although the rhythm is gentle, it also makes me sweat.

Higashikata looked at her, her hair touching her cheeks, lifting it up for her and tucking it behind her ears.

The skin of her fingers and the delicate face touched together, Akimiya Akemi’s body trembled slightly.

She raised her head and closed her eyes, not daring to look at Higashikata Hibiki.

So, when Musashino’s fireworks bloomed in the sky, Higashino kissed him.

During the fireworks display in 1993, he put on a mask.

Today, I can finally taste Akimiya Akemi’s lipstick and her thin lips.

A minute passed before he raised his head.

Akimiya Akemi’s face was red and her body was surprisingly hot.

She let go of Hibiki and jumped back.

Touching my lips, I felt a numbness.

“You are so gentle, Miss Akimiya.” Hibiki Higashikata lamented, “Because Xiaozheng’s grades were not good and he was worried that I would be in a bad mood, so he invited me to dance. My heart feels warm.”

Qiugong Mingmei’s body trembled with a chill.

She hit Hibiki Hibiki three times on the head and walked towards the teacher’s dormitory with her hands behind her back.

Higashikata stood there, feeling unbelievable.

“Can I go to home plate today?”

Time became so painful that he couldn’t even continue the comics.

It is simply impossible to work before and after, coding or drawing storyboards.

After staying up until eleven o’clock in the evening, when there was no one in the corridor, Hibiki quietly went out and came to Akimiya Akemi’s dormitory, which was 30 meters away from him.

He tentatively opened the door, and it turned out that it was not closed. There was light inside, and it was like heaven.

Higashino Hibiki walked in like a pilgrim and saw Akimiya Akemi wearing a beret and a playful smile on her lips.

“Assistant Bird Akino, you are finally here.”

Hibiki Higashi was stunned, it turned out that he was asked to be his assistant…

He was about to cry without tears.

At the beginning of October, “Level E” finally ushered in its second episode under the strong expectations of readers.

Thanks to his identity, Higashino Hibiki saw this in advance.

The conflict intensified, and people from all sides gathered together.

The vendetta of aliens and the prying eyes of earthlings.

The situation is getting serious.

Hibiki Higashikata is looking forward to the next chapter.


“It won’t take another month, right?”

He scratched his hair in distress. Yoshihiro Togashi’s story was very interesting, but it always kept his appetite.

The readers are so excited to wait.

Higashino Hibiki decided that after “Level E”, he would never read Yoshihiro Togashi’s new manga, which is the god-level work called “Hunter”.

Gon, Killua, etc., he doesn’t know.

Hibiki Higashino was scolding Togashi Yoshihiro.

Three weeks later, someone was calling him names.

This person is someone whom Hibiki admires very much, Odagiri.

After becoming a professional chess player, time is no longer pressing.

He can set aside time to read comics.

In the previous plot, he was already very angry because of Zuo Wei’s disappearance.

This section made him even more angry.

“I won’t play any more! I’ll never say I want to play chess again!”

This was when Xiaoguang discovered that Sawei had disappeared and no trace was found in the chess academy. After finding his grandfather’s warehouse, he found that the blood on Torajiro’s chessboard was no longer visible and it was so bright that his face could be seen. Only then did he understand what Sawei said at that time. is probably true.

He is disappearing.

But Zuo Wei’s obsession is to use magic, and he has not yet achieved this wish.

He must not have become a Buddha!

Thinking of this, Xiaoguang returned to his room and went to Indao. In front of Xiu Ce’s tomb, Zuo Wei was not found in all the footprints of Xiu Ce during his lifetime.

Xiaoguang missed Zuo Wei very much. After winning a game of chess, he would subconsciously ask the people around him.

“How’s it going? Zuo Wei.”

But that familiar soul was not by his side.

Back in Tokyo, there is also Xiuce’s tomb here.

He called Zuo Wei’s name, but there was no response at all.

To find out things about Go, you have to go to the Chess Academy.

It was already dark, and Xiaoguang came to the chess courtyard again.

He didn’t understand why Zuo Wei disappeared?

He had never thought that something like this would happen.

The teacher of the chess academy saw that he was restless, so he took him to the ancient chess score room.

This place is very remote, and studying ancient chess records can help Xiaoguang calm down.

After the teacher left, Xiaoguang looked at Xiuce’s chess record and sighed: “Zuo Wei’s move took into account everything from top to bottom, left and right, it’s really amazing!”

Xiaoguang understood Zuo Wei’s talent and power even more.

“Instead of doing it myself, why not let Zuo Wei do it more!”

If Zuowei comes to play chess, Xiaoliang will be happy, and everyone will be happy.

At this moment, he understood Torajiro.

Torajiro, who is close to a professional chess player, understands how powerful Sawei is.

That’s why Zuo Wei was asked to play chess.

“It would be great if I let Zuo Wei come in, from the beginning.”

“Anyone would say that!”

Tears rolled down his cheeks.

“It would be better to let Zuo Wei do it than me!”


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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not work with dark mode