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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 127 My stupid sister

After Asahina notified the female voice actor via text message, she looked at Hibiki Hibiki curiously.

“Why do you sigh like this?”

Higashino Hibiki complained about his sister Mei.

This girl among girls hides her worries from her family and doesn’t know what she is doing.

Children always think that they have to rely on themselves for everything. In fact, isn’t it good for the family to help each other?

Higashino Hibiki couldn’t understand, but he didn’t ignore Mei’s thoughts.

“Let her go out and explore first.” Higashikata said with a smile.

“Oh.” Asahina nodded, feeling that she was talking about herself.

She also ignored her family’s arrangements and embarked on the path of animation production.

Because of this, I became friends with the little seiyuu sister who I went to pick up now.

When we were working on “Hey – Come Out”, we went to the voice actor school where the other person attended, and we got to know each other after we selected each other.

The animation produced when I was a senior in high school, as well as “The Death of the Dragon Girl” produced by Musashino Animation Department, also invited the other party to be the voice actor.

Later, the voice actor’s younger sister went to audition for the role of Asumi Nase in “The Soul of the Game”, so she attended the completion party of “The Soul of the Game”.

This little seiyuu girl has been dreaming of becoming a voice actor since junior high school, bringing dreams and excitement to children, and is working hard towards her goal step by step.

I didn’t dare to tell my family that I was struggling alone.

It’s really hard work.

By the way, her name is Higashino…Mei.

She looks very similar to Higashino-kun’s sister…


Asahina suddenly felt at a loss, her upper and lower teeth kept clashing, and her expression was visibly panicked.

“Could it be…could it be…could it be that Mei is Higashino-kun’s sister!”

She secretly looked at Higashino Hibiki, and upon closer inspection, they looked very similar indeed!

“How come I didn’t notice it before?”

“Oops! Mei Yi won’t be exposed!”

Asahina was panicked and quickly took out her mobile phone. With trembling hands, she searched for Higashino Mei’s mobile phone number and sent her a “run away” text message.

But because his hands were shaking so much, he accidentally dropped his phone on the floor of the taxi.

The taxi driver smiled and joked: “Little girl, be careful. This is not a black cab, so don’t be so panicked.”

“Yes…yes…” Asahina nodded stiffly.

“Are you feeling unwell?” Higashikata asked concernedly.

He lowered his head and went to pick up Asahina’s cell phone.

“No…it’s okay.” Asahina shook her head, noticed Hibiki’s movements, and quickly stopped her, “I’ll do it myself.”

“You should have a good rest.” Hibiya Hibiki picked up the phone and saw the screen.

“Higashino…Mei?” He raised his head and looked at Asahina questioningly.

Asahina turned away and pretended to look at the scenery outside the window.

Hibiki gritted his teeth, “How interesting.”

After Asahina notified Higashino Mei, Higashino Mei went to the downstairs of the company to wait.

The senior voice actors from the same company had already set off, and she was bored and looking at the bustling scenery of Shinjuku District in a daze.

The recent broadcast of “eva” has caused a huge response in society.

Although the ratings of this work are not high, the feedback is amazing.

There are pros and cons in society, and there are constant discussions, analysis of the current situation of society, and reflection.

Because of this, the artistic style of “eva” is widely known.

All this coupled with the popularity of cartoons abroad. In order to promote cultural promotion and reserve foreign investment, the official began to promote the harmlessness of animation.

People’s misunderstandings about animation are gradually dissipating, so the work of voice actors is also understood by many people.

But the company’s seniors were not happy.

Many people enter this industry to make money. They have no love for the work of voice actors. They just work as a monk and clock the clock every day, that’s all.

Meiyi was a little confused for a moment.

She wanted to ask Asahina what she thought.

Obviously the social status of work is getting better, why don’t the seniors care?

Not long after, Mei saw a taxi parked downstairs of the company, with the same license plate number as Asahina informed.

She put her hands behind her back and walked over on tiptoes.

In Higashikata’s eyes, he is getting closer and closer.

Sure enough, it was Higashino Mei.

Mei looked at the glass of the back seat of the car, wondering if it was Asahina.

I saw the glass of the back seat of the car slowly falling until a familiar face was revealed.

This face was expressionless, with eyelids downward. Although he was not looking at her, it was full of murderous intent.


Her legs went weak and she almost knelt down.

“It’s really a great job, and it’s a great job concealing it.” Higashino Hibiki said calmly.

Asahina covered her mouth, not daring to say a word.

The driver looked back through the rearview mirror, curious.

“I should reflect.” Hibiki Higashino said.

He focused all his energy on comics. If he paid more attention to his sister, it would not be difficult to find that she was working as a voice actress.

Hibiki Higashino wasn’t angry when Mei became a voice actor, but he supported it.

I just don’t understand, why didn’t I tell myself?

Even if Mei wants to work hard on her own to realize her dream, she can still communicate with herself and give her some guidance.

In the taxi, we arrived in silence all the way to the restaurant Endo Tetsuya mentioned.

The driver was very curious and was reluctant to leave before leaving, wanting to know the gossip.

The three of them, Higashino Mei, walked around the restaurant, and Higashino Mei talked about her thoughts.

I watched “Sailor Moon” in junior high and fell in love with the work of voice acting, and then I started working hard.

I went to Hachioji High School, which has a major in voice acting.

At first, he was worried that Higashino Ichiro would not approve, so he did not tell his family.

When Hibiki Higashino became a cartoonist, he kept organizing words and wanted to tell Hibiki Higashino, but he hadn’t made up his mind yet.

“Stop lying.”

Higashikata watched Mei couldn’t help kneading the corners of her clothes with her hands. This panic made Higashikata’s anger dissipate a little.

He rubbed Mei’s head and sighed: “My stupid sister.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? Do you want to do it all by yourself? A minor’s stubborn character and mysophobia are really troublesome.”

Mei Yi nodded silently.

Dong Yexiang looked at the moon in the sky and felt that the kid was really troublesome.

It would be nice if my sister was a mature adult, but if she cared too much about interests, Hibiki would be even more troubled.

Asahina mustered up her courage and looked up at Hibiki Hibiki, “Higashino-kun, sister Mei is working very hard…”

“Shut up.” Hibiki Higashi said, interrupting her next words.

“Oh…” Asahina lowered her head in embarrassment.

Dong Yexiang took two steps quickly and walked in front, “Since you don’t tell me, I won’t care about you. Just do whatever you want.”

Mei Yi lowered her head, very sad.

Higashino Hibiki walked to the back door of the store, where several girls were chatting.

“Is Mei Yi too naive?” a girl said.


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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