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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 130 Xiangbei vs Lingnan (Part 2)

The score between Xiangbei and Lingnan is 42:50, where the comic ended last week.

Hua Chao has been looking forward to it for a long time. He thinks the protagonist is about to appear.

Sakuragi Hanamichi worked hard on the Shohoku basketball team to practice the basics. He wanted to see how strong this character who seemed to be based on him was?

What kind of flames will be sparked in the friendly match against Lingnan?

Will Sakuragi’s talent in basketball be reflected?

Full of curiosity, he opened the comic.

The second half started with the second half. Due to the wonderful counterattacks of Akagi and Rukawa Kaede in the first half, the Shohoku players were full of motivation and showed their strength.

In the competition with Lingnan, he did not fall behind.

Under Akagi’s “fast break” command, the Shohoku point guard rushed towards Lingnan Stadium and kept passing the ball.

Rukawa Kaede ran rapidly, and finally relied on Takenori Akagi’s pass to stop suddenly outside the three-point line. Under the unguarded ball frame, he jumped up slightly, threw the ball, and made a hollow hit.

A series of smooth moves allowed Xiangbei to score another three points.

The score came to 45:50, with only a 5-point gap.

Hua Chao’s heart was pounding. This operation was really exciting, and his hands were itchy just looking at it.

Now he somewhat understands why many people start playing Go after watching “Soul of Go”.

It turns out that I found my own joy in comics.

Because of Rukawa Kaede’s goal, the audience at the basketball court were very excited. Akagi Haruko blushed and called Rukawa Kaede’s name excitedly.

Except Sakuragi Hanamichi, who was angry.

Let Rukawa Kaede score a goal, it would be better not to score a goal.

Lingnan was getting weaker and weaker, and coach Tian Gang lost the smile on his face, and he called a timeout.

Then he angrily scolded the members of the basketball team. Everyone stood at attention and was scolded. Only Xiandao was very conceited.

He wiped away the sweat while replenishing water.

Taoka said very excitedly. He thought that Lingnan was one of the top four in Kanagawa and should easily defeat Shohoku. It was all Yuzhu’s problem.

Finally, he said that in the second half, the score gap should be more than 30 points.

Yuzhu and others responded loudly, “Yes!”

Only Xiandao squatted down and sipped the lemon, the sound was quite loud.

This interrupted Tian Gang’s encouragement, and he had to question Xiandao: “Xiandao! Did you hear that! Xiandao!”

Xiandao waved his hand and answered casually: “Xiangbei is not as weak as imagined.”

He believes that Shohoku, with Akagi and Rukawa Kaede, is at the lowest level of the top 8 in Kanagawa.

Tian Gang didn’t care. As the ace of Xiandao, how could he say such depressing words?

After teaching Immortal Dao a lesson, he began to arrange defense arrangements.

Yuzhu keeps an eye on Akagi, Sendō takes charge of Rukawa Kaede, and the rest break through Shohoku’s defense…

Some players’ eyes widened and they discovered that a spy was here to eavesdrop on information.

Only Sakuragi Hanamichi can do such an outrageous operation.

It was unimaginable for Taoka that there would be such random players, and he was stammering for a moment and didn’t know what to say.

He had never encountered this kind of thing before, and he really had no strategy for dealing with it.

Xiandao also widened his eyes. He, who had always seemed to be at ease, was a little stunned at this time.

When Sakuragi was discovered, he was not ashamed, but laughed.

“Hahahaha, have you been discovered? If you have been discovered, there is nothing you can do!”

His attitude made the Lingnan players even more dissatisfied. The two sides began to quarrel and confront each other. Sakuragi even scolded Coach Tianoka.

Seeing the atmosphere becoming more and more tense, Xiandao burst out laughing.

He thought it was really interesting.

Sakuragi turned the gun again, and like a little gangster, he put his hands into his sweatpants, looking unhappy to find trouble with Sendao.

Sendao didn’t care and imitated his actions, putting his hands in his sweatpants.

“Xian Dao is really interesting,” Kyoko Akagi leaned against Hua Chao and covered her mouth with a smile. “He has superb skills and excellent appearance. He has a laid-back and casual personality. He is completely different from other golfers. He has a unique and otherworldly quality.” charm.”

Hua Chao’s whole body trembled, and he asked in surprise: “Xiangzi, when did you arrive?”

“While you were in a daze,” Akagi Kyoko raised her eyes and glanced at Hua Chao, “This is the first time I’ve seen you reading comics. And you’re still so serious.”

She was a little annoyed, “Sure enough, Mr. Dongye knows you better.”

“Of course,” Hua Chao nodded, “I have known him for five years.”

“Hmph,” Akagi Kyouko hammered Kachao’s chest, “Then you and Higashino-kun should go there!”

“How is that possible?” Hua Chao shook his head.

Akagi Xiangzi was satisfied.

“We’re not in the same university,” Hua Chao added.

“You!” Akagi Kyoko was very angry. Looking at Hua Chao’s confused expression, she understood that this person was an emotional idiot, so she could only endure it.

Sendō, whom everyone likes, thinks Sakuragi is interesting and doesn’t care about Sakuragi’s nonsense.

Someone couldn’t stand it anymore. It was Takenori Akagi who could punish Sakuragi. He punched Sakuragi to the ground. Mumu and the others rushed over and controlled Sakuragi.

After Akagi apologized to Coach Taoka, the game started again.

Sakuragi gradually calmed down while sitting on the bench. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

What kind of secret weapon was it? Coach Anxi was playing tricks on him, right?

He weakly asked Coach Anxi, but the fat old man just smiled “hahahahaha” and did not answer him.

Sakuragi asked more anxiously, and Coach Anzai said, “Hahahahahaha.”


When Sakuragi couldn’t help but ran away.

Sendao allowed him to see what the strength of a top golfer is.

Sendō smiled cynically and easily passed Rukawa Kaede, then passed the ball to Yuzhu and ran towards Shohoku’s basket.

With this set of actions, there is still time to challenge Sakuragi with a sideways glance.

In his relaxed and carefree eyes, Sakuragi only felt shocked.

He didn’t expect someone to be so strong, so he stared at him with wide eyes.

Xiandao crossed the center line, took the pass from Yuzhu, came to the Xiangbei basket, passed the defense, and scored easily.

Sakuragi was stunned by this set of flowing movements.

After Sendō scored, he first hooked his finger at Sakuragi Hanamichi, signaling him to come on for a duel.

“Interesting! That’s great, Sendao! I’m going to defeat you!” Sakuragi Hanamichi’s blood boiled, and he couldn’t wait to play.

But under the strong pressure of Gorilla Akagi, he sat on the bench.

This surprised the people in the Sakuragi Legion, sighing that he was indeed a gorilla, and Sakuragi was obedient.

The game on the basketball court is getting more and more anxious and has reached a fever pitch.

Sakuragi looked at the scene and gritted his teeth. He wanted to compete so much.

By now, the delinquent Sakuragi is completely obsessed with basketball.

“Wow! So passionate!” Kyoko Akagi looked at the comics and wanted to take off her shirt.

She didn’t have such great feelings when watching Hua Chao’s games on weekdays, but as his girlfriend, she was used to accompanying him.

But now when I read the comics, I feel that basketball is so interesting and a sport that makes people fall in love and become obsessed with it.

There seemed to be blood burning in his chest, and something was about to come out.

“Yeah,” Hua Chao nodded, his legs shaking constantly. This man was like a started engine, in a state of being impatient to start moving.

“This comic is so interesting! Huh~huh~”

He took a long breath and calmed down.

Continuing to read the manga, Rukawa Kaede is the main scorer in Shohoku, but he is guarded by Sendao.

Sendō’s defense was also very strong. Rukawa Kaede couldn’t touch the basketball at all when his arms were stretched out.

Seeing this scene, Coach Anzai touched Sakuragi’s knee and said calmly: “It’s time to warm up.”

Sakuragi Hanamichi’s eyes widened!

At the climax, Hua Chao’s face was distorted because he discovered that the comic was over!

At the most anticipated time, the comic ended!

He really wanted to yell, but when he thought about it, the other person was Higashino Hibiki, his good friend, so he couldn’t bear it.

“Asshole Akino!”

When Hua Chao heard someone scolding her, she immediately felt relieved.

The person who scolded him was his girlfriend, Kyoko Akagi.

Looking at Hua Chao, Akagi Xiangzi stuck out his tongue, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it, I just couldn’t help but cursed out.”

Hua Chao shook his head and asked, “Xiangzi, do you find it interesting?”

“It’s very interesting,” Kyoko Akagi nodded wildly, “I want to continue the serialization of “Slam Dunk”.”

Hua Chao put the magazine aside, held her chin and murmured to herself: “Xiangzi, who doesn’t like basketball, likes “Slam Dunk” very much…”

“I made you do it, Touya.”

Hibiki Tono breathed a sigh of relief when he walked into the classroom.

Many people made trouble for him along the way.

It’s no secret that mangaka Tori Akino Mirai studied in Musashino.

Musashino’s students usually didn’t bother him, but today, one by one, they all felt like cannibalism.

“Takehiko Inoue’s “Slam Dunk” probably hasn’t become a hit yet due to the plot of the Lingnan friendly match.”

Dong Yexiang was a little strange.

In his impression, it was after Mitsui Hisashi’s line “Coach, I want to play basketball” that it became popular in Hokkaido-Nagasaki.

But he didn’t notice anything.

Before the serialization of “Slam Dunk”, Mr. Inoue was still a newcomer without any works. Readers did not think highly of his comics at all. Even the editor believed that basketball games were not important and the focus should be on comedy and fighting.

So naturally there is no Hibiki Hibiki’s popularity and influence.

Also, when Takehiko Inoue was serializing in the early days, his artistry was not outstanding.

In the future, his unparalleled painting skills were finally developed during the serialization of “Slam Dunk”, where he kept improving day by day and constantly demanded to break through himself.

At this stage, Hibiki Higashino’s painting skills are even better.

Hibiki Higashino has been serializing the series for two and a half years. He has been studying art for even longer. He is also very talented. His painting skills are a big plus.

Therefore, in the friendly match in Lingnan, northern Hunan, the public felt the charm of “Slam Dunk”.

When you calm down and read this comic, you can realize the heartfelt pleasure of burning yourself against a powerful team in a fierce struggle.

It’s really fascinating.

The bosozoku that Higashino Hibiki once joined, they ride motorcycles and bomb the streets every night.

After watching “Slam Dunk”, I feel that my threshold has been raised. I have no intention of riding a motorcycle anymore, so I might as well save my energy and wait for the next issue of “Slam Dunk”.

Dongye arrived in the classroom and had not yet breathed a sigh of relief.

He was surrounded by a group of people.

They blinked their shining eyes and stared at Hibiki Higashikata.

Kazuya Takasugi, who loves basketball, even took advantage of his short stature to squeeze through the crowd and get in front of Hibiki Hibiki.

“‘Slam Dunk’ is so! So! So! So fun!”

He yelled, completely losing his usual gloomy feeling.

Others didn’t pay attention and continued: “Tori Akino-sensei’s painting is so good, I’m really touched.”

“Me too! As the basketball game progresses, I can understand the charm more and more.”

“There must be more content in the next episode. It’s very unsatisfying to watch.”

“Yeah! I’ve watched Sakuragi play tricks. I want to see a serious game!”

They were all chattering excitedly about their feelings.

“Slam Dunk” is like this, touching the hearts of readers.

Hibiki Higashino couldn’t help but sigh in his heart. It is indeed one of the three major works of the Jump Platinum Era, not inferior to “Yu Yu Hakusho” and “Dragon Ball”.

When “The Soul of the Game” was being serialized, only some people asked him to sign it, but now, more than half of them have brought signature pads and handed them to Hibiki Hibiki.

Even at this time, the climax of “Slam Dunk” has not yet arrived.

Hibiki couldn’t help but feel his scalp tingling. He really didn’t know how many avid readers there would be by then?

At four o’clock in the afternoon, the class ended.

Before Hibiki Higashi could get up, his cell phone rang.

Looking at the caller ID, it turned out to be Akira Toriyama.

This master hadn’t spoken to him for a long time, and sometimes it was troublesome for him to call Higashino Hibiki.

“I watched “Slam Dunk” and the paintings were really good. I haven’t seen such touching works on Jump for a long time.”

“I have a hunch that this work will become an epoch-making work.”

“You have to work hard, Dongye.”

When it came to the competition chapter, Akira Toriyama finally felt the charm of “Slam Dunk”.

He marveled at the excitement of this sports comic and had high hopes for Hibiki Hibiki.

“Toriyama Kazuhiko said that “Slam Dunk” can save Jump. I recognized him at the time. But now, I have truly confirmed it, Higashino, you can do it.”

“Slam Dunk” is fermenting, and a smell appears.

This is the taste of great works.

Hibiki Higashino replied: “I think so too. No one can save Jump now more than Slam Dunk.”

He was convinced.


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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not work with dark mode