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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 14 It’s Valentine’s Day and I want to write some emotional drama

Akira Toriyama felt unhappy because of his feelings for Toshima Kazuhiko.

Hibiki Higashino became disappointed, but quickly calmed down. As long as you are strong enough, the editorial department will smile and beg you to animate it.

I’m just worried about what Torishima Kazuhiko thinks.

I don’t know how he feels now.

However, as a high school student, all I can do now is hone my skills.

Time passed like this and it came to September 20th.

Higashino Hibiki and Akimiya Akemi were working hard day and night, unaware of the passage of time, and felt the hard work of cartoonists.

In the afternoon, after finishing the comics, Toriyama Akira suddenly said: “There will be a fireworks display tomorrow night, on the wasteland east of the village.”

“Hey! I’m so looking forward to it!” Akimiya Minmei came back to her senses and cheered happily.

She is the kind of person who likes to join in the fun.

“I have a day off tomorrow, I want to go! I want to go!”

Touching her long oily hair, her expression changed: “I’m going to take a shower!”

He said and ran towards the bathroom.

Higashikata looked at her back and couldn’t help shaking his head, “What a child.”

“I think Higashino-kun is too mature… he doesn’t look like a high school student at all,” Akira Toriyama put away the manga and narrowed his eyes with a smile, “You should come and have some fun too.”

“It didn’t meet the expectations of studying,” Hibiki Higashino thought about the textbook that had only been opened half of the book, and was a little distressed, “I want to use it for studying tomorrow.”

“Maturity is a good thing, but don’t be too mature. It’s easy to miss the beautiful memories around you.” Akira Toriyama patted Hibiki Hibiki’s shoulder and went out. Finally, he said: “I want to accompany Yumi well, but don’t think about it. I will accompany you.”

Higashino Hibiki smiled, “Who would want uncle to accompany you!”

The next day, Higashino Hibiki, who thought he could finally have a peaceful sleep, was awakened by a rapid knock on the door.

“Higashino-kun! Wake up! Higashino-kun!”

“Ah! It’s so annoying!” Blocking his ears with pillows couldn’t stop the sharp sound from penetrating into his ears.

“Let’s go out and play together!” Akimiya Akemi raised her voice.

Dongye Xiang’s eyes were sleepy. He reluctantly raised his eyelids, opened a crack, and looked at the wall clock on the wall. It was only 8 o’clock…

“Get out of here!”

I struggled for another half hour.

“Okay, I understand.”

When Toriyama and his wife went out to spend time together, Akimiya Akemi prepared breakfast.

With great courage, Higashino Hibiki stuffed the fried fish into his mouth. Unexpectedly, it was very delicious.

It is light in taste and retains the freshness of the fish. It is fried just right, the fish skin is crispy and the fish meat is tender and smooth.

“It’s delicious.” He gave Akimiya Akemi a thumbs up. It was more delicious than Higashino’s food, surpassing the level of home cooking.

“Thank you.” Akimiya Akemi nodded.

“However, Qiugong You is the eldest lady, why does the food she cooks so delicious?”

“Stop praising me,” she waved her hands and became shy, “one day she will become someone else’s wife. It is a wife’s duty to cook meals that make her husband happy and work that makes him feel comfortable.”

This kind of thinking will be scolded by people in the 21st century. But Hibiki Tono sounded happy.

She is a good girl who simply considers her partner and helps each other.

He looked at Akimiya Akemi with a complicated expression. He didn’t expect that the fool also had such a delicate side in his heart.

“Since you have such a good meal, in order to repay you, I will accompany you today.”


Five hours later, Hibiki regretted what he had said.

Why go to so many stores just for a yukata?

Elegant, fiery red, gorgeous, black with gold edges…

I’ve tried many different ones, but I’m still very excited.

“How about this one? Does it look good?”

Dongye Hibiki looked up in a daze, his lips trembling, “It’s very good, it looks good.”

She has a slender figure, a good figure, and beautiful length. Even an ordinary yukata has a special flavor when worn on her body.

What’s more, this dress is very beautiful.

The yellow base perfectly takes advantage of her royal sister’s temperament, and the purple petals in twos and threes don’t steal the spotlight and add a bit of dressing up.

In this modern shopping mall, she showed the beauty of ancient style with every gesture.

If he hadn’t seen it too much, Hibiki Higashikata’s heart might have jumped.

It’s just that there is no headgear and long hair, which is a bit inconsistent.

“It’s so perfunctory.” Akimiya Akemi pouted.

“Angry!” Dongye Xiang clenched his fists and forcibly suppressed his anger.

What a bastard!

“Think of her breakfast! Think of her breakfast!” Hibiki chanted in his mind.

“Then this one will be fine.” She returned to the changing room, changed her clothes, asked the waiter to put away her yukata, and after paying the bill, today’s ordeal was finally over.

For Hibiki Higashino, accompanying Akimiya Akemi while shopping here is better than being a light bulb accompanying Akira Toriyama and his wife.

Fortunately, he can withdraw. He will never easily agree to other girls’ requests for shopping in the future.

It’s better for men to get right to the point, buy it and leave without wasting a minute.

“Okay, let’s go home!” He jumped next to Akimiya Akemi.

“I still want to buy your yukata.” She looked up in surprise.

“No, I don’t like wearing a yukata.” Hibiki refused seriously, without giving any space.

During lunch, Akimiya Akemi complained that without wearing a yukata, the fireworks display had no atmosphere at all, and Hibiki Higashino pretended not to hear it.

Then I went to the cinema and saw not a romance movie, but a cartoon.

“Dragon Ball Z: The Galaxy is in Crisis!! A Master with Extraordinary Skills!” happened to be released at this stage, and it can be regarded as a movie ticket donated by the students.

The movie ended with endless applause.

Most of the audiences coming to watch at this stage are fans of “Dragon Ball”.

Without losing sight of the production, supervision and music, the performance was pretty good, and the audience was tolerant and approved of it.

Then I went home and arrived at the garage.

Akimiya Akemi suddenly said: “Wait a moment, I want to buy something else.”

Higashi Hibiki was frightened, “Hurry up!”

“It’ll be quick! Just wait here and don’t run around.”

Sure enough, more than 10 minutes later, she came back with a bag.

“That’s it!”

When we returned to the village, the sky was still bright at 7 o’clock.

The sun was high, as if it would never set.

Toriyama and his wife were not at home, Akimiya Akemi couldn’t wait to change her clothes, and Hibiki Higashino was waiting in the living room.

Thirty minutes later, Higashikata looked out the window and saw that it was already dusk.

The bright light becomes softer.

Suddenly, like wind chimes, the sweet sound of glass colliding came.

Higashikata looked up and saw a graceful beauty with light makeup walking down the stairs.

Her face was illuminated by the soft light of summer dusk. Suddenly, this face that she had seen many times became gentle and full of artistic conception.

Her hair was tied up, and her pale pink hairpin had hanging tassel beads, which made a crisp sound as she walked.

Higashikata was stunned for a moment.

Just like the people coming out of the painting.

Until she said carelessly: “Let’s go! The fireworks show is about to start!”


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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