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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 167 Animation Released

At seven o’clock in the afternoon on January 10th, Takasugi Kazuya returned home after playing basketball in the park.

While eating dinner, he watched TV. During the prime time slot at seven o’clock, there was a rerun of his favorite TV program, “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.”

After more than ten minutes of TV content, it’s time for commercials.

This made Takasugi Kazuya lower his head and start eating seriously.

The scene where Zhuge Liang was debating scholars just now made him afraid to speak out, for fear of missing out on exciting content.

“Kong Ming is so awesome.” He heard his mother praising him.

Kazuya Takasugi was surprised that his mother, who usually likes to watch soap operas and morning dramas, also likes to watch “The Romance of the Three Kingdoms”, which is like the Taiga drama.

“And… he’s also very handsome…” Takasugi’s mother murmured, holding her hands in front of her chest.

Zhuge Kongming is different from the ancient Japanese. He has a confident temperament that can face anything with ease and a well-thought-out approach. This confidence is not arrogant and full of charm.

It’s dimensionality reduction that hits.

Takasugi Kazuya took two mouthfuls of rice and heard the advertisement.

“”Slam Dunk” is animated! It will be officially released on October 1, so stay tuned!”

He couldn’t help but widen his eyes. He forgot to chew the rice in his mouth and stared blankly at the TV screen.

“‘Slam Dunk’ has been animated.” He clenched his fists excitedly!

The lineup of the animation was also revealed in the advertisement. It was produced by Toei Animation, and the supervisor was Kaede Inoue, a powerful and well-known supervisor. This made Takasugi Kazuya relieved.

He was really worried that the animation would not turn out well, and this happened to his favorite work.

The advertisement revealed the content of the powerful combination, which made Takasugi Kazuya extremely looking forward to it.

It’s just that no more information was revealed in the advertisement. After it ended, it was back to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

Kong Ming was still scolding Fang Qiu, but Takasugi Kazuya’s heart had already drifted away.

“I’m stuffed.”

He yelled, ran to the landline, made a call and went out.

Soon the other party was connected.

“Kazuya, why are you calling?”

On the opposite side of the phone was Takasugi Kazuya’s good friend Hijikata Takuya. They grew up together but separated after college.

However, the hobbies are still similar, and they also like comics.

“Hijikata! Did you know? “Slam Dunk” has been animated!” he said excitedly.

“Eh? Did you just know that?” Hijikata House asked in surprise: “The Internet is going crazy and everyone is looking forward to the official release on October 1st.”

After hanging up the call from Takasugi Kazuya, Hijikata turned on his computer and continued playing “Tomb Raider”.

As his name suggests, he is a homebody. More than two years after graduating from high school, he relied on his self-taught programming skills to be able to hide at home and work online.

Except for Takasugi Kazuya, he has no friends in reality and lives a lonely life.

However, he is personally very satisfied with this state.

Working a few hours a day and spending the rest of the time surfing the Internet, Hijikata is very fulfilled.

Before I knew it, several hours passed.

He raised his head. At 11 o’clock in the evening, it was the most exciting time of the day.

Hijikata made instant noodles, went to the living room, and turned on the TV.

Although the late-night drama is shoddy and seems perfunctory, it also has its own unique features.

When the children have fallen asleep, it’s time for adults.

Unbridled, large-scale, and perverted content is something that Hijikata Otaku always looks forward to.

Maybe you can also see the girl showing her underwear.

Rubbing his hands and looking forward to it, he clicked on TV Asahi.

“There is a demon living in the courtyard

All the companions I can rely on have dead looks on their faces.


Two people are in a rice field, and one person sings an inexplicable song, and inexplicable shots are switched, which is always very funny.

It has a very Japanese style of comedy.

“Eh? What is this?” Hijikata Otaku looked at the TV in confusion, but Otaku Radar told him that he might have seen something interesting.

“Really!” His eyes widened.

After the thirty-second opening song ended, he saw the name of the animation scripter, and it turned out to be Tori Akino Mirai!

He stood up and walked quickly to the TV, holding the TV in both hands, “It’s really Tori Akino Mirai!”

“It must be a fake product! This is also a prank!”

It was hard for him to believe that the name of the author of “Slam Dunk” would be associated with this crude cartoon.

“This is interesting,” he pinched his chin and began to read the plot seriously.

To sum it up, chocolate companies are planning to use card collection to lure children into buying their chocolates to draw cards.


The boss slammed the three stickers on the table with great force and exaggerated his movements: “Only a devil would buy it!”

“What’s the point of collecting only three kinds of stickers! Besides, why are they all showing such sad faces from this little kid!”

Hijikata Otaku was speechless, but after meeting the radio, he became interested in the plot.

Since the boss got angry, the staff hastily revised it.

There are still three models…

“Pfft!” Hijikata Takumi laughed, “What’s the difference from before!”

The same kid put on a smiley face, which made people sick just looking at him.

There is no desire to collect at all.

It’s such a simple content, Hijikata Otaku unexpectedly likes it.

This elusive and nonsensical content brought him strong curiosity.

The voice actor spoke so fast that people had no time to think about it, and the plot ended after three minutes.

It turns out that the boss fired his colleague, and the employees used the image of their colleague’s son to retaliate against the boss.

“It’s quite interesting.” As the plot ended, the instant noodles were finally ready, and Hijikata Taku began to eat the instant noodles.

The second episode about stickers began on TV.

He ate while watching, and after two minutes, he had all the instant noodles in his stomach.

Hijikata Takumi decided to continue reading. He stood up and went to get some paper. But right here, the ending song started playing.

“What a scam! Only five minutes have passed! It turned out to be an instant noodle show! Throw it down!”

He imitated the posture of the president of the chocolate company in the animation and slammed his chopsticks on the table.

The next day, TV Asahi notified Hibiki Higashino.

“The ratings of “Comic Manga Hiyori” are very good. Among late-night dramas, it has a ratings of 9%.”

As an instant noodle dish, it’s really good.

But this is a late-night slot, and 9% is a very average result. After all, there are no competitive works in the late-night slot.

“Well, thank you.”

Without too much publicity, Hibiki Higashino is very satisfied with this result.

If it can be maintained, DVD sales will be very impressive, reaching 1,500 copies, and Hibiki will be able to break even.

Now it seems that there is no problem.

The TV station will not notify the drama studio of the ratings results.

Under normal circumstances, the animation company will go to the scene and wait for first-hand notification.

But here at Hibiki Hibiki, the staff contacted him directly.

“Tori Akino-sensei,” he said, “I have something to communicate with you about “Slam Dunk”.”

Hibiki stood up helplessly and walked to the balcony without disturbing his assistant at work.

Then he asked: “Please tell me.”

The other party saw the opportunity and contacted Higashino Hibiki. He did not make excessive demands, but just hoped to get acquainted with each other during the communication.

In this case, Higashino Hibiki could only let him waste his time.

I talked with the other party about the time arrangement, the construction period of the voice actors, the background music, and interesting things about Toei Animation production.

It wasn’t until he heard Hibiki Higashi’s impatience that he offered to hang up the phone.

Thanks to the fairy friend for the reward


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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