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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 198 Five centimeters per second

Miss Akimiya yearns for original content in paintings, and Higashino Hibiki understands that.

Given her ability, it is not very difficult to find a partner with an original writer to draw comics.

So she also had to pay, this time it was two-way.

The current situation between the two of them is that they both consider each other and treat each other with respect.

Hibiki Higashi enjoys this feeling.

“So? What kind of work are you going to paint?” Akimiya Akemi asked curiously after cleaning the tableware and sitting across from Hibiki Higashikata, holding her chin up and revealing her clear and beautiful jawline.

“Is it snowing outside the window?” Hibiki Higashi asked without answering, “The cherry blossom trees in the school are all withered branches in winter, which is ugly.”

Akimiya Akemi nodded, “It’s snowing.”

Outside the window, there is white snow, and there are no pink petals on the cherry blossom trees, only black dead branches, with a desolate feeling.

Higashino Hibiki sighed, “Perhaps a snow scene can delay a love.”

The story starts from childhood.

The male protagonist is Takaki Tono, and he has a childhood sweetheart named Akari Shinohara.

The two of them were perfect for each other and always stayed together.

But in the second half of the sixth grade of elementary school, Akari moved to Iwafune, which is far away from Shinjuku for an elementary school student…

This triggered the love story of a long-distance couple.

After reading the storyboard, Sasaki raised his eyes and looked at Hibiki Higashikata.

“It’s only been three days…” He flipped through the thick storyboard, “It must be more than a hundred pages, right?”

Sasaki was stunned. In three days, he came up with more than a hundred pages of short comics.

This kind of talent is really enviable.

“It’s one hundred and fifty-three pages,” Hibiki replied, then asked, “What do you think?”

“It’s very interesting,” Sasaki said. “Although it doesn’t conform to the conventions of a manga. There are many narrations. It’s more like a light novel than a manga. But, it’s very interesting.”

“As long as comics are interesting, they can be serialized.” He mused.

This comic, like prose, describes the protagonist’s state of mind, from shallow to deep, and makes Sasaki feel the same.

This is a unique style that is also present in “The Garden of Words”, but less so.

Sasaki is not an editor who is bound by a frame. Although it is correct to minimize the sentences in the comics, it is not completely correct.

“Five Centimeters per Second” fits this style, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the protagonist’s state of mind.

“‘Five Centimeters per Second’ can definitely be serialized,” Sasaki put away the manga manuscript, “There’s just one thing, it has too much content.”

Based on a fifty-page one-chapter short story, there are three chapters in total. However, in this short story competition, a work only has one week to develop.

Higashikata laughed and expressed his thoughts.

The reason why he chose “Five Centimeters Per Second” was not only because he liked this work very much and was deeply impressed by it, but also because of the clear segmentation of this work.

“”Five Centimeters per Second” consists of three short stories, namely “Sakura Copy”, “Astronaut”, and the final title of “Five Centimeters per Second”.” Hibiki Higashino explained.

“The one participating in the competition is “Sakura Copy”. The next two stories will be published as serial works.”

“I understand.” Sasaki nodded, “I will report it to the editor.”

Whether it can be serialized is also Higashino Hibiki’s idea. He personally agrees with it, but it still depends on Torishima Kazuhiko’s idea.

jump editorial department.

“I agreed.”

Torishima Kazuhiko nodded after reading the storyboards of “Five Centimeters Per Second”.

“The story is interesting, so let’s serialize it.”

However, “5 Centimeters per Second” was a fresh and refreshing film, and he seemed a little uninterested.

Similar to Akira Toriyama’s COWA! 》, although the content is good, it does not match the style of the platform, and the results will be average.

This time it is just a short story competition work, and Torishima Kazuhiko does not expect it to be exciting.

After all, it was just a fun work made during the serialization period.

Cartoonists don’t take it very seriously, and most of them just make mediocre works to expand readers’ reading space.

“But you have to pay attention,” Torishima Kazuhiko said to Sasaki again: “Let Tori Akino-kun get some rest. He is only a student, and he may not be able to take care of himself.”

Studies, “Slam Dunk” and “Five Centimeters Per Second”, plus Hibiki Hibiki had never left the ivory tower, made Torishima Kazuhiko concerned.

After all, there are still some authors who have had trouble in the Japanese cartoonist industry.

Sasaki nodded seriously.

“I will.”

Hibiki Higashino handed the storyboards of “Five Centimeters Per Second” to his assistants and waited for them to look at them quietly.

After they finished reading, Higashino Hibiki asked with a smile: “How was it?”

Yoshii Yamahisa’s eyes were wet, “It’s such an interesting comic, “The speed of cherry blossoms falling is five centimeters per second.” “

He is a little sentimental, and Hibiki Higashino understands it very well.

Akimiya Akemi has read it a long time ago and is very satisfied with the comic, especially because the background requirements will be very exquisite, so she is gearing up and ready to show off her talents.

Higashino Hibiki was surprised to find that Tanakai didn’t speak for a long time.

“What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with the comics?”

“No,” Tanakai shook his head, “I just remembered my childhood.”

He also moved frequently and said goodbye to many friends.

He understood the mood of the hero and heroine very well.

At this time, I had mixed feelings and was speechless.

Dong Yexiang patted his shoulder, silently comforting him.

Then he changed the topic and said to his assistant: “Due to lack of energy, I decided to ask Akimiya-sensei to complete the drawing part of this short comic, and I will serve as her assistant.”

Others have no objections, after all, cartoonists’ energy is limited.

The different work sections are divided, the work arrangement is over, and it’s time to start drawing comics.

Higashikata turned around and asked Sasaki, “Is there any problem?”

“No,” Sasaki coughed, “Don’t worry about me.”

He came today because he wanted to pay attention to Higashino Hibiki’s work content throughout the day, whether he usually ate on time and allowed enough rest time.

Higashikata looked at him suspiciously and returned to work.

Twelve o’clock noon.

Sasaki, who had been silent, glanced at the time, sighed, and stood up to treat everyone to dinner.

At this moment, the dormitory doorbell rang.

Akimiya Akemi quickly stood up, walked out of the living room quickly, and opened the door.

At the door was a smiling Minami Chiharu.

“It’s really hard on you.” She welcomed Minami Chiharu in, “I’m very busy at work now and don’t have time to make lunch, so I can only leave it to you for the time being.”

“It’s nothing. This is how I got through high school.”

While the two were talking, they walked to the kitchen to clean up.

After a while, Akimiya Akemi walked out awkwardly, “I’m sorry, Mr. Sasaki, I didn’t know you would come.”

After explaining to Minami Chiharu yesterday, she forgot about lunch.

When she got to work the next day, her brain was working rapidly. Now she was so hungry that she was reluctant to give up her share to Sasaki.

“It’s okay.” Sasaki stood up and said in a deep voice.

But his leaving figure looked particularly sad.

It was already dark outside, and it was seven o’clock in the afternoon.

Today’s work is over and the assistants are leaving.

Sasaki, who had been sitting upright without squinting, stood up at this time and said goodbye.

Higashino Hibiki didn’t keep him, he had decided to quit drinking, and he couldn’t hang out with Sasaki now.

There was light snow falling in the sky, and the ground was covered with snow.

Sasaki let out a breath, and white mist filled the air.

He turned back and glanced at Higashino Hibiki’s studio, feeling more at ease.

“It should be no problem.”

At the end of the day, the work arrangements were in order, and they also had lunch and dinner on time.

“It’s time for Sasaki to make a graceful exit.”

One month later.

“Before the second and third games of the final round-robin match, Sakuragi’s special training began.”

Looking at the manga, Takasugi Kazuya nodded.

The National College Basketball League has just ended, and last year’s runner-up Tunghai University won the championship.

Takasugi Kazuya watched that game, and it was so intense that it looked like something out of a manga.

In the last few seconds, Donghai center dunked to counterattack, and the crowd cheered and cheered.

Kazuya, who was in the audience, was in a state of agitation for a long time, but now he calmed down and started reading a comic magazine.

There was no competition in the episode “Slam Dunk”, but he unexpectedly liked it.

“Sakuragi, who has always disliked basic training, has become more practical now.”

After the normal daily training of the basketball team, Sakuragi will also conduct shooting training in the restricted area with Takenori Akagi.

“Practice over and over again until your body becomes familiar with it.”

After reading the comics, Takasugi Kazuya laughed happily, “After shaving her head, Sakuragi is really a completely different person.”

Sakuragi Hanamichi’s clothes were soaked with sweat, as if they had just been washed.

Everything is moving towards good development, high-spirited and full of good taste.

In the manga, Konobu Mumu also joined in. He accompanied Akagi and trained Sakuragi.


“I’m already in my third grade. This is my last chance. If I don’t make it to the national competition… the game against Lingnan the day after tomorrow will be the last one.”

“I will retire in three days, and I don’t want to leave any regrets.”

For third graders, this is the last chance.

Xiangbei, which had already lost to Hainan, was indeed under a lot of pressure, but because of this, they also worked harder.

“I will definitely enter the national competition!” Akagi said firmly.

The comic ended, and Takasugi Kazuya let out a long sigh.

“I really can’t bear it.”

He finished the nineteen pages of each episode in two or three minutes.

He really wanted to watch all of “Slam Dunk” in one sitting.

“Shohoku’s opponent will be Buri in the end, and Reinan in the next game.” Takasugi Kazuya thought, “Buri should have no problem, after all, they are the last four of Kanagawa who were suppressed by Reinan by a big score.”

“But, Lingnan…”

Takasugi Kazuya frowned, “This must be a hard battle.”

“But it will definitely be exciting!”

He looked forward to it.

Higashino Hibiki was working, and Takagi Kiko broke in and found Hibiki Hibiki aggressively.

Yoshii Sanjiu quickly stopped him, but was pushed away by her.

He looked weak and weak.

“What’s wrong?” Dong Yexiang asked.

“What else can happen?” Kiko Takagi couldn’t help but wonder, “Mr. President, what is the next plan for “Future Society”? “

In January this year, “Rihe” was completed.

They waited and waited, but no new project was received.

We can only continue to take on subcontracted work and rest on our laurels.

After enduring it for a month, she finally couldn’t bear it anymore and found Hibiki Higashikata today.

“Oh, yes, yes!” Higashikata slapped his forehead, “I forgot.”

Asahina also contacted him about this matter. Hibiki Hibiki agreed, then turned around and forgot about it.

“I have already drawn up a new plan. Please take a look at it.” Hibiki took out the document bag from the drawer and handed it to Takagi Kiko.

Takagi Kiko took it and did not leave. She sat at the dining table, put on her glasses, and looked at it seriously.

After a while, her expression became serious.

The new animation is a very normal twenty-four minute cartoon.

Moreover, the funds are provided solely by “Future Society” and no animation production committee is formed.

This means that the cost of each episode is about 15 million yen, which will cost the income of “Miraisha”.

“There are 11 episodes in total and it will cost about 160 million yen.”

This amount of money is already more than half of the net income of “Rihe”.

If the audience doesn’t recognize it and fails, it will be a huge blow.

It could even lead to the company falling apart.

But she thought about it again. Anyway, the boss had money, so she would do as he said.

“The animation is ‘We Still Don’t Know the Name of the Flower We Saw That Day’,” she took a breath and continued, “It’s so long.”

“Then just use the abbreviation,” Hibiki Higashikata said, “”Unheard Flower Name”.”

The plan for “Unknown Flowers” was unanimously approved by “Future Society”.

The production of the new animation will take more than a year. When it is released on the TV station, it is initially planned for April next year.

As for the female lead voice actress, of course it is Higashino Mei.

You can tell from the name.

Hibiki Higashino’s original intention of establishing an animation production company has finally been achieved.

In March, Hibiki Higashino was flipping through “Weekly Shōnen Jump”.

On the advertising page, the announcement of the short comic contest finally appeared.

Participants include: “Hirohiko Araki, the author of “JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind”, Miku Tori Akino, the author of “Slam Dunk”, Nobuhiro Wazuki, the author of “Rurouni Kenshin”, Morimichi Yamamura, the author of “The Bizarre Detective Agency”… …”

“They are all heavyweights.” Hibiki Higashikata smiled.

He found it interesting.

The short stories written by these people must be very interesting.

At this time, he received a call, and the caller was Yamamura Morado.

“What’s the matter? Teacher Yamamura.”

Higashikata was curious.

“I have one thing to ask you,” Yamamura said sheepishly: “I hope that the background of “Slam Dunk” will appear in my short comic, and there will be no specific content!”

Although Dong Yexiang was curious, he still agreed.

It’s just a small thing.

In the future jump manga “Gintama”, there are a lot of jokes about seniors.

“Dragon Ball” has many plots.

Thanks to Watch Dawn 123 for the tip


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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not work with dark mode