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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 45 The Progress of Chess Soul

Spring break is here, and school starts from the end of February to April 1, when the cherry blossoms are in bloom.

Higashino Hibiki called his parents because he had to work. He couldn’t go home for the time being. He hoped that they would take care of themselves and not worry.

The roommates of “Yoshiharaso” are all in school and are gathering together to eat hot pot to bid farewell to senior Kiko Takagi.

Higashino Hibiki presented a manuscript of “Arale” signed by Akira Toriyama, and Takagi Kiko was very moved.

It’s said that it’s good enough to give it a try.

Higashino Hibiki refused. Saying such words in front of Akimiya Akemi was clearly a joke on him.

Minami Chiharu’s gift was the miso she made, saying that even after she left, she could taste the taste of her own cooking.

Quite unpretentious and full of reluctance.

“Chiharu!” Takagi Kiko hugged Minami Chiharu’s legs and cried loudly, “I can’t let you go!”

“Be good,” Nan Qianharu touched her head and suddenly froze, “Hey! Don’t wipe the soup, tears and snot from the corner of your mouth on my clothes!”

She was going crazy. She had saved up money for this dress today and bought it for a long time. She cherished it very much.

Like a cat, she grabbed Takagi Kiko’s waist and pulled her away, leaving only her hands still clawing.

“You must come, see you in Dongda.”

After eating hot pot, Takagi Kiko reluctantly said goodbye.

“No,” Minami Chiharu replied decisively, “I want to go to Musashino Art University.”

“That’s too much, Chiharu.”

Kiko Takagi held the suitcase, Akimiya Akemi was waiting for her in the car and took her to the subway entrance.

Only Yoshii Sanjiu remained silent. He pursed his lips and his eyes were red.

Higashino Hibiki pushed him, and Takagi Kiko said expectantly: “Shanku-kun, do you have anything to say?”

“I…” Yoshii Sanjiu’s lips trembled, “Have a nice trip, Gao…Takagi-senpai.”

Takagi Kiko was disappointed, her eyes lowered, “Well, I’m leaving.”

She boarded the car and drove away, leaving only Yoshii Sanku crying in place.

Higashino Hibiki was very surprised. Like Minami Chiharu, he asked cautiously: “Aren’t those two people in love?”

“It was just ambiguous before,” Minami Chiharu looked at Hibiki Hibiki and shook her head. This person doesn’t understand people’s hearts at all. “I don’t know why, when the two people’s hearts are getting closer, Yoshii-kun suddenly stopped walking.”

Higashino Hibiki shook his head. He couldn’t even figure out his own situation. There were fewer and fewer manuscripts in his collection, so he turned around and went back to drawing comics.

Spring break is coming to an end soon, but Odagiri hasn’t started writing drawing notes yet.

The spring break lasted for thirty days, which meant that he had to paint thirty paintings, which made him restless.

He is an ordinary junior high school student, playing video games, hanging out with friends, and reading some juvenile comics.

It is really difficult for him to think of thirty paintings now.


I patted my cheek hard with my hand. It’s not long before school starts. You must seize this time and concentrate on completing your homework!

“I bought soy sauce for my mother yesterday, should I paint it?”

After racking his brains to think of something to draw, he finally finished three paintings with a splitting headache.

Not long after, I saw the newly bought jump and reached out my hand out of nowhere.

“I’ll just take a look, that’s all.”

“Hahahaha!” Lying on the kotatsu with potato chips and Coke beside him, he laughed and slapped the tatami, “”Oolong Police Station” is still so interesting!”

“Next is…”

Turning to the next comic, “Oh! It’s “The Soul of Chess”! You can’t miss this one.”

In the manga, because Shindo Hikaru slipped and lost to Kaga Tetsuo at the founding ceremony of Haase Junior High School, he had to form a team with Kaga Tetsuo and Tsutsui to participate in the team competition of the middle school Go competition.

When he read this last month, Odagiri was surprised. He didn’t expect that school Go also had team competitions.

There was no Go club in his junior high school. It was a rare thing, and Odagiri always thought it was an elegant sport.

“Perhaps, I can also start a Go club.”

It doesn’t matter if you don’t know Go, you can learn slowly.

In subsequent comics, he saw the shining point of the protagonist Hikaru Shindo.

Possessing a very strong memory, he can resume the game on the chessboard where a piece has been accidentally dropped.

Xiaoguang was still just a novice, but he was able to do this. Fujiwara Sawei realized why he possessed Xiaoguang.

This young man has great potential.

In the competition, in the first game, Shindo Hikaru was still very immature and easily lost to his opponent.

His layout in the second game was very interesting. He turned the chess pieces into the shape of the universe. He seemed to have become the god of the chessboard universe.

At this moment, he was really happy.

It’s great to be able to play Go.

But Shindo Hikaru’s two teammates, one wins and one loses, now they only care about themselves.

If he loses, the game is over.

In a strong reluctance, Xiaoguang finally said:

“Zuo Wei, stay here, I… can’t do it… I can’t win… Zuo Wei.”

Clenching his fist tightly, he could not win with his own strength. Xiaoguang, who understood this, burst into tears and felt powerless.

This may be how Taiya Ryo felt when she lost to him.

Under Zuo Wei’s command, they finally entered the finals.

The game against Neptune High School began.

Ta Yaliang happened to be preparing to enter Haiwang junior high school. Under the leadership of the principal, he saw this game.

And Hikaru Shindo who defeated him.

Odagiri was deeply shocked by the manga of “Spirit of the Game”, which was different from the hot-blooded royal manga on Jump or the works that sell meat.

It is pure work created with deep love.

When Odagiri saw Shindo Hikaru crying unwillingly, he understood that he would not continue like this.

Shindo Hikaru has awakened, and he will play his own Go game.

Starting from January 10th to the end of March, in just over two months, he saw the progress of Shindo Hikaru and the true meaning of “Soul of the Game”.

So he looked forward to it for a long time, wanting to see the next plot.

Shindo Hikaru and Fujiwara Sawei are of the same mind, and they understand Sawei’s chess moves.

Time passed slowly, and Kaga ended the game. He found that everyone was paying attention to Shindo Hikaru’s chess game.

Even my good friend from back then, Ryo Taiya, was the same.

This is a powerful enemy that he cannot defeat, and it is also his heartache.

“I lost to you on purpose.”

This was what Ryo Tayashi said back then when his father scolded him for being only second in Go.

Ta Yaliang does not regard himself as an opponent at all, why is he so serious now?

What is he looking at?

Is Shindo Hikaru’s chess game really so exciting?


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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