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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 66 Autograph Session 2

Nishimura glanced at the long team behind him and looked at Hibiki Hibiki with pity.

“Wouldn’t it be better if you come with me? Puff, puff, puff.” He made a face at Higashikata Hibiki.

Dongye Xiang covered his face and couldn’t bear to look directly.

“Nishimura,” then patted him on the shoulder, “Thank you. Every time I communicate with you, it makes me very happy.”

Nishimura looked at Higashikata inexplicably.

Higashino Hibiki heard the sound of someone stamping their feet, looked behind him, and saw Akimiya Akemi without many people between them.

She covered her mouth and stomach to hold back her laughter, almost turning into a prawn, and her face turned red with discomfort.

The young lady in front of Akimiya Akemi looked at her in surprise, “Is there any problem?”

“Well, no, hahaha.” Akimiya Akemi shook her head and laughed happily.

Hibiki Higashikata was stunned, why did he come to the autograph session? An autographed single volume has been given to her.

You’re not just here to watch the show out of boredom, right?

“Higashiya, long time no see.” Kitamoto, who had been silent, said.

“Long time no see.” Higashikata nodded in greeting, “I heard that your test scores have been number one several times in a row. That’s really impressive.”

“I’m just working hard,” Kitamoto answered modestly, and then asked with concern: “Where is Higashikata? What are you busy with during this time?”

Higashikata looked at the time and replied: “You will know soon.”

After saying goodbye, Higashino Hibiki strode forward.

Looking at his back, Kitamoto suddenly had an idea that shocked him.

“Could it be…”

“What?” Nishimura was curious.

“No,” Kitamoto shook his head and looked at Nishimura with pity, “Maybe something interesting will happen.”

Seeing Dongye arrive, the staff quickly greeted him and handed him a steaming towel.

After watching him wipe his face, he asked: “Start now? Or take a rest?”

“Many people are waiting for me, let’s get started.”

“Tori Akino-sensei, thank you for your hard work.”

Soon, the staff announced that the autograph session had officially begun, and the audience cheered.

Nishimura looked at the crowds of people, and his heart became more and more anticipated. He stood still and walked around, wanting to take a quick look at this cartoonist teacher whom he admired very much.

Beimoto counted the time and felt overwhelmed, “It looks like it’s really Dong Ye…”

Hibiki Higashino started signing autographs for the first reader. His hands were trembling and his face was very excited.

The queue started early in the morning, when it was cold and hot.

“Ma…it’s troublesome.”

“Yes,” Hibiki nodded, signed Akino Mirai, watched him leave with cheers, and looked at the next person with a smile.

“I absolutely love your work!”

“It’s because of Tori Akino-sensei that I started learning to play Go!”

“”Soul of Chess” is so interesting, and the teacher’s drawing skills are also great!”

I don’t know how much time has passed, but the angle of the sun shining above my head has changed. With the proper coordination of the on-site staff, the book signing activities were carried out in an orderly manner.

Hibiya Hibiki’s hands were almost cramped, and he finally understood the sins suffered by the glorious teacher Fumi Chamon.

Did she stop working for a while so that she could be lazy for a while and relax her hands?


A shocked voice brought Higashino, who was working mechanically, back to his senses. He raised his head and saw that he was a student from the same school.

He is also a friend of the young Hibiki Hibiki, and we used to play very well together.

Unfortunately, Hibiki Higashino canceled a lot of unnecessary entertainment in order to draw comics, so he became more and more distant and didn’t speak to each other for a long time.

“Oh, it’s Tanuma,” Higashino Hibiki said with a smile, “Do you also like “Spirit of the Game”? I remember you are from the football club.”

“Oh my God, it’s really Higashino,” Tanuma didn’t answer Hibiki Hibiki’s question. He was so excited that he couldn’t control it, and his hands and feet were dancing wildly.

“You turn out to be Tori Akino Mirai, the genius cartoonist! Tori Akino Mirai and I turned out to be friends!”

“Tanuma? Thank you very much for your like. What do you need to sign?”

“Ahem,” Tanuma reacted, “I’m just too excited, Toye, ah no, Mr. Tori Akino, please just write “I wish you can be admitted to Toda”. “


Seeing him leave with an incredulous expression, Higashino knew that after the winter vacation, the school would definitely become lively.

His legend will live on.

Fortunately, I no longer have to go to school.

“Trouble next person.” He said to the staff who coordinated the time.

“Toriakino-sensei, please.”

Another acquaintance, Shinoda 4th Dan from the Chess Academy.

Dong Yexiang stood up quickly and was pushed down by him.

“You don’t have to be so polite. You are the protagonist today. Please sign for me.” Shinoda smiled.

Higashikata nodded, “Of course, no problem.”

“Thank you for your help in manga supervision, Tori Akino Mirai.”

Shinoda looked at Higashino Hibiki’s signature and nodded with satisfaction.

“There are several college students behind me, and they all like your works.”

Dong Yexiang gave enough face and wrote blessings one by one.

Until the last one, this excited child, shyly said: “My name is Odagiri, because “Soul of the Game” started to embark on the path of a chess player.”

Higashino Hibiki was stunned for a moment. After looking at the name and his age, he realized that it was his netizen.

I haven’t seen him playing chess online for so long. It turns out he has become a college student.

Calculating the time, from learning chess to now, it is less than a year. He is really a genius.

With a feeling of relief, Higashino Hibiki pinned his Go life on the boy in front of him, “To the future Honinbo Odagiri – Tori Akino Mirai.”

“Come on.”

Seeing Hibiki Higashino’s message, Odagiri bowed fiercely, “Thank you very much!”

Another half hour passed.

There were many people queuing up, Hibiki Higashino encouraged himself, thinking he was drawing comics.

Keep your head down and keep working, telling yourself in your heart that you don’t want to imitate the way Mr. Liu Xiaolingtong signed.

Have a correct attitude and be safe and sound.

“Because of Tori Akino-sensei, I joined the school’s Go club and became its director. I saved the Go club that was on the verge of being abolished and attracted many classmates to join. My name is Nishimura.”

A series of chant-like sounds entered his ears, making Hibiki want to laugh.

It’s definitely West Village style.

“Nishimura, don’t you rarely go to the Go club? Now you work as a cow and horse in the animation team.” Hibiki Hibiki joked.

“Hey!” the idiot yelled, “How did the teacher know!”

“Pfft,” Kitamoto behind him laughed, and he sighed, “It is indeed Higashino.”

“What is Dongye? Where is Dongye?” Monk Nishimura Zhanger was confused.

“Kitamoto is still smarter,” Higashino Hibiki raised his head, “Nishimura, who brags about not drafting, is much stupider.”

“Higashiya? Hey! Higashikata!” Nishimura looked at Hibiki Higashi with cross-eyed eyes.

“Why are you sitting in Tori Akino-sensei’s seat?”

Kitamoto couldn’t stand it anymore, “Because Higashino is Tori Akino Mirai.”

“Oh, eh!” Nishimura was shocked.

“My good friend is a great cartoonist?”

“Do you want to sign this sentence? “My good friend is the great cartoonist-Tori Akino Mirai”? Dongye Xiang asked, tilting his head.

“No, no, no,” Nishimura shook his head repeatedly. He came to his senses and stared at Hibiki Hibiki, looking left and right, “Is it really Higashi?”

“The sentence “It’s really Tono”? Dong Yexiang asked.

“Please write it for me, just a fool who was kept in the dark by his good friends.” He felt a little unhappy.

Thanks for the 1500 reward from QAQ, the account of Haohmiao disappeared.


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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