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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 7 Set off with the beauty.

Toriyama Kazuhiko said: “Higashino, please tell me.”

“Teacher Akimiya…” Higashino Hibiki suddenly realized that the two of them had not let go yet. He shook them off subtly and continued: “Aren’t you curious why Mr. Torishima came with me?”

“Oh!” She clenched her fists and clapped her palms, then realized later, “Why?”

Dong Yexiang narrowed his eyes and was speechless.

Why is this guy so dazed and staring? It’s very unreliable. You can also become a teacher of Qiugong Art. Is this a family business?

I envy people who can succeed without working hard.

He also wants to eat and die.

Akimiya Akemi raised her eyebrows, “Are you scolding me?”

Higashino Hibiki replied calmly: “Of course not.”

“No, I feel it, my intuition is very keen!”

“……Feel sorry……”

“Why are you apologizing? Isn’t this a direct admission?”


Hibiki turned away his head and said seriously after a while: “The reason why Torishima-san and I came together is because I also submitted an article to Jump magazine.”

Akimiya Akemi went crazy, “Don’t act like nothing happened.”

Higashino Hibiki stared at her with dead fish eyes, so that he could not see her angry look, only the area under her head…

Oops, that part was beating so hard that it made Hibiki’s heart beat faster.

So he said it in one breath, “Because my ability is not up to par, Mr. Torishima recommended that I study as an assistant to Mr. Akira Toriyama for a period of time.”

Well, that explains it clearly in one sentence.

When blood is supplied to other parts, the brain still completes the combination of sentences very well.

“Teacher Akira Toriyama?” She was very excited and held Higashino Hibiki’s hands. “Is it Mr. Akira Toriyama from “Dragon Ball”?”

“Of course!” Higashino Hibiki struggled to break free from her hand, “The only one is Mr. Akira Toriyama.”

“Ah, I’m so envious.” She didn’t care, holding her hands in front of her chest, looking at Higashi Hibiki with tears in her eyes, “I also want to have such an opportunity.”

Higashikata didn’t speak, he was also the one being taken care of.

He has been troubled by Torishima Kazuhiko for a long time. How could he be a good person and make it difficult for Torishima Kazuhiko?

However, Akimiya Akemi did not make a strong request.

She returned to her desk and dug through the drawers. After a while, he brought out a bundle of 10,000-yuan bills and handed them to Hibiki Higashikata with both hands.

“This is the registration fee. You can take it back. It’s 600,000 yen in total, 22 days.”

Dong Yexiang took it and took a deep breath in his heart.

It’s so expensive, it’s already two months’ salary of Higashino Ichiro.

The cost of studying art is terrifying.

“If my father’s side…” Hibiki said hesitantly, he was worried that he would be discovered by Ichiro Higashino when he went to Toriyama Akira’s house in Nishikasugai Town, Aichi Prefecture.

“I will help you smooth things over,” Akimiya Akemi said with a smile while stroking the hair beside her ears: “You can just study with peace of mind. This is a rare opportunity for those who yearn to become cartoonists.”

She pondered and repeated, “Well, a rare opportunity.”

“Oh,” Torishima Kazuhiko sighed and stood up, “Let me ask for you.”

The next day, at Tokyo International Airport.

Higashino Hibiki and Akimiya Akemi, who were carrying schoolbags and carrying suitcases, met.

She waved excitedly and couldn’t be happier.

Logically speaking, what Akimiya Akemi, who has rich experience, needs now is not to learn from others, but to settle down.

“It might be enlightening, just a little bit.”

Miss Akimiya who said this gave up her job as an art class teacher and “eloped” with Hibiki Higashino.

“Editor Torishima has entrusted you to me, so be obedient.”

Higashino glanced at her speechlessly, thinking that he was a primary school student.

Although she applied concealer, you could still see the faint dark circles on her face.

She is just like a primary school student. She is so happy that she can’t sleep when she wants to go hiking.

Akimiya Akemi narrowed her eyes and stared at Hibiki Higashikata.

Higashikata was startled, remembering her keen intuition, and asked quickly: “How did Miss Akimiya speak to Mr. Akimiya?”

“Thanks to you,” she laughed and patted Hibiki Higashikata on the shoulder, “You are from Yanyan High School, right? I said I would take you to the seniors to further your studies.”

“It’s very unreliable. Did Mr. Qiugong agree?”

Remembering that she had just finished speaking and ran out quickly, Akimiya Akemi touched the back of her head and said guiltily: “I agreed, um, I agreed!”

She was not mistaken.

When you get to the boarding gate, you still have to wait for half an hour.

Higashino Hibiki opened his schoolbag and took out the Chinese and history textbooks for the first and second grade students in high school.

Review silently.

This is my first time reading Japanese textbooks.

History textbooks omit or delete the invasion of other countries. This is what Hibiki Higashino can think of.

But the Chinese subject surprised him.

It actually includes many ancient Chinese poems.

“Peach Blossom Spring”, “Hongmen Banquet”, “Send Yuan Er Envoy to Anxi”…

There is even “The Romance in the Peach Garden”.

And they are all in traditional Chinese characters.

Hibiki Higashi was confused for a moment. Is this a domestic textbook? Or a Japanese textbook?

What I learned hasn’t changed.

Scroll forward and there are articles by Mr. Lu Xun, this time in Japanese.

It looks very familiar, and it brings me back to the time when I had morning classes at 7 o’clock and recited ancient poems.

“Huh?” Akimiya Akemi came over, covered her mouth and said in surprise: “Do you want to study at this time?”

“Yeah.” Dong Yexiang nodded.

He wants to draw comics while studying hard to get into a good university.

So can’t relax.

You must have the awareness to sleep for 4 hours and spend the rest of your time drawing comics and studying.

Anyway, he is bald, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Akimiya Minmei nodded, “Today’s young people are really amazing.”

We had only known each other for less than a day, but we were already very familiar with her, and there was no sense of alienation at all.

Realizing that Higashino Hibiki was studying, she stopped disturbing him and looked at the crowd outside the window boredly, thinking quietly.

About an hour passed before she patted Hibiki Hibiki on the shoulder and said, “It’s time to go.”

Sitting in an adjacent seat, Akimiya Akemi saw Hibiki Higashino take out a comic book again.

It’s “Arale” and “Movie Girl”.

“I started studying comics again.”

She admired the boy in front of her.

It is very difficult to know what you should do and work hard for it.

“Mature, not like a high school student.” She whispered.


Hibiki Higashikata is watching “Arale”.

Dr. Marcelit is a mad scientist and the villain who targets Arale.

It looks a lot like Torishima Kazuhiko, or Dr. Masilit was drawn by Toriyama Akira based on Torishima Kazuhiko.

That’s why the uncle sitting next to him at the “Pole Pole” family restaurant mistook Torishima Kazuhiko for Dr. Masilit’s cosplayer.

It can be seen that the bond between Akira Toriyama and Kazuhiko Toshima is very deep.

He happily promised himself and Akimiya Akemi to be assistants.

But why is Torishima Kazuhiko so concerned about it?

According to the ability of the original owner, it was not enough for him to do his best.

“Is it true?” He shook his head violently to stop himself from thinking.


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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