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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 72 Assistant

Akimiya Akemi was in a bad mood. She spent more than half a year drawing comics for a long time, but Sasaki pointed out a lot of shortcomings.

Stream of consciousness, which focuses too much on pictures but lacks storytelling, is not suitable for the Jump platform.

Rather than serializing the comic, it would be better to publish it as a illustrated magazine.

As a child of a Ukiyo-e master, Akimiya Akemi’s paintings have an indescribable artistry. Unfortunately, her dream was to become a cartoonist and she chose a path that was not suitable for her.

Sasaki left for an hour, and she was still gloomy and a little depressed.

Higashikata rubbed his head. He didn’t know why he liked Akimiya Akemi very much.

Maybe it’s because she just likes the purity of comics, or maybe it’s because she’s very pretty.

When Miss Akimiya appeared in front of him in a kimono, his heart skipped a beat.

Thinking of this, he stood up, grabbed Akimiya Minmei’s right hand, and pulled her out of the door.

“You…what are you doing?” Akimiya Minmei was panicked.

“Miss Akimiya, I don’t like Japanese festivals,” Hibiki Higashino said as he walked. “For example, this New Year, I didn’t go to the temple to ring the bells or draw lots to make wishes, but I will never forget the fireworks display in 1993. “

“Ha…” Akimiya Akemi blushed.

“So please, give me a chance to like Japanese New Year.”

“That’s it.” Akimiya Akemi stopped, but Hibiki couldn’t hold her back.

“I’m going to change some clothes.”

She went upstairs.

There is a temple near “Yoshiharaso”.

It is not famous, but although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs and everything it should have.

On a cold winter night, Akimiya Akemi was bundled up tightly and wearing long leather boots, quietly following Higashino Hibiki.

Looking up at Hibiki Tono, she felt safe.

Walking quietly along the tram track, Higashino breathed a sigh of relief, and there was a long mist filling the air.

More than 20 minutes later, they arrived at their destination.

The temple was empty, and after the New Year, it returned to its usual tranquility.

Higashino Hibiki and Akimiya Akemi walked to the money box. He put a 10 yen coin in, shook the bell, and clasped his hands together.

I made a wish in my heart.

“Is this how you do it?” He turned to ask Akimiya Akemi.

Akimiya Akemi shook her head, “Your ceremony has been simplified a lot, but just be sincere.”

She imitated Hibiki Higashi’s movements, maybe she made a wish, but she just said it out loud.

“I hope I can serialize comics.”×3

“Wouldn’t it work if you read it out?” Dong Yexiang asked.

“I just find some spiritual comfort,” Akimiya Akemi said indifferently, “I think I will be happier if I read it now.”

“Hahaha,” Higashino Hibiki laughed, “How unique, Miss Akimiya.”

A foreigner like him would be asked to restrain him, but locals would be indifferent after seeing him too much.

“Please let Miss Akimiya serialize it as soon as possible.”

He expressed his wish just now.

“Eh?” Akimiya Minmei was surprised, “Did you make a wish for me?”

“Well,” Hibiki Higashi nodded, “all my wishes have come true, whether it’s serialization or getting into college. The only thing is…”

He looked straight at Akimiya Akemi, “Such a wish may go against my dream. Miss Akimiya left me and started the serialization, but I think only in this way, Miss Akimiya will be happier.”

She lowered her head and her ears were red.

She felt shy for a moment, and her heart jumped.

“I regret it,” Hibiki said.

“During the fireworks display in 1993, I shouldn’t have confessed hastily.”

“Get along more with each other first, accumulate feelings in daily life, and then sound the trumpet for victory when you feel that you are sure of victory.”

“When I saw Miss Akimiya, I suddenly fell in love with you. Inexplicably, I couldn’t restrain myself. In the end, a barrier formed.”

Perhaps because he was about to graduate, Hibiki Higashino spoke his mind.

His eyes were soft, filled with warmth and adoration.

“I’ve been curious,” Akimiya Akemi burst out laughing, “why Touya-kun suddenly fell in love with me, so different from the usual you.”

“Mature, steady, hard-working, and progressive, that’s what it is.”

“Well,” Higashino nodded, “Miss Akimiya is so cute.”

The coldness touched his nose for a moment, and then turned into water.

Dongye Xiang raised his head and saw snowflakes falling under the dark sky, “It’s snowing, let’s go back.”

“Yeah.” Akimiya Akemi nodded.

She stood behind Dongye Xiang, her face flushed.

The heavier the snow fell, the more unbearable the heat became for her.

Today’s New Year’s visit to the shrine was something she would never forget in her life.

The next day, Sasaki brought an assistant.

His facial features are very good, but he is a little fat and has acne on his face, which greatly affects his appearance.

He introduced himself: “I have watched “The Soul of Chess” and I like it very much. I often wonder why I didn’t draw it.”

This little fat man talked without restraint at all and talked a lot.

In 1992, when he was still a high school student, he entered the Tezuka Awards under the pen name “Moon, Fire, Water, Wood, Metal and Earth”, hoping to use this unique pen name to attract the attention of the judges.

The result was a masterpiece, which gave him the confidence to pursue a career in comics.

After entering college, I felt that college studies were a waste of time, so I decisively dropped out and worked as an assistant to improve myself.

“Tori Akino, you and Nobuhiro Watsuki are both geniuses. I’m not convinced after reading your comics. I should be able to serialize them myself.”

Dong Yexiang was tired of hearing what he said.

He hasn’t stopped talking since he entered the house.

He also talked about how when he was a child, he happened to see the second volume of Dragon Ball and was immediately shocked beyond words.

“It’s not worse than Disney comics, but much better. That’s what I thought at the time. I became a loyal reader of Akira Toriyama-sensei, the brainless kind. I also had my own goal to become a cartoonist.”

Having said this, he stared at Higashino Hibiki enviously.

Akira Toriyama did not accept assistants. He applied many times but was rejected.

“Toriyama Akira-sensei has only had two assistants for so many years of serialization. After they left, he drew comics by himself.” Yuehuo Mizuki Metal Earth gritted his teeth, “I didn’t expect to suddenly accept you as an assistant! What an honor!”

“Hahaha, of course it’s because I’m talented.” Higashikata laughed.

It’s Yuzawa from the kid Higashino Hibiki.

His paintings once made Akira Toriyama deeply moved.

Looking at Yue Huo and wanting to speak again, Higashikata stretched out his hand to ask him to stop.

He said seriously: “Let me see your painting skills, and we will talk about it after passing it.”

The assistant is a person who serves the cartoonist, so it is natural that he needs to know his basic skills.

Yue Huo nodded confidently.

“I will definitely succeed, tell you my name in advance.”

“Oda, Oda Eiichiro.”

Thanks to Typical Home for the tip.


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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