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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 79 There is no rain

Kofu City, Yamanashi Prefecture, Japan, is known as the Crystal City and has many gem and jewelry shops.

A 28-year-old girl with shaggy hair and wearing a white down jacket walked out of her jewelry store and sat on a table and chair outside the store, enjoying the midday sunshine in March.

She put mint and spices in a tea cup, brewed it with boiling water, and finally added milk to satisfy her taste.

This is her favorite drink, but unfortunately she is too busy at work and rarely has time to be as leisurely as she was at noon today. Enjoy a midday cup of tea.

Put on your sunglasses, look at the sun, and take out a comic magazine from the bag on the side.

On the cover of this magazine are photos of recent famous women, which look a bit inappropriate.

“Hey, Princess Naoko, long time no see.” An uncle passed by on his bicycle.

“Well… long time no see.” She covered the comic cover sheepishly, fearing that she would be thought to be reading something serious.

Fortunately, the uncle didn’t pay attention and just said a few words along the way.

She breathed a sigh of relief.

Naoko looked at “Weekly YOUNGJUMP” and curled her lips.

She loves reading comics, especially shojo comics, to the extent that she often pretended to be sick when she was a child just to read shojo comics.

As for shounen comics, everyone is welcome.

The works of Leiji Matsumoto are her favorite.


“There are obviously many good works, why do you have to play such a marginal game…”

He covered his face in distress.

However, she was also attracted by the marginal cover.

I was very curious about the content, so I secretly bought a copy. I didn’t expect it to be a serious comic, and I felt like I had been deceived.

Thanks to this whim, she saw an interesting love story.

Different from fairy tale works that are light and princess-like, it is very realistic, just like a comic about real love.

The people in the work all have their own troubles, and not a word of love can solve their troubles.

It has similarities with her favorite “Tokyo Love Story”.

Naoko has always longed for the dreamlike love of a princess and prince, but she also likes this kind of work.

“”The Garden of Words”…” The red lips parted slightly, “The author is Tori Akino Mirai… a talented cartoonist who started serializing at the age of 18.”

It’s really amazing. People like Naoko, who have a smooth career in comics, only have short comics published in magazines when they are eighteen years old at most.

By the time it was serialized, it was already 1989, when I had been working for a while after graduating from college.

“The Soul of Chess is interesting, but I prefer The Garden of Words.”

She took another sip of the drink and looked around carefully. No one paid attention to her, so she recalled what she had said before.

This comic has been serialized to its third chapter.

The relationship between the male and female protagonists went from being reserved to knowing each other well.

Naoko particularly likes the scene where the male and female protagonists are looking forward to the rain.

When it rains, there is a reason to meet.

It’s the kind of anticipation and excitement that can jump to avoid the beach.

When they meet again, Takao and Yukino are even closer.

Takao was still drawing shoes, and Yukino would half-drag her high heels and expose her feet, which was particularly charming and made Naoko, a girl, excited.

“The drawings are really good, worthy of being drawn by a male cartoonist.” Naoko thought so at the time. She looked at her feet and wondered how she could draw them so seductively.

Later, Takao would look secretly and draw the slender feet with the tip of his pen.

This innocent scene made Naoko smile again.

Exchange and communication began between the two of them.

Yukino shared his beer and chocolate, a strange combination that disgusted Takao. When we get together later, we will bring our own food.

The time in the comics has entered the rainy season, and the accelerator button has started to press. Takao always skips class under the excuse of rain, and comes here to meet the mysterious and admired person.

The two become closer and Takao is able to tell her about his dreams.

This morning, Xueye was hesitating whether to get on the train and leave, but finally came to the Garden of Words.

She brought her own bento, and she could only say that the taste was very unique, so it was difficult to comment on whether it tasted good or not.

At this point, the first two chapters are over.

Now you can finally watch the third episode.

The comic begins with a troubled story.

Why does Yukino keep drinking beer and eating chocolate?

It turned out that it was because she was sick and her sense of taste was paralyzed, so she could only feel the taste when eating strong-flavored food.

But recently, she could taste Takao’s bento.

“It seems to be a psychological reason.”

As a pharmacist, Naoko had some insights. She began to wonder, what was the reason that caused Yukino’s sense of taste to be paralyzed?

What follows seems to be somewhat revealing.

Xueye faced some rumors, but her ex-boyfriend did not choose to believe her.

So she chose to resign and escape.

The huge psychological pressure made Xueye curl up in pain. It wasn’t until it started raining again that I became happy.

During this meeting in July, Takao wanted to make a pair of shoes for Yukino, which made Naoko’s heart beat fast.

Obviously it was just Takao touching Yukino’s feet, but Naoko felt that this scene was so lewd.

The kissing and sticking in many shoujo comics are not as careful as this careful touch.

The two people are closer, but there is still a gap. Xueye did not say anything about his situation in the end.

“I know almost nothing about her, including her occupation, age, any worries, and even her name. Despite this, I am still deeply attracted to her and cannot resist.”

The rainy season has passed.

Xueye will still go to the Garden of Words, but the Garden of Words on a sunny day is so unfamiliar.

If her foundation accidentally breaks, she will break down and cry.

Xiaoxiong didn’t go anymore, he was busy working every day.

Save up for school fees and buy shoemaking tools and leather.

He didn’t want to be treated like a child, and wanted Yukino to look at him levelly, so he acted extra mature.

Xueye started drinking beer and eating chocolate again.

She is more like a child than Takao. Covered by the high pavilion roof, it stayed in place.

The comic is over.

“There will be more! There will be serialization!” Naoko was a little crazy.

The comic stopped here, which really made her worry that it would end like this and have a bad ending.

“There is faint thunder, and the sky is cloudy, but I hope the wind and rain come and can keep you here.”

The relationship between the two of them is extremely fragile.

Only when the wind and rain come can we get together.

Xueye had just been healed a little, because there was no rain, and he was back to the past.

“I really hope there will be a happy ending,” Naoko closed the comic book and sighed slightly.

In her opinion, the age gap is just twelve years, but in this work, it has become the biggest gap.

Yukino’s problem has never made any more progress because he didn’t regard Takao as someone to talk to.

If Takao was of the same age, they would have become boyfriend and girlfriend long ago.

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Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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