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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 82 Putting on Shoes

The final chapter of “The Garden of Words” has finally been printed in a comic magazine.

After waiting for the editor to leave, Akimiya Akemi said: “Can you let me see Youth Jump first?”

Hibiki Higashino was curious and handed the magazine to her.

Akimiya Akemi took it, took a deep breath, and thought about what Higashino finally wanted to draw.

It is also the final thought in the work.

This is her first time reading this comic from the perspective of a reader, or in other words, trying to understand Yukino and Takao.

After meeting Takao, Yukino tried taking a train. It turned out that she was going back to her hometown on Shikoku Island.

This time, she told Xiaoxiong, goodbye.

Takao was disappointed and stood up to say goodbye. Even though it was still raining outside, he couldn’t stay any longer.

Yukino cried in the empty room.

She recalled the time she spent with Xiaoxiong, making lunch boxes for her, making shoes for her, and those words.

“There is faint thunder and a cloudy sky. Even if it doesn’t rain, I will stay here.”

Suddenly she changed her mind and stood up in a hurry, throwing the stool aside.

Xueye ran out of the room, not caring to put on his shoes. With bare feet, he walked out of the defense line in his heart and took the step he had always expected.

She ran quickly, and even if she fell, she immediately got up and wanted to catch up with Xiaoxiong.

Finally, in the rain, she saw Xiaoxiong.

I have a lot of things I want to tell him.

“Miss Yukino, please forget what I just said. In fact, I don’t like you at all.”

Seeing Takao’s words, Akimiya Akemi’s heart tightened.

The passionate ditty she had just been playing and singing in her heart stopped for an instant, and there was a kind of breathless tension.

Takao said: “You seemed unlikable from the beginning.”

He gritted his teeth and said, “Drink beer early in the morning and play incomprehensible short songs to fool people.”

Angry, “You don’t mention anything about your own affairs, but you keep trying to figure out other people’s thoughts. You already know that we have a teacher-student relationship, right?”

Painful, “That’s too cunning! If I knew you were a teacher, I wouldn’t have mentioned shoemaking.”

Roaring, “It can’t be done anyway! It’s impossible! Why don’t you tell me so!”

“Don’t you think it’s enough to just ignore a child’s sleep talking?”

“No matter what I long for! No matter who I admire, I can’t express it, it’s just wishful thinking!”

“You’ve known it from the beginning, so make it clear!”

“It’s such an eyesore. Children should just go to school!”

“Say you hate me!”

Different words from different lenses are densely packed.

But it’s Takao, the entire manga’s mental journey.

This is what has always been portrayed. After seeing so many words, you will not feel bored. Instead, everything is connected together, and the story reaches its climax!

Akimiya Akemi’s scalp is numb. Although she painted part of it herself, she didn’t feel the emotion of this work until now.

“Is this what Takao has been suppressing?”

Akimiya Akemi murmured. He watched Takao curse Yukino and cried in pain.

I also shed tears.

Finally, the rain that had been falling continuously throughout the entire article suddenly cleared up.

The sun shattered the hazy sky, and Xueye threw herself into Takao’s arms, crying heartily.

Tell him that he is dressed up and ready to go to school every day, but he is always overwhelmed by fear and cannot take a step. It is Xiaoxiong who redeems himself.

They hugged each other tightly, and a rainbow hung in the sky.

This is the true “Even if it doesn’t rain, I will stay here.”

At the end of the story, I finally let go.

Akimiya Akemi smiled, she was very happy,

However, I remembered what happened next.

Xueye left the city and returned to his hometown to teach.

Their lives went their separate ways, but life went on.

“Why is this happening?” she asked Higashikata Hibiki.

Higashino Hibiki smiled with relief. Until now, Miss Akimiya finally felt the same.

“What about you?” Higashino Hibiki asked, “What result do you hope to have?”

“Of course,” Akimiya Akemi’s words were ready to come out.

“I hope they can be together.”

She and Hibiki Higashi said at the same time.

Blushing shyly, Akimiya Akemi continued: “If we can be together, it must be the happiest time. For them…”

“Yes.” So Hibiki turned the page.

A few months later, Takao became calmer and received a letter from Yukino with words of blessing for him.

Takao has already prepared the pair of shoes for Yukino and placed them in the park pavilion on a snowy day.

He was going to find Yukino.

“So?” Akimiya Akemi raised her head, “Is it an open ending?”

Higashikata shook his head and turned to the cover of the last chapter of “The Garden of Words”.


Akimiya Akemi’s eyes lit up. The Yukino in the cover was wearing the shoes that were finally made in the manga.

“so it is?”

“Yeah,” Higashikata nodded.

The two of them are together.

“So…Miss Akimiya, you…” Higashino Hibiki hadn’t asked the question yet.

She threw herself into her arms.

Dong Yexiang was stunned for a while, and finally hugged her tightly.

“Dongye, I realized that I also like you.”

“Thank you, Miss Akimiya.”

Looking down at Akimiya Akemi in his arms, Hibiki thought of the fireworks display that summer.

This time, he lowered his head and kissed her.

No need to wear a mask.

“Well, Higashikata.” Akimiya Akemi murmured.

After a while, she asked sheepishly: “Want to touch my feet?”

Hibiki didn’t want to be thought of as a foot fetishist, but he didn’t know why, so he nodded.

“Sure enough, he is a pervert.” Akimiya Akemi said.

After Naoko Takeuchi finished reading “The Garden of Words”, she felt silent for a while.

The final ending was not very satisfying to her.

The people in love parted ways, which made her, a person who longed for love, very unhappy.

Princess Naoko has always dreamed of finding her own prince.

Live a happy life with your sweetheart and your children in a cute little house surrounded by the fragrance of flowers.

If people who love each other don’t cherish each other, it would be a pity in her eyes.

Taking out her cell phone, she called someone.

“Hey, it’s Zhuoyuan Yi.”

“I am Naoko Takeuchi, Mr. Ohara, long time no see.”

Kazuo Uhara is a jump cartoonist whom Naoko Takeuchi knows, and the two occasionally cross paths.

Naoko said she wanted Tori Akino’s contact information.

Higashino Hibiki was in a tender relationship with Akimiya Akemi. At this moment, he was simply the happiest.

The “Soul of Chess” comic passed the serialization meeting, and I wasn’t as happy as I am now.

When he heard that Takeuchi Naoko wanted to contact him, he only asked him to tell him about the easter egg on the cover, said thank you to him by the way, and hung up the phone.

“Who is it?” Qiugong Mingmei was curious.

Hibiki looked at her feet and drew them with brush strokes.

“Readers of The Garden of Words.”


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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