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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 84 Difficulties in Go

Last September, Yanyan High School had an academic trip, and the destination was Mount Asama.

Hibiki Higashino didn’t go because he wanted to serialize “The Soul of Chess”.

After Akimiya Akemi returned to “Yoshiharaso” from Mount Asama, she became sensitive, leaving Hibiki confused at the time.

Now that I think about it, it turns out that it was during that trip that I witnessed the intimate behavior between Kitamoto and Matsuzaki-sensei.

“Can teachers and students really be together?” She must have had this thought in her heart.

If we had struck while the iron was hot, there might not have been a need for “The Garden of Words.”

However, because of the serialization of “The Garden of Words”, the relationship between Matsuzaki-sensei and Kitamoto must have gotten closer, so she chose to resign, which is not bad.

Higashi Hibiki sorted everything out.

After Nishimura graduated, he went to his ideal university, studying agriculture and animal husbandry.

“The pigs I raise will definitely be great,” he gave a thumbs up, proudly, “I will share it with you when the time comes, so remember to thank me.”

Higashino Hibiki didn’t expect that Nishimura’s dream turned out to be farming and animal husbandry.

The work in this line of work is dirty and tiring, and he has a down-to-earth direction.

Kitamoto congratulated Nishimura. Three years passed by and he was filled with emotions.

“Higashino went to Musashino Art University, and I entered the University of Tokyo. Although we are separated, the distance is not very far, and we can get together from time to time. But Nishimura, you are going to Hokkaido. I don’t know when or where I will be able to be like today. .”

Nishimura is very open-minded, “As long as our hearts are still together, we will see each other again.”

Dongye nodded.

In the Go club.

Koharu plays chess with skilled people.

He’s been in great form lately and is invincible in this club.

“He actually beat Mr. Honda again.” Everyone onlookers praised repeatedly.

“Xiaochun is 30 years old this year, and he can still take the Go exam.”

“Maybe he will become a professional chess player.”

“There are also masters in our club.”

Hearing what they said, Koharu held his head and laughed. He seemed to see others calling him Koharu Shodan.

“In the plot of “The Soul of the Game”,” an uncle held a comic magazine, “Hikari Shindo has become a professional chess player, but it is very difficult to pass the exam.”

Among the 28 masters, only three can become professional chess players and win much attention.

Many people have given up a lot for Go, and in the end they can only regret losing. With full of unwillingness, they leave the world that relies on Go to live.

“The character named Chun in the manga was drawn by Higashino-chan based on you, Koharu. He said he gave up his job to play Go…”

He murmured in a low voice with a complicated expression, “Some people, like him, choose to resign; some people come from other places and have to pay for transportation and renting a house; students cannot concentrate on their studies after playing Go. To become a professional chess player, you can only go to Pheasant University.”

“Everyone is passionate about Go, cares about Go, and plays chess desperately under great pressure. So…” The uncle asked: “Can I really become a professional chess player?”

After saying this, he reacted and waved his hands repeatedly: “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

Xiaochun was stunned for a moment, “It doesn’t matter, I also went to take the vocational exam with this mood.”

He remembered that in the comics, Tsubaki failed the professional exam in the end and lost to Shindo Hikaru, and even others.

“It’s been one month since the preliminary round to the official exam, and one and a half months since the official exam started! You have been growing continuously during this time! But I haven’t grown at all. This is the gap between us!”

This is what Tsubaki said to Shindo Hikari.

But in Xiaochun’s heart, it was more like saying it to herself.

That’s right, after leaving the chess academy at the age of 18, he didn’t make any progress. Even if you try hard to learn chess, you will always lose to those who come after you.

For the past twelve years, he has been staying put, sending away batch after batch of college students, looking up to those geniuses who became professional chess players.

“Am I going to be like Chun in this year’s exam?” Xiaochun thought to herself, “Leave my dream of becoming a professional chess player to others…I…I don’t want to!”

“I want to become a professional chess player!” He clenched his fists. “It’s always been like this. I can never give up. I can’t lose to anyone in this year’s exam!”

Tokyo Go Academy.

Odagiri bowed to the opponent, stamped the victory item on the score sheet, and packed up the chessboard.

Shinoda 4th Dan noticed this scene and walked over in two steps.

After looking at the chess game and reviewing the game, he gave instructions to the two of them, and then said to Odagiri: “After defeating Panasonic, Odagiri, you are also a player.”

Four months after officially entering the chess academy, he was promoted from the bottom of the second group to the first group. Such amazing growth even shocked Shinoda.

A moment of choice led him to discover a piece of jade.

“I’m still far away.” Odagiri became more and more calm.

Shinoda nodded in admiration, “You can give it a try in this year’s professional chess player exam.”

“Eh! Really?” Odagiri is a child after all. He looked at Shinoda’s fourth dan excitedly. After learning Go, he entered the examination room and was only one step away from his dream!

“Well,” Shinoda nodded, “there are still three months, so you should work hard.”

“Yes,” Odagiri stood up, bowed respectfully, and turned to memorize the chess records.

Looking at his back, Shinoda seemed to see Shindo Hikaru.

Holding the fan, Shinoda looked forward to his future.

Higashino Hibiki looked at Yamazaki Akira crying in front of him, feeling a little puzzled.

Recently, she has been having a good time, hosting a small Go class in the later stage of “Soul of Chess”, which seems to have inspired some of her characteristics and is very popular among children.

The ratings of “Chess Soul” have increased, with the average ratings reaching 16.2%, which is also due to her contribution.

Therefore, TV Asahi decided to strike while the iron was hot and launched a column “Yamazaki Meidan’s Go Teaching” column.

I heard that in the teaching column, the ratings are among the best.

She has become a big celebrity.

Why are you crying in front of yourself again?

Higashikata pinched the black chess piece and tried not to ignore her.

I spent my energy on the chessboard, thinking about it carefully, and found that there was nothing I could do to save it.

I lost.

Putting down the chess piece, Higashikata asked: “You have defeated me, why are you still crying?”

Yamazaki Akira shook his head.

“After watching “The Soul of Chess”, I recalled the time during the exam.”

She will also pass the exam.

His strength is like that of a college student named Honda in “The Soul of Chess”.

But he lost the game and shed tears of unwillingness and cried helplessly.

“Fortunately, I won in the end. I really can’t imagine myself not becoming a professional chess player…”


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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