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Full-time cartoonist — Chapter 99 I’m more awesome than Akira Toriyama

“This is actually a new work by Masashi Kishimoto.” Hibiki Higashino was surprised in his heart.

But think about it, you will always meet these people when serializing on Jump. In the future, there may be legends such as Kubo Daito, Xu Feigang, Yabuki Kentaro, etc. in the minds of countless people. It’s no big deal.

Higashikata calmed down.

He read this comic.

After a while, he shook his head.

Kishimoto’s new works are the same as Oda’s. Even if they are geniuses, their initial works will not be exciting.

The story is average, the artwork is average, the pace is average, and to my credit, the light, shadow, and perspective are good.

This happens to be the worst part about Oda.

Kishimoto is an art major, so that’s normal. A professional is a professional after all.

The story is very simple, the female protagonist is kidnapped by a bad guy, and the male protagonist uses his strength to defeat the bad guy.

The style of painting looks a bit dark. No wonder Higashino thought it was familiar and didn’t remember whose work it was for a long time.

“Among all the comics, this one is pretty good,” Hibiki Higashino said.

The tallest among the short ones.

Sasaki glanced at it and nodded, “I’ve also read this one. The author’s drawing skills are quite good among newcomers, and there is no obvious disadvantage.”

“Then choose him first.”

Oda saw the name on the cover and his eyes widened. It turned out to be the work of his fellow artist.

Not only was he shortlisted for the Comic Awards, but he also won an award!

“Perhaps he will be my fierce rival in the future.” He thought.

Oda’s eyes were eager to move, he wanted to take a look.

Hibiki Higashino discovered this in time, “Why are you standing here when you go to draw comics?”

Very majestic, he drove him away.

“Yes, Mr. Tori Akino.” Oda left regretfully.

After that, Hibiki Higashino read other works. I didn’t find any familiar names, so I chose a few works that had shining points.

Evaluated one by one.

The first must be “Robot” by Masashi Kishimoto.

Sasaki handed him the evaluation form.

Since we are evaluating newcomers, we cannot be too harsh.

In several very general aspects, Hibiki Higashino scored 3 stars.

Regarding the painting skills, I gave it four stars considering the skill.

It looks average. Compared with most other works that have 2 stars, it already gives enough face.

As for the evaluation, Hibiki Higashino wrote it on the kraft paper cover of the work.

“Works that look like they were painted for yourself should be put more into consideration from the reader’s perspective.

The picture is a bit dark, please adapt to the jump style.

The painter still needs more practice. “

No good reviews, just suggestions.

After finishing writing reviews of other works, Higashino breathed a sigh of relief.

It took more than an hour, and this job was not easy.

“Thank you for your hard work, Tori Akino-sensei.”

After Sasaki looked at it once, he put it away.

“Originally, we were supposed to ask Mr. Hirohiko Araki to be the judge, but he recommended you to us.”

he said at last.

Two weeks have passed since the Go professional exam.

In six games, Koharu lost two and won four.

Sure enough, everyone who can enter the professional game has two skills.

Xiaochun was very nervous. If he lost more than five games, he would not have to compete and would be eliminated directly.

The total number of competitions in this professional examination is twenty-four, and Xiaochun is in danger.

The teacher who maintained order looked at Xiaochun and knew that he basically had no chance.

Judging from his experience, after more than 20 games, three people who can become professional chess players can only lose four games at most.

There is no way he could only lose two out of the remaining eighteen games.

All these years. He has seen many frustrated, even desperate chess players crying and moaning.

But still feel sorry for them.

Xiaochun sat on the opponent’s table, looked at the person opposite him, and suddenly his face dropped in fear.

The boy with a bright smile was Odagiri, who had beaten him twice in the qualifying rounds.

“Uncle Xiaochun, thank you.”


He still lost this game, faster than before.

I felt like I could win if I worked hard before, but this time I was in despair and couldn’t see any chance of winning. The gap between the two sides is growing wider.

“I lost.” Xiaochun said disappointedly.

Masashi Kishimoto, a student in the Fine Arts Department of Kyushu Sangyo University, Faculty of Arts, just returned to the dormitory when he heard the building manager say to him.

“I have your letter.”

Kishimoto was looking forward to news about something so much that he couldn’t sleep at night in anticipation.

When I heard these words, my heart was pounding and I felt like the whole world was shaking.

After receiving the letter, he looked at the organization from which it was sent and found that it was indeed Shueisha.

After carefully packing up the thick letter, he returned to his single-room dormitory.

“Winning the Shueisha HOP STEP Grand Prize!” When he saw these words, he read out excitedly and jumped up and down happily in the room of about 5 square meters.

“This is my debut as a cartoonist!”

He really wanted to strike while the iron was hot and create another work quickly.

When he was a child, he saw the “Dragon Ball” animation and naturally fell in love with Akira Toriyama.

Because of Akira Toriyama, he read works such as “Fist of the North Star” and “Muscular Man” and became addicted to the comic world of Jump.

Then I want to become a cartoonist.

He started drawing comics when he was in high school, but he was severely criticized by his younger brother. His college classmates also said that the comics he drew were for himself, so they were very boring and terrible.

Because these college classmates particularly liked “Soul of Chess”, he followed it for a while.

I want to learn Tori Akino’s narrative skills from the future.

Then I submitted the article.

Unexpectedly, good news came!

When Akira Toriyama failed to submit his first Grand Prize submission, I was even better than Akira Toriyama!

He couldn’t help but get excited.

Until I saw the evaluations of various judges.

“The story is average and the protagonist’s presence is too low.”

“The painting style is too dark.”

“There is still a lot of room for improvement as an artist.”

“You can learn more from Teacher Guangming Shamura’s techniques.”

The reviews were all very average, which instantly cooled his fiery heart.

“I still can’t do it now.”

Even among the authors who have been selected for the “Tezuka Prize”, the highest award for newcomers in comics, few have the ability to serialize their works in a short period of time.

The only person Kishimoto could think of was Mirai Tori Akino.

I am far worse than the other person.

At least it has to reach the level that the other party just serialized. he thinks.

“We have to keep working hard!” Kishimoto encouraged himself.

Collecting this envelope well, he began to work hard for his future.

Hibiki Higashino hates the weather in June!

After getting rid of the filter of “The Garden of Words”, he will start to face a series of troubles.

Clothes never dry, and the whole room is almost full of wet clothes.

He also has to worry about the ink getting wet. If a page of manuscript that he drew in two or three hours is accidentally destroyed, he will really want to die.

The most troublesome thing about dealing with mold is that the dormitories at Musashino Art University are made of wood.

These molds are growing wantonly like the U.S. military that discovered oil.

There was a fishy smell everywhere in the room.

He could only handle it so often.

At the end of June, Hibiki had just finished cleaning up the mold. He was wearing an apron and had a sore back.

Sasaki came to the door.

He told Hibiki Higashino that if he agreed, the second season of Chess Spirit could be produced immediately and could be broadcast in October this year.

Hearing that it was still the same team, Higashino Hibiki readily agreed.

Only a fool would refuse such a good thing.

It’s July and Tokyo is really hot.

Fortunately, Hibiki Higashi always stayed in the dormitory and didn’t have to work in an environment exposed to the sun.

He himself is looking forward to this summer, as he finally doesn’t have to face the nasty rainy weather.

And gradually, summer vacation has arrived.

Dong Yexiang went home. He hasn’t been home for a long time.

At the door of the house, Dong Yexi was sprinkling water. When he saw him, his hands were full of gifts and he stepped forward to greet him.

But when I remembered that he hadn’t been home for more than half a year, I hummed, pretended not to notice, wiped my hands on my apron, and turned around to walk to the kitchen.

Dong Yexiang quickly grabbed her and apologized: “I’m sorry, Mom, I haven’t been back to see you for a long time.”

He didn’t make any excuses. Being busy was one thing, but not being home was another.

Dong Yexi turned his head and ignored him.

Hibiki Higashikata sighed, Higashino’s mother is really a very gentle person.

Touching her somewhat rough hands, Hibiki handed her a gift bag, which was skin care cosmetics recommended by Akimiya Akemi. Each package costs 380,000 yen, which is equivalent to the monthly income of ordinary people in Tokyo.

Touching Akimiya’s smooth face, Higashino felt that this thing should be very useful, so he bought a copy for his mother.

Even with the Daiginjo for Higashino Ichiro, he returned home without taking any side.

“Ah,” Higashi Yexi finally spoke. She glanced at the brand in surprise, “Mrs. Kameno next door told me about this skin care product. I heard it is very effective.”

“Then give it a try.” Higashino took off her apron and hung it on the hook on the wall.

Dong Yexi didn’t stop him, and Dong Yexiang wanted to hold his hand and sit down in the living room.

“Forget it, I’ll study it later.”

There were more than a dozen bottles and cans, and Dong Yexi put them aside without blaming Dong Yexiang.

He was able to bring gifts home, which proved that he still cared about them. Dong Yexi was very satisfied.

“But, will this cosmetic be too expensive?” She touched her face and said worriedly.

Higashino Hibiki said with a smile: “To me, it’s just a drop in the bucket.”

With the release of the third volume of “The Spirit of Chess”, his income in the first half of this year has exceeded 100 million yen.

The consumption of cosmetics is really drizzle.

Dong Yexi looked at him happily.

She didn’t care whether Hibiki Higashino had any future, she just hoped that he could grow up healthily.

Now that he can see the high-spirited Hibiki Higashikata, Higashino Shio is very happy.

“By the way, where’s dad?” Higashikata asked.

“Going out to work.” Dong Yexi said.

“He has a restless personality. Although he no longer drives the night bus, he still can’t stand being raised by his son, so he drives a taxi again during the day.”

She covered her mouth and laughed.

Yesterday I was addicted to chatting with people on QQ… I ran out of saved articles…


Full-time cartoonist

Full-time cartoonist

Status: Completed Author:


In 1993, Japan was in the midst of an economic bubble bursting.
The economy is in recession, life is miserable, and social trends are heading downwards.
Higashino Hibiki, who was an art student in time, began to change himself, study hard, make progress every day, and work hard towards Musashino Art University.
At the same time, he submitted articles to "Weekly Shonen Jump" and started as an assistant to the god-level cartoonist Akira Toriyama.
The first serialized comic "Chess Soul".
The second comic series "Slam Dunk".
Adaptation of the short comic "The Garden of Words"
"Unheard Flower Name"
"Second speed of five centimeters"
"Millennium Actress"
"Red chili"
"Madoka Magica"
"Hanzawa Naoki"
"Dream Eaters"


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not work with dark mode